101210 中共大使张军被调戏
http://youtu.be/oliHecdSgAc 很多共匪海外五毛狗习惯鼓吹种族仇恨,骂维族异议人士的同时骂荷兰的土耳其人。
http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=oliHecdSgAc Wesley Liu 9 months ago
suesuebot 10 months ago
jjjjjly 10 months ago
Jack Wang 1 year ago
我的第一感觉是,要是中国人去送花,你肯定进不到那里。? 这大使也可怜的,被戏弄的不成样子
yewei92 1 year ago
剛 趙 1 year ago
MrRocLeo 1 year ago
GRD 土共!?
Kelly Wong 1 year ago
谁丫放进来的啊? 狗窝里面跑进个说人话的真不像话
本人 我 1 year ago
委员会 治丧 1 year ago
ilyjx 1 year ago
Amycadad 1 year ago
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7fanliang 1 year ago
TMD笑死哥了。。天朝大使的表情和耍太极招式太有型了。。【你-们打算如何对待一个获得诺贝尔奖的人。。是要把他们关进监狱呢?-还是怎样?】 2333?
Alec Su 1 year ago
請問CN區如何設定才能看視頻,透過hosts文件怎么修改?m-any? thanks~
7fanliang 1 year ago
hosts已经无法观看视频? 挂代理吧
TaTa765583 1 year ago
chjialong 1 year ago
lychnu 1 year ago
iNDY Jones 1 year ago
iNDY Jones 1 year ago
Liu Victor 1 year ago
lol thumbs up for the journalist?
Zongyi Gao 1 year ago
在这里放个话 我 1 year ago
kafaafa 1 year ago
在这里放个话 我 1 year ago
在这里放个话 我 1 year ago
在这里放个话 我 1 year ago
blackgenes850 1 year ago
baochanglee 1 year ago
Minch Chen 1 year ago
这是谁放进来的啊? 哈哈哈哈? 临时工放的
Xinwei Shu 1 year ago
ztzlking 1 year ago
在这里放个话 我 1 year ago
dw youyoutianbulao 1 year ago
kaitos111 1 year ago
http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=_NvUbjhx-uY All Comments (1,257)
2chilan1 6 months ago
fuck? china !
batangueno14 9 months ago
Sir, please tell your government to STOP bullying us. I am a Filipino and we are peace loving people but we? are willing to DIE for our country. We are supporting all Chinese businessmen here in our country thats the reason they are now the richest families here. Please dont claim Bajo de Masinloc as part of Chinese territory. Respect the international law. thank you.
Namey Tibet 9 months ago
Winning a Nobel peace? price in China is like giving a death sentence....The winner shud be life in prison and tourcher for commiting such a horrible crime by promoting peace and nonviolence....WTF!!!
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
Fucking pathetic bastard this dutch immigrant living? in Holland.
wetenjan 10 months ago
also lots of chinks immigrants live in whole Europe? because of smelly chinese environment and crowded chinks insects ; ching chang chung
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
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And all the dirty turks and prostitutes swarming in all the European cities. Turks thinking of the revival of the Ottoman empire? Forget it moron. Return Constantinople to the christians? otherwise no membership in the EU. Fuck you and stop your wet dream otherwise the PKK will dig your graves. Bastards.
wetenjan 10 months ago
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look at the streets , son of bitch morron , chinks? dirty birches are too cheap to fuck , in Paris just 15 euro ; i was there last year fucked a chinks girl just 15 ; hahahaha , a cheap traingle pussy chinks prostitutes are all over the world as well as chinks bastards ; remmeber fuck japan fucked chinks ; ching chang chung , chinks asshole pussy sucker bitch slut piss
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
Your mother sold? herself for 5 euro in Amsterdam and your sister for one in Berlin. Cheap skate bastards.
wetenjan 10 months ago
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hahahah, ur bitch mom is free for japanese , sister is for Turkish nation ; so u look like little bit japanese face ; ching chang chung dong ya bing fu : go to google and type fuck chinese girls , then u can see how ur sister is being fucked by my friends? ; don,t hesitate ; hahahaha ; it is fun to show the chinks how they are fucked by others ; wowwwwwwwww
Americunt4gay 10 months ago
Guys,dont take serious on this ugly Uyghur gay fag.He just need attention.He replys every comment your write.He is an asylum seeker in Belgium and we all know that asylum seeker has no life.Next time just say:Uw? uitkering wordt per direct gestopt,pi?.Ananin amina cam dikerim, golgesinde seni sikerim
manu11435 11 months ago
lolz,seems the? chinese cat caught the tounge
456inthemix 1 year ago
wetenjan 1 year ago
support ? LIU
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
He is in prison for criminal offenses. The Nobel Trouble Making Prize should be given to the Nobel? Prize committee.
wetenjan 10 months ago
because you? chinks are diserved to get that also your asshole ccp ; so u feel tragedy if someone gets it ; go to hell brain washed chinks
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
Get it right retard I am not from China. Stupid asshole like you cannot deferential the difference. Fuck face? turks.
wetenjan 10 months ago
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no matter what kind of pussy u r , i think u just a pussy sucker , or hahahahaah timid asshole chinks is afraid of others , come on chinks , cao ni ma? ; pretended others , hahahah , then why you feel upset on this video ? u mom is chinks raped by me ; ? or japanese ? or did u drink ops cum from chinks pussy ? no matter what kind of sperm drinker u r , u r just ching chang chung rabbish all over the world ;
MultiAlpha111 1 year ago
that bold head is? so gay
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Congratulations for breaking up of Europese Union,China is gone fuck one by one after EU break up except Germany.Starting from Netherlands first,China hates? Netherlands more than any EU country(because they were trying to steal Taiwan from us and they fight with side UK-France ally in 18 century and chinese wont forget the history).China has the ability to fuck Netherlans in 10 days time.Get yourself ready
tobecpr 1 year ago
I dont relly 'love' Chinese government,but hav to say,it is the best way to develop China now,the thought of democratic reform is good,but it is not 4? now.
--------------------------------I really hate this 'Dutch' guy,is he really Dutch?kind of annoying= =
hkhongkongren 1 year ago
haha liu go? to hell!!!
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
Who let the Jihad? out?Who let the fucking Jihad out?
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
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You call Rotterdam the biggest haven-stad? of Europe?You seriously?Compare to Shanghai,Rotterdam is just a small dick country-side.Shanghai will destroy your economy if they not export anything to you.I hope Shanghai will do business with Germany.We will make Germany the biggest HaVEN-STAD OF Europe.And Schiphol is smallest airport compare to China.Everyday there will be 400 chinese people be millionaires.And how much millionares in Holland,Look at yourself in the mirror before you talk shit.
HumanRightsVideosT 1 year ago
I checked your? account and found that it
has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of our Community Guidelines.
so perhaps all of your comments should be deleted
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Yeah,After they delete my account.My hacker camp has fucked google database and i am back. and you wish,i fucked Google Inc already back to HongKong.pussy google is hiding in HongKong and cant come out and play,We have already locked Asian markt for google.I made Bing the one of most populair search egine in China and fuck? you bitch.WHAT DO YOU GOT?Money,I will murk you,bitches,i will hurt you.get enough money for your whole shitty family for 300 years.
HumanRightsVideosT 1 year ago
@ A4gay
with a channel name like that and poor english skills not many people are going? to take much notice of what you have to say
I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out what you are trying to say
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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@HumanRightsVideosT @Americunt4gay still better than? you,piece of shit.there are 2 kind people,
1,people who work hard and have a good life and a lot of friends
2,people like you who doesnt even want to work,so they are asylum seekers in America and receive money from America goverment to separate China, you all FAIL.Shame on you that being an asylum seeker and Noone in America respect you,and you all are discriminated by local folks
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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still better than you,piece of shit.there are 2 kind people,
1,people who work hard and have a good life and a lot of friends
2,people like you who doesnt even want to work,so they are asylum seekers in America and receive money from America goverment to separate China, you all FAIL.Shame on you that being an asylum seeker and Noone in America respect? you,and you all are discriminated by local folks
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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I am from Aisin Gioro's family,still remember how you sucked my fore-fathers dicks?one of my most knowning fore-father Aisin-Gioro Hongli(Qianlong 乾隆)? had his dick sucked by Tibet in his whole life.Without my fore-fathers,it will be chao's in Tibet and average life age of Dalai Lama is 45 years old.All Dalai Lama's from history just cant stop killing each other.So suck my Aisin Gioro's dick
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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And one of My uncle works in Chinese parlement,I have told him this shit and he called chinese ambassador? in Holland to see if this video is real and we find out it is real.So he blocks Dikla Zeidler and Bahram Sadeghi visum to Chin.Also blocked their family and friends visum for 200 years.Any chinese bussiness who is doing business with any friends or family with them,will get punished and 100,000 dollars fine.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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still better than you,piece of shit.there are 2 kind people,
1,people? who work hard and have a good life and a lot of friends
2,people like you who doesnt even want to work,so they are asylum seekers in America and receive money from America goverment to separate China, you all FAIL.Shame on you that being an asylum seeker and Noone in America respect you,and you all are discriminated by local folks
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
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This is why you dont even have panda's in the Dutch zoo.Netherlands is just jealous because Chinese? president gave so much money to Netherlands's neigbours(France,germany,Belgi-um,Spain.....).Only not give it to Holland.And we will also not money away because of this.Yes,we are rich and young.Free Friesland,Groning and Limburg.I hope Shanghai will not do business with you anymore.I hope China Shipping should got to Germany,and do business with German.
