【七一反共节_中国禁闻_中国新闻评论】网络发起七一反共节 全民〝倒共〞(NTDtvChinese2) http://www.ntdtv.com【新 唐人2014年07月04日讯】7月1号,是中共所谓的〝建党日〞。中共海外喉舌
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【禁闻】网络发起七一反共节 全民〝倒共〞
tt Yang
Published on Jul 4, 2014
【禁闻】网络发起七一反共节 全民〝倒共〞
更新时间: 2014-07-04 02:20 AM [纽约时间]
标签 九评 | 三退 | 全民倒共
节目 禁聞
320P 观看下载
【新唐人2014年07月04日讯】7月1号,是中共所谓的〝建党日〞。中共海外喉舌《环球时报》刊文,为中共唱赞歌。不过,这一天,香港上百万 人走上街头,高呼〝打倒中国共产党〞;还有网络人士在网上发起〝七一反共节〞,呼吁以各种方式全民〝倒共〞。这一天同时也是〝全球退党日〞,已有 近1亿7千万中国人选择了抛弃了中共恶党。下面请看报导。
7月1号,《环球时报》发文说,中共93年来渐入所谓〝执政佳境〞,号称8千万党员〝渗入〞中国社会各个阶层,与国家和人民〝同命运〞,还说所谓 〝祝党好,就是祝国家和人民好。〞
时事评论员任百鸣:〝为了保持(中共)自己的生存,故意的就把中共邪恶的党和我们这个5千年文化的民族、国家它进行一种捆绑。叫你党、国不分,爱 党就是要爱国,你反对共产党,你就是反对中国,你就是非法、你就是卖国贼。〞
时事评论员任百鸣表示,越来越多的中国人在思想上,已经从中共的暴力恐惧中摆脱出来,特别是中共当局对香港发表《白皮书》之后,近80万港人以公 投方式,反对中共的管制,还有超过100万人上街游行,向中共说〝不〞。任百鸣认为,这不仅震慑了中共内部,对整个国际社会也是一种唤醒。
北京维权人士胡佳:〝我觉得他说的真的是肺腑之言,真的就说在这个国家,只要是共产党统治,它就不会有民主、法治、自由和人权,就会永无休止去痛 苦。〞
北京维权人士胡佳表示,〝共产〞实际上是暴政的代名词,只要共产党当道,香港不会有真普选,中国不会有自由。一切变好的基础就是香港人不要〝共产 港〞,中国人不要〝共产国〞,结束中共一党专政。
一位名叫〝刘无荻〞的网络人士,在网络上发起〝7.1反共节〞烧匪旗活动,并特别制作〝倒共〞短片作为邪党的生日礼物、与〝7.1献礼〞。他呼吁 民众以自己的方式〝全民倒共〞。
网络人士刘无荻:〝我觉得很有意义,这是一种对这专制强权的一种蔑视,(虽然)这种言论表达看起来很弱,但能够协调人心,让大家都知道你不是被恐 惧压倒的,或者是不敢发出自己真实的声音。这要有一点反对的声音,而且我认为这种声音会越来越大。〞
网络人士刘无荻表示,7月1号很特别,这一天,当年杨佳因反抗不公杀了警察;中共也在这天推行〝绿霸〞,企图控制个人计算机,过滤信息,引发抗 议;而中共把所谓的〝建党〞当作一个庆典,但对人民来讲,会作为谴责中共的一个日子来纪念。
2004年11月,美国中文媒体《大纪元时报》发表社论《九评共产党》,引发全球华人的退党大潮,7月1号,成为〝全球退党日〞。至今,已有将近 一亿七千万海内外华人,公开声明退出中共的党、团、队组织,摆脱中共。
成都维权人士陈云飞:〝如果为了党派利益、为了个人利益、为了家族利益,他不超越这个东西,他一样会走上绝路,所以这些人的退党就是彻底的摆脱、 一种唾弃。〞
时事评论员任百鸣也表示,作为中国人,只有从内心、精神上对天庄严宣布〝三退〞,才能真正脱离中共,达到心灵的真正救赎。而当这种巨大正义力量形 成之时,就是中共执政土崩瓦解之日。
采访编辑/易如 后制/陈建铭
The New Meaning of July 1: Down with the CCP
July 1 is the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) founding day.