HumanRightsVideosT 1 year ago
I'm sure the pandas would rather live? in the wild. The Nazi party of china charges serious money for pandas which could be spent on more productive things.
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
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This bitch censored my comments,i am speaking the true and you call this freedom to speech?Look at yourself before you wanna make? fun of another.About 95% Gries people wanna be independent from Holland. The Dutch government is planning to give control of the Frisian language and culture to the province of Groningen instead of control by the Frisians themselves. Also the Dutch government wants to put nuclear waste? in the Frisian ground.Free Friesland,Groningen and Limburg.Limburg is Germany
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
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Fuck Holland and death to America,it is Chinese pay-back time.Free Friesland,Groningen and Limburg.Netherlands is already a small dick country and you cant even? find it on the worlf map.Now they want to be singapores.Just let them be Singapores.Frije Friesland,Groningen and Limburg.You can also suppot the separation on frijefryskegrun-tk
USAsucks2hard 1 year ago
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to all chinese brothers,Let us support the indepence of Friesland,Groningen and Limburg from Holland. about 95% (or more)? people in friesland,Groningen and Limburg want to stay parts of the netherlands.The Dutch government is planning to give control of the Frisian language and culture to the province of Groningen instead of control by the Frisians themselves. Also the Dutch government wants to put nuclear waste? in the Frisian ground.
456inthemix 1 year ago
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Necropiet 1 year ago
bloemkolen Engels ftw?
lorinsz 2 years ago
UighurKnight 2 years ago
because your government love people? like you who like sucking their ass. and they thought this guy would be an ass sucker like you. But this guy fucked his ass.
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Author withheld
lorinsz 2 years ago
Go and fuck your Uyghur ass, I know? you like it. You know what? You Uyghur people just make me disgusting, sorry I am a racist at this point.
wetenjan 1 year ago
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I wanna fuck the bitch like you , brain washed stupid pig , you don,t even know what is humanity , how is the hell are you living with morality ,? fuck up bitch chinks , u morron insects are too much disguisting all over the wolrd , come to Paris see you bitches just only 20 euro , they are your sisters bitch , long live LIU , Fu""ck ccp and stupid scamberg trash chinks like japan did before
lorinsz 1 year ago
u think u r a human? being? lol.
wetenjan 1 year ago
one question to you,? why other countries were present in the ceremony of Nobel Prize for Liu in Norway? why china reject it ? what is human right like in china ? how do you define that ? answer? ???? the answer is ccp's atitude toward Liu who promoted the human right in china ;
lorinsz 1 year ago
remember i m not trying to defend China, every country has its bad aspects, something they will never reveal, for Liu, I do admit the Chinese government made a mistake on that. The? point here is don't be fooled that only China is doing this, whenever a government see something threatened, he will do whatever he wants. For US? Same! Now it's clear that who is being brain washed.
wetenjan 1 year ago
yes every country has it shortcoming , but in pricipalsof human value ccp is criminal for the freedom of lots of things inside the country, you chinese people don,t dare express your wishes , worstly you support the ccp regime to opress the people there , follow ccp for anything to be done, this is what brain washed is ;u can share only state published news with other, but foreign media?no; youtube is open in china?no; why more chinese student were dead? 1989 ?
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
because you know your shitty country and EU is fail harder than we thought.How many debts did China bought from Belgium and what the? fuck is Belgium?I thought Belgium is better than Netherlands,but piece of shit crap courtry.Belgium is fucking creepy.Like a shithole to us.Aint no chinese live longer in Belgium shithole ghetto everywhere.Does Belgium have any world influence you fucking unknown slumdog?We are your boss,you do not talk like that to us.This' your last warning or u'r fired
wetenjan 1 year ago
hahaha, I don,t care what you say on Belgium , but remember that Belgium is one of the 2 most powerful political center around the world; in Belgium there are 6 parties who are running the gov in turn as well as king ; in Belgium youtube, facebook , google? are freely open , ppl can post anything , say anything , . but in fucking bulshit asshole china these webs are forbiden , why ? answer is that ccp is afraid to be fucked like Mubarek in Eygpe and Caddafi in Libye ;
wetenjan 1 year ago
the reason is your moron sperm drinker china is communisim is ennemy of all humanity ; it will be over like Berlin Wall collapsed soon ; you mentioned Belgium; let you stpid know that Belgium passport is NON VISA ReQUIRED nearly 100 country around the wolrd , but you toilet paper chinks passport is always needing visa for anywhere; comapare ? then why so many piglike chinks are in Europe as chinks don,t? like western country? what the hell are these shit begger doing here ?
wetenjan 1 year ago
so you just think or search well before you post sth ; or u are in the target? to be laughed ; get out
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
Faggot,what are you fucking about?Belgium is a joke to us.Twee Belgen gaan vissen in een roei bootje. zegt de eerste: er zit een gat in de boot zegt de ander: kom we maken er nog een gat bij dan kan het water er daar weer uit. you are slways be the target to be laughed in the Netherlands.It also? shows how stupid and faggot you are.At least we get money.Obama and Manchester city have proved that money can buy everything.China can easily fuck up Belgium in 20 days time.
wetenjan 1 year ago
; hahhah , we don,t care what other say about us , those trashes who talk the stupiud things are only gay chinks , hahhaha now you proved yourself as too much stupid , u have money , then why are you in foreign country ? what is the hell stupid? insect are you fucked bitch doing there ? ccp has money what about chinks in china ? they have money ? they have right to say sth about their right or freedom , ? why whole wolrd support LIU and AIWEIWEI ;
FlyingDutchman224 10 months ago
What a fool that could not even write? a proper sentence.
wetenjan 1 year ago
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fuck up yourself in Tian An men with bastard HU as? well as japanese fucked you WW1 and WW2 ; do not run from the topic bitch ; Mr liu is not talking about money ; he is talking about the future of new chinks gereration ; i leave you one question that you bitch gay go to ask bastard HU why youtube and facebook are banned in china ? consider about this , then u can get how much value you have in china ; go fuck up yourself bitch gay mixed generation from japanese sperm
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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faggot,no matter what you say,we still? get money.You shitty country Belgium borrow money from our tax.we also have no human rights(we do not want to lean money to ya fuckers).here's a deal.Free Flanders and we will free that guy.If your shitty goverment accept that we will free that traitor right way.Do Flanders have rights in Belgium?your shitty country doesnt even have your own language.Even your kingdom invite Hu to come to Belgium and Hu will cancel it right way.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Ohh,wait,faggot,u can read Chinese.Fucking Chino call yourself chink.HAHHAHAHAHAHa.you are fucking hilarous.fucked up Chino try to be a Belgium,Thats so fucking up.i was so wondering why Belgium people say such thing,i find out its a fucked? up Chino who leave in Belgium.No matter what yopu say u still Asian,fag..Your parents are uneducated low class in China,so they went to Belgium to open a restaurant and work the shit out of their mounth.Unlike mine,4 million euro house Utrecht.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Fucked up Chino in Belgium.Friends of your parents in China are rich than you restaurant owners.No matter what you say,your family still low class in China and we rich first class people dont? like to talk to low classers(culture of China).4 million euro house in Utrecht,14 billion euro business in China.329 apartments and Villa's in Shanghai and beijing 15000 euro/Square Metre.25 million euro house in Paris France.5 European ex-wives 40.000 euro/month.You still live in Ghetto.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Fuck? you in da ass,uighur.The name Jan is for white people who born in the Netherlands and Belgium.hahhahaha,what a faggot call himself Jan and think he is white.hahahahahhaha.You are so fucked up.what the fuck is uighur or turkey.If you are a turkish fag,i will tell you what:Yes,we kill your fucking fore-parents uighurs and how do you feel about it.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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An uighur call himself Jan,hhahahaah.you made my dick falls down.Fucked up Uighur with average lowest IQ in the world thinks he? is white.You never watch the mirror or what?OMG,what the fuck is going on with the world.I saw turkissh/uighur women marry with niggers and uighur think he is white.what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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Wat is de Turkse versie van Alice in Wonderland? Fatima in de Aldi Wat is een turk op drie vuilniszakken? Huisbaas. Wat is een turk in een riool? Badmeester. Wat zeg je tegen een Turk met een stropdas aan? Doe? mij maar een BigMac Waarom willen kleine Turkse jongetjes altijd een snor? Ze willen op hun moeder lijken. Wanneer mag je een Turkse vrouw in het gezicht spugen? Als haar snor in de fik staat Wat is een Turk op een nieuwe fiets ? Een dief.
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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check my new sites.uyghursex(dot)org,uyghur-sitsonamericandick(dot)us.uygh-urlovesblack(dot)africa.uyghur-&allahgaysex(dot)org.uyghurJih-ad(dot)911.uyghur-anti-western-(dot)gay?
Americunt4gay 1 year ago
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i get more site uyghurAlibaba-business(dot)all-ah.uyghurMohammedJihad(dot)911-.uyghur&BIn laaaaaden(dot)fag.uyghurhowtos-haveyourbeard(dot)fashion.uygh-ur&Justin bieber? fonds(dot)oral.uyghurBurkaXXX(-dot)hotx.uyghur&Turkish Airline(dot)crash.uyghurGhetto-gangbang(dot)cum.
UighurKnight 2 years ago
Don't say sorry mate, all Chinese like you are fucking racist pigs all the? time.
doende06 2 years ago
thanx alot, that? was a nice video shot.
greatwizaki 2 years ago
Shame on these two bearded guys and their antics. This was clearly aimed at humiliating the ambassador and? the CHINESE PEOPLE. If these two guys stood for more human rights in China, stage a proper protest! Somehow their appearances remind me of Pim Fortyun & what happened in Denmark and Sweden and rest of the word. SHAME!
theboyuan0jcfan 2 years ago
I hope we win the Nobel Peace Prize in true Nobel's spirit? and not as a result of political sinistry.
FreedomInAmerica 2 years ago
President Carter got the peace prize too. You know Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize twelve days after taking office. Upon acceptance of winning it, Obama was praised by the committee, "extraordinary? efforts to strengthen international diplomacy". . They also gave the peace prize to Yasser Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the best known terrorist organization on the globe. This is like giving it to David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK.
Allen West 2012
markshen1985 2 years ago
Does this asshole dare to visti american embassy and ask to free? Assange? Losers. Suck your american father's dick.
live2changetheworld1 2 years ago
Incredibly SMART !!!
It's cracks me up ....LOL
Bravo? Vagic !
komr323 2 years ago
Assuming award to Liu is correct and Chinese govt is incorrect, it is irrespecutful to visit chinese embassy with this kind of attitude. Shame on this? dutch guy.
pauleau 1 year ago
He is not? "really" Dutch.
hellooooo000 2 years ago
Liu Xiaobo tried to bring peace and humanity? to ALL his fellow country men/women. Why put him in prison?
Peace & prosperity for China! Long live LXB!
hongsediguo1985 2 years ago
pakjai 2 years ago
This Indian presenter is a seperatist. He is full of free tibet and urghur subsribers. He obviously needs a life and eat some hindu cows or? something.
hellooooo000 2 years ago
COnfucious re-incarnated says "You have issues.? Many personal issues to work through"
pakjai 2 years ago
lol gay faggot presenter. I say free Assange and award him the nobel peace prize for telling the? truth! Liu xaobo should be sent to the west and the west can feed him ;)
fredlockful 2 years ago
PLease CCCP, don't cut him & use him for body parts as you do for other political prisoners. Please let? him go & let him be with his family.
Tsering Dorjee 2 years ago
Why Chinese can't have different opinions. Mr. Ambassador was uttering same stuffs that their PRC had about Mr. Liu. Sorry China, but we can't change the meaning of Human? rights....
MrSTAlc 2 years ago
The Dutch guy was very rude and kept on? interrupting the ambassador. He showed absolutely no respect. What a shame
hellooooo000 2 years ago
Do you know you're very slow in the mind? Don't answer that, I'll be? waiting a ilfetime:(
Hodamminh 2 years ago
This? is the nice way to show the world ,how ugly ,criminal Chinese communist
The man with flower you are smart the way you dit it
We love you . Fuck Ho Yin Tao ,Fuck chinese communist
ghalip1 2 years ago
poor shang?
Ka Wing Lo 2 years ago
Wat? een actie! super tof!!!!!
zhaozhe2010 2 years ago
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Congrats to whom? You fucking shit, the fucking embassy can represent all the Chinese people? ! Shut the fuck up, you? mother fucker!
zhaozhe2010 2 years ago
Congrats to whom? You fucking shit, the fucking embassy can represent all? the Chinese people? ! Shut the fuck up, you mother fucker!
yurihuski 2 years ago
this motherfucker is pissing the embassy off just want someone to watch him get into an arguement.? Dude this is not how you do the shit. Fuck this shit. I hate media people. Some people who really fight for human rights do not insult anyone whatever others beliefs are whether right or wrong.
hertz nehdol 2 years ago
what this chinese fuckers thinking to them selves by saying words like this to him.
he is iraq or nigga fact is he is a man for human rights........n love the peace. chinese are really? senseless ........long live china noble laureate...
nofreedomofspeech 2 years ago
Sweden and Alfred Nobel gave Norway this opportunity after? his death in 1896, during the union. I bet they are happy for that :)
TheRealChina 2 years ago
amuqc 2 years ago
You looks like a piece of crap man. Were you trying to embarrass the? ambassador? You are insane. If you believe the God, the god will punish you.
You said: you are presenting the dutch people. Who give you such a right? Look at you. You are not even a dutch. Are you from Iraq? I suggest you go to your bloody home and learn what the word "peace" means.
notswhiteley 1 year ago
Lol shutup you? swiss moron.
Nick Wang 2 years ago
LOL, this stupid? arba looking nigger claims that he represents dutch people,the ambassador is kinda retard.
Kalsang Norbu 2 years ago
Free? Liu Xiaboo! Shame China shame!
TheRealChina 2 years ago
asxholes 2 years ago
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@GWhittome Your challenge already proved that my response to his request served its purpose in every way. Hope? you put it into your pipe and smoke it before wandering? further away from your major concern --"human rights. Look at this so-called "human rights champion" whose behavior speaks volumes.
Qingshun Li 2 years ago
after the talking, at 4:03, the Ambassador? said in Chines, "who bring this guy here?"
match999 2 years ago
这是谁放他进来的? ? He said
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xiaokuhu 2 years ago
democracy,? freedom , human rights and Liu Xiaobo ! !
xiaokuhu 2 years ago
I totally understand all the? comments too !
sebastian3852 2 years ago
This prize given to Liu is ACTUALLY a great mistake, because Mr.Liu promoted the immediate change of the system, like breaking USSR apart, that will bring civil wars between the inland provincea (extreme poor who? still prefers communism) and the coastal provinces (rich who prefers capitalism) !
TheRealChina 2 years ago
FREE Liu? Xiaobo !
sebastian3852 2 years ago
now you all see, that they use Nobel Prize? as a political tool to control and manipulate the whole world!!
jin405 2 years ago
but I know your mind is manipulating by the communist party now,? congradulation!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
actually I don't like communism, they are slow moving system, full of laziness, red tape and corruption! But what can you do now for China? You can't just change it right away, you need time. You don't want China ends up like USSR - bankrupted in? one month,splitting up into many independent countries, civil wars, nuclear weapons leak out to black market, gangs, ethnic genocides, conflicts between races and religions, and then controlled by western bastards, DO YOU?
sebastian3852 2 years ago
Europe and US want China to change system as fast as? USSR, and then break the nation apart! fucking don't fall into the trap!!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
China is gradually doing a great job in the past 10 years, owning the US economy, market and debts! Improving the living standard? and human rights and laws, China needs time to get the economy up and the wealth up and the defence up first, and then China will turn into a new system thru time!!!
HumanRightsVideosT 1 year ago
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Human rights for Tibetans and Falun Gong are not getting better. The persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999. An independent report titled
"BLOODY HARVEST - Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China"
found, "the source of? 41,500 transplants for the six-year period 2000 to 2005 is unexplained."
You can read the report at
organharvestinvestigation. net
sebastian3852 2 years ago
I agree China's biggest problem is corruption and overpowered government officials, but there is no corruption and beaucracy in Italy? Japan? S.Korea? and many so called European countries? Even the US government is? acting on the benefit of its large corporation!!
HumanRightsVideosT 1 year ago
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@ sebastian3852
Do you know about the Corruption Perceptions Index 2009 ?
NZ score 9.4 rank 1
Hong Kong score 8.2 rank 8
Japan score 7.7 rank?? 17=
United Kingdom 7.7 rank 17=
United States score 7.5 rank 19
China score 3.6 rank 79
I happen to live in NZ. Proportional voting and free media are very important to stop corruption.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
The World is the same! All systems are fucked up. What matters is? POWER, stronger your country, stronger your say!!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
The reason Americans? promote the idea of global warming is to reduce the developing countries to use up the world fuels before they(the americans) do.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
2007 they gave nobel prize to Al Gore for promoting the idea of Global? Warming, lol, it's -45 degree C in inner-mongolia right now! -75 in northern russia. Global Warming my ass. American scientists all knew we are heading to mini-Ice-age since the 1970s!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
now Obama and USA wants to attack North Korea! LOL. well done, Nobel Prize committee, for having? shit heads.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
Obama donated his nobel? prize money $250,000 to military related non-profit organization. See? Nobel Prize is a JOKE, a BIG JOKE!! LOL
suochao 2 years ago
Firstly, I don't care about this funny video. Coz the behavior? itself is just a trick, the important thing is the feedbacks. For this video 20% of the comments are negtive, 20% positive, and most are neutral. If either negtive or positive side was over 50% ,the war would come. if over 90%, human is in dangous to be extinct. So, WATCH OUT your behviors, plz. And as the audience, we'll try to keep balance our emotion. If we really want the PEACE.