While on this day the CCP English mouthpiece Global Times
published articles praising the CCP, millions of Hong Kong
citizens took to the street, shouting "Down with the CCP."
At the same time, many Chinese netizens
dubbed July 1 Anti-Communism Day.
Some are also calling it World Quit the CCP Day,
with nearly 170 million Chinese people
having chosen to abandon the CCP by this day.
The following is our report.
On July 1, Global Times published articles claiming that
the CCP is entering the "best period" in its 93 years of history,
with 80 million party members "penetrating" all sectors
of society, sharing the same fate with the state and the people.
It also boasted, "Wishing the best to the party
is wishing the best to the state and the people."
Ren Baiming, current affairs commentator: "In order to secure
its own survival, the evil CCP deliberately ties itself to
the 5,000 year culture of our people, our nation, into a bundle.
It tries to confuse the difference between the party and the state.
It claims that loving the party is being patriotic.
It tells you that if you oppose the party, you oppose China,
and what you do is illegal and you are a traitor."
Ren Baiming says that more and more Chinese have
ideologically emerged from the fear and terror of the CCP.
In particular, the white paper on Hong Kong has triggered
nearly 800,000 Hong Kongers to do an unofficial referendum,
showing their objection to the control of the CCP.
More than half a million people also took to the streets to say
no to the CCP.
Ren Baiming says these things shock the CCP
and send a wake up call to the international community.
In the demonstration on July 1, a protestor held up his sign
that read "No CCP in Hong Kong" while being interviewed.
Another Hong Kong protester stood on the platform,
and shouted the heartfelt words of the Hong Kong protesters:
"Down with the Communist Party."
Hu Jia, Beijing activist: "I believe those words are heartfelt.
It is so true that under Communist rule, there is no democracy,
rule of law, freedom or human rights, but only endless pain."
Hu Jia says Communism is actually synonymous with tyranny;
With the Communist Party in power, there will be no genuine
universal suffrage in Hong Kong, or freedom in China.
Hu says the foundation of all of this changing for the better
is Hong Kongers and all Chinese people rejecting
the Communist dictatorship, and that is when faces its end.
Netizen Liu Wudi proposed that on July 1 Anti-Communist Day,
people "make their own 'Down with the CCP' video, burning
the bandit flag as a birthday present to the CCP."
Liu has also called on people to participate
in the Anti-Communist Day in their own ways.
Liu Wudi, Chinse netizen: "I think it is a significant act
to oppose this autocratic power.
This type of expression might seem weak,
but it will harmonize people's hearts, help people
find their true voices, and realize the terror will not prevail.
I believe this voice of resistance will get stronger and stronger."
Liu Wudi says that July 1 is a very special day.
On this day, Yang Jia killed six police after facing injustice;
the CCP launched "Green Dam" content-control software
in an attempt to control and filter information but met protests;
and as the CCP "celebrates" its "founding",
the people condemn the CCP.
In November 2004, The Epoch Times editorial "Nine
Commentaries on the Communist Party" triggered a global tide
of Chinese people quitting the CCP, and July 1
has thus become "Global Quit the CCP Day."
To date, over 170 million Chinese both in China and abroad
have publicly denounced the CCP
and its associated organizations.
Yunfei Chen, activist in Chengdu city, Sichuan province:
"Sticking with the CCP is surely a dead end.
For the interests of the partisan, individual and the family,
one must completely get rid of the control of the CCP
by quitting it and casting it aside."
Chen Yunfei says the CCP regime's so-called "best period"
of rule is essentially its last struggle before its demise.
Ren Baiming says that only when the Chinese solemnly
declare to quit the CCP organizations with their heart and spirit
will they gain true redemption of the soul.
Ren says that when such a righteous force justice has formed,
that will be the day the CCP crumbles.
Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/Chen Jianming