SKSuperPower 2 years ago
do not buy chinese products? forget china
MrChinahero 2 years ago
Fuck? off mother fuker........
sebastian3852 2 years ago
there is no need to fuck your mother, when NK nuke and destroy SK, US will nuke and destroy NK, boom, no more Korea, lol, guess we have to go to LA? USA to see Koreans, ROFL.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
sorry, typo,? I meant there is no need fuck his mother. We will go to LA or history books to see their people.
taching125 2 years ago
sebastian3852 2 years ago
Fucking stupid Dutch, he said "congraz for China, because your country won the Nobel Prize for PEACE!", LOL,? did he say to US embassy back in 2009 that "congraz for USA, because your country won the Nobel Prize for PEACE!" while USA war with Afghanistan and Iraq
VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
→ sebastian3852 ← This Creepy Red Faker is hiding own home? !! :))
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VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
Red China is NEUTRAL for Whaling in IWC, it means in near future your? red China which has prisoner for ELEVEN years for only IDEE Mr.Liu can begin Whaling. Whales have EIGHTY THREE species, some species are INCREASING.
Btw, Red Constitution's Chapter35 must guarantee Freedom of Speech and Publishing. Charter08 is NOT Publishing ???
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VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
Red China Fishermen OBVIOUSLY Hit and Rammed to Korean Navy in the Sea of Korea, how about for you RED in Hong? Kong?
SKSuperPower 2 years ago
chinese? shit
sebastian3852 2 years ago
The world is at war, and at the brink of Nuke WWIII, you are more worry about China human rights, lol, Western hypocrits, bring it on.
Stop buying China made? dream on, your ma ma has no money to afford non-China made products, lol! US owe China trillions? of dollar!! pay up man!!
VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
→ pyrioni ← How about? You RED is the? most Detested Nation?
VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
In Hong Kong Disney Land, Rudest Chinese ENTER Waiting Lines from side. In ShangHai Expo, Egoistic Chinese Hit and Kicked EACH OTHER at front of foreign cameras to get? reservation tickets, Any Objections ?? :))
VivaEcoCultBusiness 2 years ago
>while not INVADING other countries, haha. ← Remember, Hong Kong was UK's territory TILL end of? 1990s .....
It is why, A LITTLE BIT(?) freedom :))
SKSuperPower 2 years ago
china deserves this shup? up
SKSuperPower 2 years ago
they touch our waters shup up south korea should? attack china
sebastian3852 2 years ago
fuck off SK, worry more about your NK brothers who will come slaughter you with nukes. meanwhile the Dutch? are more worry about China, ROFL.
SKSuperPower 2 years ago
you american dirty you do not know? anything
CWTW 2 years ago
well i cant say anything for the Chinese guy, but the truth? that the dutch guy kept on interrupting him is kind of rude? I didn't see the Chinese guy interrupting at all
we all know the true meaning of the so called "Nobel Prize" is no longer there anymore, but rather became a weapon for political purpose.
and China is a huge country, the west invaded, destroyed China in the past 300 years, not to mention about the internal warfare all the time
Is it really too much to ask for more time?
sebastian3852 2 years ago
exactly, the so called freedom lovers western Europeans, USA and Brittain invaded China in the past 300 years, sending Priests into China to gather information and then open China's market for selling OPIUM poisoning? their people in exchange for hugh profit, when China official Lin burned the fucking OPIUM, UK, USA and other 6 European countries invaded China and killing millions. This is their so call democracy and freedom and human rights!!!! Check history!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
USA, UK, Europe? wants to destroy China authority, and start civil wars, then turn their people against each other, then they will invade China and China's resources again!! This happened in the past and will happen again! This is their truth political purpose.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
do you know why USA so eagerly want to free Tibet? because Tiber has China's 1/4 of the natural resources, and Tibet has world's largest Uranium mine! USA wants its resource? so desperately, USA never do anything that is profitless in history!!
arunachalsingh 2 years ago
Seedique Bale 2 years ago
sebastian3852 2 years ago
China government is trying to hold the whole country together and feed its people and maintain it by high Tax. If Chinese is without high level of control and gradual open market, China will split into many parts and wars - it? happened before and happened in Eastern Europe!! And there are over 55 races and tribes in China, very dangerous to turn into ethnic conflicts and wars. Have mercy at the 1.4 billion people and understand!
sebastian3852 2 years ago
Every country is different, you can't just force China to be as open as the system of western world at this moment! You know how many hungry people in China? 10s millions, and 100s millions are still peasants without any education, only 100 millions are wealthy along the coast cities, that's? 1/14 of the population!
kleinverzet 2 years ago
China is? hungry because of communism, not despite of it.
sebastian3852 2 years ago
Everything this Dutchman said is trying to provoke and make the Chinese embassidor and Chinese embarrassed. No funny at all. Nobel Peace Prize lost its true purposes, I mean look at 2009 Nobel prize for instance, it was given to Warmonger country's prez Obama, what did Obama do to deserve the prize? Americans are now provoking the China and North Korea. Many People are dying and working? hard to maintain world peace and save lives, but got nothing, this prize is more like a politics now!!!
wukidatheart 2 years ago
The irony is that this dutch guy was only admitted to the? embassy because he looks Caucasian. Guaranteed his excellence would never lower himself to meet a regular Chinese citizen who he and his party bosses contemptuously call weed grass and ants to be trampled at will. Kudos youtube for exposing the hideous face behind the mask of fake smile and politeness.
wukidatheart 2 years ago
4:05 His excellence turned his back appearing livid and yelled "Who (the fuck) let let this guy in?" Heads will roll next, yeah you betcha!? I bet he was praying that Beijing would be happy with his unmistakenly loyal adherence to party line. What a hypocrit! While he enjoys the freedom and lifestyle offered by what would be world's least corrupt government on earth, he wasn't even feeling any shame at blowing.
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hippo314 2 years ago
This video shows? me how fake and brutal regarding those western media, they don't respect Chinese ambassador that how could them respect ordinary Chinese people? thank god that I still can say somethings, if China been controlled by western power, I am so sure western politician will kill more Chinese people than Communist, Iraq and wikileads is the good sample, Killing people who wants freedom, Arresting people who wants to show the truth, It is the truth face of western politician's democracy.
hippo314 2 years ago
That Dutchman is? a genius? or Real dumb! I think he is real dumb, Chinese people hates hypocrites, if u don't like anything just speak out, no need to use flower for covering his hostile action. how could I accept this kind of faking democracy.human right ! As we can see, this Dutchman tried to stop and interrupt Chinese ambassador speaking by his brutal action, where is the free speech of human rights? did u see ambassador interrupt this guy speech when he was asking the question? ?
kingstonshow 2 years ago
That Dutchman is a genius.?
arunachalsingh 2 years ago
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LEI PAN 2 years ago
Stop those craps and look at Mr. Nobel's? will, the prize should be given to people who "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"...who should be awarded? Mr. Obama? this prize is a joke.
hellooooo000 2 years ago
That's a really bad strawman? argument you raise. Did you cheat with all those thumbs up? I assume so.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
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@MrChinahero You registered youtube account in Holland. Maybe you? are also a member of Chinese Communist's Embassy. Please identify youself, are you the his excellency Mr. Zhang Jun, or the gate man who let the dutch man in? LOL...
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
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Mr. Zhang said the Chinese government will promote human rights for all Chinese people. The dutch man asked :"including Mr. Liu?" Mr.Zhang still not answer the question, because he dare not answer, if he said yes, sure he will be against Chinese government, If he said no, he can just not explain why Mr. Liu is still in prison, and he will have to deny the freedom? and human right is not for all the Chinese. What a contradiction! He would be f*ked both ways. So "R u trying 2222"is his last words..
asxholes 2 years ago
Of course, LXB's rights are well protected just as much as any prisoner all over the world, and he enjoys as much freedom as any law-breaker does in the US. If LXB were released right now, his life could be jeopardized, 'cause it's reported that millions of people wanted him dead as he plotted to? break up China and subject it to colonial rule for 300 years.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
@janezbasher , wow, why you write English if you knew Chinese so well? Talking about respect for women. Communists knew? better than me. Madam Zhang Zhixin spoke out what in her mind., and what did she got from commies? Commies cut her throat, and then? torture her to death!!
janezbasher 2 years ago
Do you mean to tell me that because? Zhang Zhixin was tortured to death, you don't? have to show respect to any woman that comes from China? Do you mean to say that because commies don't respect Zhang Zhixin, you can abuse any woman who disagrees with you? What logic?! That's why I said you are no better than any human-rights abuser. Now let me teach you some respect for women: if you are sincere in promoting democracy and human rights, start from youself, n set a good example!
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VIETNAMSAIGON75 2 years ago
Top 10 Funniest Videos?
wukidatheart 2 years ago
3:26 "Are? you trying to, to, to make a qurrel with me?" LOL
willwong1234 2 years ago
Article 35 of the 1982 State Constitution of the People's Republic of China proclaims that citizens of the People's Republic of China are guaranteed freedom of speech, of? the press, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration. Now, isn't that exactly what Liu Xiaobo has done but is nevertheless charged and convicted with? So does it mean the constitution and the "Rule of Law" are there just for show and the "court" is doing everything that contradicts the constitution?
sayram70 2 years ago
Bravo? !!! der mann hat die chinesen richtig gefickt.
MrChinahero 2 years ago
China is so powerful in the world, all the western counties are scare of China nowadays. They don't wanna China getting more and more stronger. So? the western medias including the Nobel Peace committee have been used as a tool to stop China. The problem is that there are so many damn people in the western counties, they believe everything from the TV. They won't wake up until one day China knock their head and kick their ass.
luyefar 2 years ago
I couldn't believe you sign up this account only for reply this? video. Your fear of China's Communist Party has never been more clear.
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MrChinahero 2 years ago
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I love China because my fear of China's Communist Party? That means you western countries should love terrorist because your fear of suicide bomb... Please use? your fuckiiing brain before you say something.?
MrChinahero 2 years ago
I love China because? my fear of China's Communist Party? That means you western countries should love terrorist because your fear of suicide bomb... Please use your fuckiiing brain before you say something.?
hgkk2 2 years ago
You are talking about Hitler , what is? his result, Wumao
hgkk2 2 years ago
You are? talking about Hitler , what is his result, Wumao
Mingkai Xie 2 years ago
So, next Namaz (Eid-ul-Fitr), Mr Sadeghi going to show up at the Iranian embassy to pull a similar stunt on, say, the? Ahmadinejads nuclear programme, or the human rights situation in Iran? Quiz the Turkish ambassador on the Alevi or the Kurds? Lecture the Saudi ambassador on womens rights? Berate Hamas on its public antisemitism? No? Then this is just a cheap shot.
As far as the "interview" goes: proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.
gun superbig 2 years ago
thwchan 2 years ago
Thank you very much Dikla!! I joined the protests outside the Chinese? embassy here in Oslo and of course we couldn't get anywhere near. Should learn from your polite and friendly approach next time.
ZHANG Jing 2 years ago
polite? I? don't think so. That's typical hypocritical western performance. All he wants to do is to provoke.
Sa Czech 2 years ago
Cute!? :DDD
Pushkin62 2 years ago
Indeed the Chinese ambassador handled the situation well, although I could sense that he was? increasingly feeling uneasy. He almost lost his cool when he said: `Are you trying to quarrel with me?'
sw911iz112 2 years ago
While I feel this is somewhat funny I also feel that you are disrespecting the fellow. And he treated you very well and tried to answer your questions in a good manner. You interrupted him and was quite impolite.? And also who selected you to be the representative of Dutch people?
LEI PAN 2 years ago
can't? agree more
Sultan Uyghur 2 years ago
Han Chinese Are Nothing But Stupid Ugly Terrorists Dirty? Filthy Cretures
daveyeung 2 years ago
Take that! You piece of shit CCP!?
freesonyu 2 years ago
cool man! Dutch? is good!
koolakalle 2 years ago
lovelyitem 2 years ago
Very cool and Chinese Communist party should feel shame at the time, Appreciates for your support?
Tenzin jor 2 years ago
Chinese government gona be fucked very? soon if they keeps going like that .
yizhiking 2 years ago
Zir093sandby 2 years ago
looks like china got a nice embassy? atleast
Moses Chong 2 years ago
kickong 2 years ago
shame on the big beard guy?
Mixze 2 years ago
Shame on the Chines Goverment...?
MrDudemeister123 2 years ago
Panlei616 and devilsoe, first of all the nobel peace prize is handed out by norway. Norway has human rights, freedom of speech ect, norway does not kill their own citizens or any other race. China doesn't even have freedom of speech so yeah, perhaps? you SHOULD be listening instead of being stubborn and pretend to be proud over your shitty country.
LEI PAN 2 years ago
u guys have double standard, one for yourself and? one for us.
MAQWERTO 2 years ago
He doesnt look too happy? about the prize lol ;D
rickardny 2 years ago
HAha this? is awesome!
Ritzdiamond 2 years ago
哈哈哈哈,welldone!bravo!thx? for the flowers!look the embassador's face! 中国这些当官的一个个都很傻b。By the way,fuck the chinese government.
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LEI PAN 2 years ago
as a Chinese people, my opinion is we are fed up with all the fucked up western values and criteria that? u guys try to let us believe and use. why should we follow your way? 中国人的事情自己解决,何必让外人说三道四,中共是不好,但是绝-对轮不到鬼佬来指手划脚。
rickardny 2 years ago
Because our? way doesn't hurt our citizen.
kickong 2 years ago
your way doesn't hurt your citizens, but hurt citizens of other country.
Look at what US has been doing in? Iraq?
rickardny 2 years ago
That's the US, I live in Sweden, so I will compare China with my own? country.
kickong 2 years ago
Your country is nowhere comparable with China.
Look? at any countries in the world with population > 200million.
rickardny 2 years ago
Sorry to say this, but everything can be compared with anything.?
ForgtheFrog 2 years ago
Yeah why should you treat people with respect, why should you respect their rights? as human beings... Wow...
HeronOfHeaven 2 years ago
georgehua09 2 years ago
Fully agree with you! Look at those clowns who claimed to repect freedom of speech and human rights. Do they have any respect for the soreign rights of a soreign State? Do they have any respect for different opinions?? Do they have any respect for your freedom of speech? They are ordering you to shut up and listen to their raving as if you only have the right to listen. What a hyporite the Norwagian Nobel Committee and its supporters are?!
kukhufvud 2 years ago
You should execute poor people that steal without an fair trial because the government doesn't? care about them and also censor the internet??? Well If you are so brainwashed you can live with that..Then enjoy that "freedom" and don't mind the "western values".
hgkk2 2 years ago
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most Chinese people are? coward like you
devilsoe 2 years ago
European has very much human rights. Some Europe support? USA for killing other races, war kill many civillians they called it bad guys. they critisize china China is Evil, USA is double Evil, Some Europe is two Faced Evil.
devilsoe 2 years ago
China has no human rights. The goverment kill tibetan, jail Nobal Peace Price agaist humanity wills. china kill own race.
USA has human rights. According to wikileaks us army kill journalist without investigate just shoot them down until they dead. crush with tank on the dead bodies. wow amazing. us kill red indians, ki...ll black people and make them slaves. us kill others races. us complain? china has no human rights.
AssianNoXAss 2 years ago
Fucking? win.
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
its a mockery? man....
magefarad 2 years ago
uhm i am dutch dude , and why did i emberessed all the? dutch
the man with the beard is just trying to be funny , and he is
dont blame me or him for embaressing.
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
LOL i am sorry, i reply to a wrong comment,? i deleted that one already.
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
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you embarrassed the Dutch people....?
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
@janezbasher , wow, why you write English if you knew Chinese so well? Talking about respect for women.? Communists knew better than me. Madam Zhang Zhixin spoke out what in her mind., and what did she got from commies? Commies cut her throat, and then torture her to death!!
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janezbasher 2 years ago
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Do you mean to tell me that because Zhang Zhixin was tortured to death, you don't have to show respect to any woman that comes from China? Do you mean to say that because commies don't respect Zhang Zhixin, you can abuse any woman who disagrees with you? What logic?! That's why I said you are? no better than any human-rights abuser. Now let me teach you some respect for women: if you are sincere in promoting democracy and human rights, start from youself, n set a good example!
chiienergy 2 years ago
if u want to make some? fun of it ATLEAST bring a real Dutch intervieuwer then some fcking terrorist looking arab fag guy
chiienergy 2 years ago
wtf? this is china bussiness. why do other countrys care so much? dont they have more things to do since the economy is so bad right now
neverhoodyn 2 years ago
Chinese people on youtube, what? is your opinion on this?
wangyue9014 2 years ago
fuck the GFW....it spend me 1h to? watch the video...
svedz 2 years ago
i have afeeling that this interviewer is trying to create tension between the west? and china.. lol.
thup100 2 years ago
hahahahahahha,its a bit too early to? say thank you very much;))
jimigao 2 years ago
Tibetan boy 2 years ago
???????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????-????????????
tharagonn 2 years ago
So.. wtf did you say? I mean, I can't understand a sentence. Is this? how Dutch people are educated? Not even being able to write a sound English sentence?
You sound like an ignorant, retarded community of farmers to me..
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
别跟那个love09kiwi讨论了,40岁的女人提前进入更年-期了:-)。她真那么爱国还不如去lovePanda,去lov-e什么 kiwi啊??
janezbasher 2 years ago
Gross! Learn some respect for women, okay? Your attitude towards women shows you know nothing about human rights. You are the gross type of human-rights abuser. I'd be ashamed? of your support if I were the Nobel Committee.
Luc He 2 years ago
How stupid the ambassador is!?
TheRealChina 2 years ago
FREE Liu Xiaobo !
SAVE CHINA FROM? Chinese communist Government !
Fan Zhang 2 years ago
he didn't tease him enough :)?
nawanglobsang 2 years ago
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@Keitai5263Yes you are right. Invisible bomb but very effective and hits the purpose of it's target on the long run. And that too with the power of non-violent and without any astronomical defense's cost.
Peace to over 1 billion Chinese! Peace to? 6 million suppressed Tibetans and peace to all.
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nawanglobsang 2 years ago
Why is Mr Liu Xiaobo is in prison if freedom of speech is possible only in peaceful China.
Ofcourse if reporters and journalist act voilently then it is the embassy staffs' job to defend themselves.
Otherwise for just questioning or? interrogating they are not going to shoot you or wreck your camera unless they (americans/marines) are lunatics.
TheOBOM 2 years ago
Good show,? shove it down their throats! Maybe someday they learn to respect other people, before they get to be payed respect themselves...the Chinese, I mean.
tharagonn 2 years ago
Lol,? fucking Arab trying to teach Chinks how to treat people? HAHAHAHA
tsdoesds 2 years ago
alvincyt 2 years ago
換個角度看, 張大使的談吐和風度, 總算比那個甚麼姜瑜要好得多, 外交部發言人應讓他來當.?
catbakkorrel 2 years ago
they only gave him that price to bring china in discredit... nobel peace prize? is bullshit.. they give it to whoever they want.
alvincyt 2 years ago
Yeah, so did your great CCP! They can also give a peace prize to anybody they want, and they have done it, they awarded Lian Zhan the "Confucious Peace Prize". The only difference is, LXB's relatives and friends are being confined from travelling aboard to receive the Nobel Prize, while at the same time LZ refused to receive the Confucious Prize,? and such remarkable difference tells the fact that which one is the bullshit.
pokermaniac0978 2 years ago
THis bald headed guy had the nerve to come in to Chinese Embassy try to congratulate Chinese people when his intention was to criticize China While these scumbag West forget to get a mirror and look at themself first. We all know the West bloodthirst for world domination..as China is the only nation stopping the west? from doing so...This is why the west meddling and bribing Chinese people to go against there own motherland...LOL
alvincyt 2 years ago
You? know who took most Chinese lives in past 2 centuries? The West?
bryanhaakman 2 years ago
haha fantastisch?
adapaevolved 2 years ago
chiienergy 2 years ago
if i was a security guy at the door,? i will not let that guy go in because he looks more like a terrorist than someone from the netherlands
alloshy80 2 years ago
hahahahahaha? u r right hahahahaha
alvincyt 2 years ago
I agree, so they have? nobody else to blame.
0nn3 2 years ago
GVDkomop 2 years ago
China does deserve the Nobelprice? of peace, the Country never attacked other countries like the Americans
kortsluiting86 2 years ago
china attacked tibet, and a tukish speaking country to the north of tibet, they attacked? korea during the korean war. so they are not peasefull at all
GVDkomop 2 years ago
Hey we spreken nu over de tegenwoordige tijd, ik ga toch ook niet spreken over de imperialistische mogendheden van de vorige eeuw die zijn weg baande in allerlei continenten op zoek naar nieuwe kolonies. China is peaceful if you are comparing it with? other countries. Tibet and Xinjiang are solid at the moment, disagreement is everywhere.. Can you tell me in what way China have attacked Tibet and Xinjiang? Iraque is getting attacked at the moment, focus on that..
alvincyt 2 years ago
Do you regard? Manchuria and Mongolia a part of China in her history?
GVDkomop 2 years ago
China has a very long history, Manchurian en Mongolian have dominated China as country in the past, but that is why China is so special. The history of China has a lot of diversity in people?
Waldheri 2 years ago
- that? was the whole point of the video.
PasqualeYT1 2 years ago
You don't understand? sarcasm, do you....
MrJulianBoer 2 years ago
I totally understand all the comments on this video! xD?
SloterMFmeyer 2 years ago
I am very? pride for chinese people.
sonam426 2 years ago
you r hero. you r the world's hero. Thank a lot. Good luck for your whole life. Good? person creats good. I wish world need more people as you.
bascompany14 2 years ago
awesome video!!? great interview!
BudoRuben 2 years ago
hahahaha very well done!! 1:20 till 1:28 sounds? funny!
doezert1 2 years ago
the? interviewer is brilliant
xiaokuhu 2 years ago
:) thanks ! thanks? for you flower , best wishes to you !
magefarad 2 years ago
for? some people, this is sarcastic.
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Frank de Roos 2 years ago
so they give a country like china that prize. no offence i love china? but in china many people are being pressured there by the government. there is still much poverty and it isnt a very justicefull system. sorry but this prize should go to a country who is absolutely peaceloving and china is worldpower and also has his nukes on standby.
magefarad 2 years ago
? the dude is beeing sarcastic against them xD
PHeMoX 2 years ago
So just because there's no idealistic? version of a Western democracy (that doesn't even exist in the West itself), it's an injust and incorrect political system??
I'm actually surprised a system like they currently have works so well with over one billion people. Sure there is poverty, but with those amounts of people, it would be easy to overthrow a government through a mass riot. Most likely why that Nobel Prize winner is behind bars in the first place....
sjoperdje 2 years ago
This is sarcastic, man! You never? watch the news or what! HaHAhahaha.
tsamzen 2 years ago
Great job! Man! I also want to? convey my congrates to Chinese brother Liu Xiaobo for winning 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
driesttube 2 years ago
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you can win a price by typing gift before youtube. like giftyoutube.? com
NebulaOrbit 2 years ago
Jostipi 2 years ago
Freedom? ftw
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ghroemf 2 years ago
This dutch guy, just like the chinese governement,? doen't have the right to speak for the people of a whole country. Also this "congratulations" (and the nobel peace price 2010) is kind of childish...
he4dsh0t3 2 years ago
Probrem ??
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
My dear friend on youtube, you know nothing about china except china's economic growth. just becuz we dont have democracy, so a lot chinese people have to worry about will their house even exist tomorrow or already expropriate by a government which excess jurisdiction but the citizens cant do anything to protect their basic human right.
its horrible when a thing? that something suppose represent justice no more reliable and become a gang
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
as a chinese and lived in china also got education in china, i think i have the authority to comment
i totaly agree wat Mr Jagland said on the、 ceremony, "Liu has exercised his civil rights. He has done nothing? wrong. "
Afghankhan 2 years ago
I am not pro China but let 's give NOBLE Price? 2011 to Julian Assange. I want ot see the reaction of the US
alvincyt 2 years ago
猫坛上有很多爱国FF。他们有这样可笑的言论:本国皇帝统治你,-你需要服从和忍受,被本国皇帝奴役不是丢人的事情。内政嘛。但是-,外国人要打 击奴役你的皇帝,要想取代本国皇帝奴役你,你就必须-反抗,这叫爱国。暴力只能对外不能对内。真是奇谈怪论。你既然有-勇气牺牲自己的性命为保护 奴役你的皇帝而战,你为什么没有勇气先-把奴役你的皇帝推翻?自己同胞间都可以互相奴役,又为什么要在意-奴役你的人的国籍呢?被同民族的强奸叫 幸福,被外民族的强奸才叫-耻辱?都是强奸,前者就让你飘飘欲仙,后者就叫你痛不欲生?
alvincyt 2 years ago
真正有骨气的人,是不容许任何人奴役的,管他是同胞还是异族,真-正爱当奴才的人,也不应当在乎谁奴役他。所以,对那些爱本国皇帝-,却抗击异族 侵略的人,我非常不理解。他们怎么那样古怪可笑?看-那个奋勇抗清的史可法,不顾百姓的性命,为了他的皇帝而以卵击石-,却不知道在外族入侵前带 领百姓对那些贪官污吏进行斗争。地主们-掠夺农民的时候,他怎么不义愤填膺呢?他是为百姓而战还是为皇帝-而战?他爱皇帝是他自己的事情,为什么 要逼着大家和他一起爱那个-荒淫无道的掠夺大家的WBD? 如果领着大家为自由而战,我可以理解。但是为皇帝而战,为奴役自-己的人而战,我无法理解。
alvincyt 2 years ago
爱国FF最喜欢指责别人:只顾自己利益,出卖民族利益,心中只有-家,没有国。不知道是他们的智商还是他们的良心,让他们竟然看不-到这样的事 实:只顾个人利益的是皇帝,最出卖民族利益的也是皇帝-,心中只有他家的是皇帝,不知道国是什么概念的还是这个该死的皇-帝。他不自私,怎天下美 色珍宝都要归他所有?他心中有民族,怎么-舍得把同胞的自由尊严剥夺得一干二净?他做什么不都是为了他的家-天下吗?他如果有国家的概念,怎么不 在全国选真正的能人来继承皇-位而只知道把皇位传给他自己的儿子呢?不管这个儿子是痴呆还是变-态?他如此自私霸道,他心中有什么民族和国家?他 为了自己的权力-玩弄政治阴谋,怎么有还脸说是为了天下万民操劳造福?为天下万民-操劳,怎么不把自己那奢侈的生活水准降低点,怎么不免去人民的 税-赋徭役呢?怎么不把他家后宫中的妃子宫女都放出来让她们自由嫁人-呢?明明是为了他家代代相传的私业,却要所有的人感激他的皇恩浩-荡,无耻 已经成了他的习惯了。
alvincyt 2 years ago
就是这样一个靠民脂民膏供养着骄奢淫逸着的魔鬼,平时不肯给人民-一点点尊严和自由,不肯对人民有一丝一毫的尊重,都不许人民把膝-盖伸直,都不 允许人民看他的脸庞,却好意思在自己把朝政糟蹋得乌-烟瘴气招引外敌的时候,号召人民为他而战?什么国家用人之际,什-么是你报恩之时,什么民族 危急关头,什么匹夫有责,这个时候他忽-然承认大家是人了,有使用暴力的权力了。他是心疼人民吗?? 他是在乎国家吗?他是为了民族吗?狗屁。他是为了他家的私业。他-骗人民给他卖着命,自己却在走狗的保护下躲到最安全的地方去。最-最不要脸的是,只要入 侵者承诺保证他的权力,他就可以割地赔款,-杀同胞取悦侵略者。比如杀岳飞的那个昏君,比如镇压义和团的慈禧-。他们是最大的民族败类,是最可耻 的卖国贼。偏偏,爱国FF们却-不敢或者不愿指责这些魔鬼,只敢指责拒绝为皇帝而卖命的人。本末-倒置,混淆是非,是FF们的特长和品格。
alvincyt 2 years ago
皇帝有资格号召人民爱国吗? 显然他毫无资格。把人民的血汗吸食得干干净净,把道德人心糟蹋得-丑陋无比,用个人的利益看凌辱着同胞的尊严,他有什么资格让别人-为他造的孽来支付代 价?异族侵略前,人民享受到他享受的权利了吗-?那么异族入侵的时候,人民有什么义务替他战斗?谁获益谁出力,-这才是公平的。荣华富贵人民无 份,流血卖命倒人人有责?怎么可以-如此荒唐?
alvincyt 2 years ago
所以,当皇帝奴役下的民族被入侵的时候,最该冲锋陷阵的是皇帝,-然后是那些吃皇帝俸禄的贪官污吏。至于平时就被奴役的人民,千万-不要听他们的 煽动,不要替他们卖命,反正谁嬴了都不会把你当人看-的。不如看他们厮杀,解平时的郁闷。如果碰上外来的力量只是针对-皇帝,不是来奴役人民的, 那就更别犯傻了,就反戈一击,让皇帝死-的更快更彻底吧。皇帝死了,人民才能解放。不管是自己解放还是被-外来力量解放,都是光荣。不管被外族还 是本民族强盗奴役,都是屈-辱。只是要记住:别再互相奴役了,从此互相尊重,平等相处就对得-起自己的民族了。
love09kiwi 2 years ago
突然发现您老人家懂中文.而且一天的大部分时间都在这里发表着对-中国前几千年奴隶社会和封建社会的不满.您老人家醒醒吧,现在中-国人已经当家 作主了.当然也不排除有人给你提供经费,让您老人家-能够继续当一个穿越的摩登原始人.
此外,关于老毛的言论,在蒋介石政府眼里,他自然应该是上断头台-的,可以他们无能,没抓住他.这就好比美国的乔治华盛顿那帮人在-当时的英国政 府眼里是叛徒一样.至于刘晓波,我真不觉得他和前面-提到的这些伟人能够相提并论.
alvincyt 2 years ago
1. 既然中國人當家作主, 為何中國還沒有收回釣魚台? 不止沒有收回,? 還要限制公民前往保釣? 韓國就只幾千萬人口, 不是把獨島收回了嗎? 既然中國人當家作主, 為何一個沒有被通緝沒有被起訴的公民, 會被禁制出國? 既然中國人當家作主, 為何中共建國後, 雙手奉送給俄國人的領土, 面積會是台灣的上百倍?
2. 老毛在蔣政府眼裡應該上斷頭台, 那麼在一個普通的中國公民眼裡又如何?
love09kiwi 2 years ago
最后一次回应.我比较忙,没有太多闲功夫在网上灌水.? 我并不是任何人的奴才,我是自己的主人,请不要用你的处境对我进-行类比.
其二,纵观你的发言,评语如下: 逻辑混乱,主次不分,胡搅蛮缠;
alvincyt 2 years ago
再問你,? 今天你就回到你主子那裡去, 不翻牆的話, 他會讓你上youtube嗎? 會讓你在此發表舔他屁眼的言論嗎?
alvincyt 2 years ago
既然口口聲聲中國人當家作主, 那何不讓13億主人來個公投或全民普查, 看看大部份中國人如何評價劉曉波?? 你主子敢麼?
alvincyt 2 years ago
可憐的奴才, 被主子洗腦的地步, 現在連以古諷今的文章也讀不懂了. 既然如此, 我也只好跟你說說現在的中國人了.
"中国的互联网是充分开放的,同时中国政府也要依法管理网络。至-于能看什么,不能看什么,能看的就看,不能看的就别看。" 這就是你主子說的, 你的主子不讓公民看youtube, 這就是現今所謂當家作主的大部份中國人的遭遇. 既然中國人就配這程度的當家作主, 你作為奴才的為何就這麼忤逆, 主子不讓你看你就跑到外國看呢?? 這不就是託庇洋鬼子, 給你主子丟臉麼?
emretje12 2 years ago
Please what the fuck? are you saying?
alvincyt 2 years ago
Facts, though such facts are uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing to some jerks and flunkies.?
emretje12 2 years ago
How can you typ in Chinese LOL??
alvincyt 2 years ago
Of course I? can type in my native language.
luyefar 2 years ago
Hugo Liao 2 years ago
MrSombody2 2 years ago
the whole? chinese parliament voted dislike against this movie( and democracy)
TOTG31 2 years ago
ETAmsterdam 2 years ago
Well-done, hopefully they will? treat their political activists with more dignity in the future
zzeng326 2 years ago
Dutch is? asshole
MrHeroiz 2 years ago
Dutch is asshole? ur an asshole instead calling a whole country a asshole.?
PandoraMakanim 2 years ago
Bahram Sadeghi
man? of the year 2010... you are done it very well
WillonFire87 2 years ago
I think it's beyond idiotic behaviour what this supposed grown man is portraying. It's a? childish mockary and you can see the chinese government official reacting as graceful as he can to this 'may he poop on my knee' wise ass ;)
sammythangerules 2 years ago
Trol much? It's? not like this guy put mr. Liu in prison
break1break 2 years ago
fa204869 2 years ago
hellooooo000 2 years ago
Dutch Borat? pwnd ignorant Chinese govt! xD xD
JXjohn 2 years ago
Nobel? peace price is for promoting peace around world, between races, and preventing and stopping wars among nations.
liuqingyi 2 years ago
So... had this guy been to China?
I guess not.
My advice for him is to live in China for years, see what's happening in China and ask many common Chinese what they think.
At least, I agree the? ambassador's some words. We don't need others to tell us what to do.
Sorry for my poor English.
alvincyt 2 years ago
Why don't you ask the Chinese govt to carry out a referandum and see what the Chinese majority think? Are they dare to be told by their own? citizens what to do?
DCMaarten 2 years ago
to? mutch comies in the comments free china free Lui Xiaobo
MrSonicmodel 2 years ago
There are two groups of people, comie and not comie. Also they are devided into for C-gov and anti C-gov. How do you know those who support C-gov's decisions are comies? Show me your evidence, not? your impression. Too much irrational people in the comments.
so1ange 2 years ago
the Taoist model allows for fluctuations of yin and yang. Neither Taoism nor Confucianism would have allowed for communism. Reiterate your argument, you are being as irrational as your government, which right now is obviously seeking another kind? of 'ism' it begins with a big 'C'.
stratdvd 2 years ago
I'm Dutch myself and? I find this funny. It's obvious he's ridiculing the Chinese state with those flowers.
TheTymera 2 years ago
This guy did not give those flowers on behalf of the dutch people. Fuck him. I am? ashamed that he behaved this way in an embassy. :c
RetardTE 2 years ago
Stuur dan iemand die normaal? engels kan.
coffee0tea 2 years ago
coffee0tea 2 years ago
People who don't know anything about China? cannot see the truth of all those fake stories. They just simply believe in what they received from the local TV and radio. Some of those information could be true, which have been re-organized; some are even distorted. Before saying anything bad, please experience real China by yourself.
alvincyt 2 years ago
So what sort of "real China" would confine? all innocent relatives and friends of Liu from travelling aboard?
twchannel 2 years ago
FUCK CHINA!!!!!!!?
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supportiraqnow 2 years ago
这个视频太棒了,什么大使?? 就是个笑柄!张军大使利用共和国纳税人的钱在36岁到英国学了两-年国际法,水平没有见涨嘛!这样的人居然还曾是唐家璇的智囊,难-怪中国的外交一塌糊 涂,还搞不过老和尚呢!!
merdekaataumati1949 2 years ago
wuyun2004 2 years ago
ivorychau 2 years ago
◆崇? 洋 媚 外 ◆ 卑 賤 本 性◆
對香港記者 ◆ 又打又摑!
見倒鬼佬 ◆ 就鳩都縮!
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xib 2 years ago
The ambasador had this look of "Wuuudddd is dis? I raff I ruse???"? the whole time XD
ReiToei83 2 years ago
The poor English of pro-Chinese comments in? here is almost as funny as Sadeghi's English. Almost. Other then that, delicious ownage. Amateuristic diplomacy FTW.
asxholes 2 years ago
As far as I can see, nobody's English can be poorer than yours right under this clip. You're so cheeky! I'd feel ashamed of you if I were an? anti-Chinese scum.
ReiToei83 2 years ago
Well then, point out the poor parts. Be my guest :). 'U are trying to, to to, make? quarrel with me?' :D
shibownbown 2 years ago
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"Gainax doesn't afraid? of anything. They are pretty cool guys."
Your excellent? English clearly does not make people laugh.....
asxholes 2 years ago
Asking for? free English lessons? Say "other thAn" instead of "other then" next time, and "amateurish" is shorter and therefore better than "amateuristic." Please keep it in mind.
G Whittome 2 years ago
: the issue here is human rights, not an English lesson. Why? don't you discuss more essential issues?
asxholes 2 years ago
If you had read all the messages carefully with a little respect for others' human rights, you'd have known my position well enough. That? specific answer was directed to a specific request for an English lesson. I guess he had the right to seek my answer and I had the right to give him the answer he sought. These rights are to be respected if you are indeed serious about human rights. Of course, you had the right to pose that question as well. Hope I answered your question?
G Whittome 2 years ago
>>specific request for an English lesson<< ??? :-))) ( = 噴飯笑話!)
You don't seem to know what sarcasm is, do you? Go and read ReiToei83's post again - slowly and? carefully...
It was a sarcastic comment on the English as spoken by the guy in the clip - and as such out of place in this thread. And I'm not going to go into details about some of the English I read here...
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asxholes 2 years ago
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Your challenge already proved that my response to his request served its purpose in every way. Hope? you put it into your pipe and smoke it before wandering further away from your major concern --"human rights." Look at this so-called "human rights champion" whose? behavior speaks volumes.? No sarcasm intended:-).
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shibownbown 2 years ago
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"Gainax doesn't afraid? of anything. They are pretty cool guys."
Your excellent English clearly does not make people? laugh.....
coffee0tea 2 years ago
Does? better English mean better argument?? Where's the link?
alvincyt 2 years ago
There is no link between language proficiency and argument, while those Chinese flunkies have neither one of? them.
Jiangzhi Chen 2 years ago
Dude I bet you don't dare to walk into the American embassy this way, even if you just want to say "I love you Obama!" There is great chance you get? arrested, or worse, shot to death...
TheRealChina 2 years ago
Democracy in China? !
slightmoon 2 years ago
Nobel? prize is just a joke. The middle east looking guy is disgusting.
georgehua09 2 years ago
西方列强(现在也不怎么强了)一直用一种高人一等的姿态来评判中-国,从心里就没有想跟我们平等过,他们真的希望中国发展成美国一-样?我们离他 们其实还有很大一阵距离他们就紧张了,什么"中国威-胁论""中国崩溃论"全来了,中国不会因为他们喊几句就不发展了-,也不会因为他们喊几句就 崩溃了.毛泽东不是一位完人,一生也犯-了很多错,但最重要的是他敢对西方列强说不,他是真正站起来的巨-人,所以西方人也尊重他.如果不是毛泽 东一定要搞原子弹,我怀疑-我们这些人是不是还有机会活在这个世上.刘晓波等人最终只会成为-西方人手中的一张牌,换取一些利益而已,就象六四民 运分子一样.-你真得偑服西方人的阳谋--他们有中国人来打压中国人, 不费一枪一弹,就能扰人之兵,其实最终目的就一个,打压中国,抑-制中国发展,让中国永远成为二等国家,或者变成无数个傀儡小国.-静心用自己的脑袋想一 想,如果觉得中国政府不好的,提了建议也不-改的,那么我建议那些民主斗士们勇敢地团结起来推翻它,建立一个-完全民主自由的国家.?
georgehua09 2 years ago
姑且不谈刘晓波对错,就算是冤假错案,作为外国人也只应该提醒中-国政府重新考虑,而不是强迫中国政府放人,这是对所有中国人的歧-视,这包括对 中国政府及共产党持不同意见的人.中国人的可悲之处-就在于汉奸太多.另外,就本人所见,还没有碰到一个外国人睢得起-整天说自己祖国这不好那不 好的人.那些整天喊着要民主的人醒醒吧-,真的不是每一样都适合中国的国情的.西方国家是富人政治,如果-中国完全发展中美国这样,恐怕到时候反 中反共的斗士们也没有几位-能讲上话的,你能保证你将来一定能赚很多钱,多到花一亿多美元来-竞选?有时候看起来很好的东西并不一定好用的.?
alvincyt 2 years ago
中共在民國年代, 於江西瑞金成立蘇維埃政權, 勾結蘇共勢力,? 自行頒布憲法, 拒絕承認中國憲法, 更與蘇聯串連推動蒙古公投, 最終分裂外蒙. 中共正是中國史上最大的漢奸了!
georgehua09 2 years ago
反政府总是要受到政府追剿的,所以当时的中国合法政府疯狂围剿中-共,我的祖父也支持并参加了剿共大军。但是,共产党毕竟推翻了国-民党,现在它 是联合国承认的合法政府,所以它依法制裁依靠外国势-力,企图肢解中国、推翻政府的敌对分子也是天经地义的。任何外国-势力对合法政府天经地义的 法律行为进行干预都是对中华民族的傲慢-与不尊重。中国的问题须由中国人自己解决。苏俄当年的傲慢受到过-包括毛泽东本人在内的中国人的抵制和谴 责,就跟现在大家谴责诺委-会傲慢对待中国法律一样。直到有一天,LXB的08宪章取代了中-共宪法,你等推翻了中共政府,我也希望你等自己解决 中国自己的问-题;我也一样会站在自己同胞一边坚决抵制和谴责任何外来干涉。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
錯了!? 根據你這個邏輯推論, 這些外來干涉, 理應留待中共倒台, 新政權上台後才去抵制譴責, 因為你主子中共都一樣等到上台後才去抗拒蘇俄的.
georgehua09 2 years ago
反政府有反政府的逻辑,政府有政府的逻辑,我坚持的既不是政府的-逻辑也不是反政府的逻辑,而是维护中华民族尊严的逻辑。哪种逻辑-最符合维护我 们的民族尊严,那才是我的逻辑。就你目前的心态,要-求你换位思考只能是一种奢望。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
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呵呵! 我對你提出的質疑與詰問, 你一句也答不上. 怎麼了? 這麼快就理屈詞窮, 要轉移視線了?
告訴你,? 我根本不用販賣甚麼反政府的邏輯, 在剛過去的幾分鐘, 我就拿了幾段關於"孔子和平獎"的報導, 跟我在facebook的所有外國朋友分享. 我可沒有附加任何個人意見, 別人都有獨立思考, 看過後自然會對你主子的素質和底蘊有更深刻的認識.
alvincyt 2 years ago
再告訴你一點, 目前國內的核心異見領袖約20萬, 而且在不斷增加, 你主子在剛過去一年的"維穩"成本要人民幣5000億. 順著這個勢頭, 你主子再不及時推行民主化, 不出20年就要倒台, 這是連很多大陸學者也能預見的趨勢.? 所以, 我們根本不用宣揚甚麼反政府邏輯, 只要閒來說說落井下石的風涼話就足夠了, 若能令這個周期加快一點, 則更是錦上添花.
薩哈羅夫在1973年得了和平獎, 十幾年後蘇共就垮台. 所以, 現在就有學者估計, 劉曉波這個獎, 會令中共政權的民主化或覆亡化提前十幾年, 當然極權主義者的幫閒宵小, 是不會明白其中的原理的.
georgehua09 2 years ago
好!非常激动人心。热切期待着您美梦成真的这一天!看来诺贝尔奖-还真有推翻他国政府的威力啊?这么说,中共政府反感,认为其干涉-内政并非空穴 来风哦?无论什么结局,作为外籍华人,只希望你们以-最和平、最稳健、最体面、最有尊严的方式争取regime change,并尽可能减轻人民的疾苦和损失。千万不要让我们华-人丢脸。另外,我的主子现在是加拿大。你口口声声"你的主子"是-指加拿大政府吗?企图 推翻加拿大政府,那么诺委会得先给我发个和-平奖才行啊?呵呵:-)?
asxholes 2 years ago
...看来诺贝尔奖-还真有推翻他国政府的威力啊?...企图推-翻加拿大政府,那么诺委会得先给我发个和-平奖才行啊?---H- ahahaha....I'm doubling up with laughter! You guy so funny! ?
alvincyt 2 years ago
呵呵! 你的主子是加拿大吧, 那麼看來你早就宣誓效忠英女皇了吧, 那還有啥資格談甚麼民族尊嚴,? 甚麼外來干涉呢? 甚麼是內甚麼是內, 在你入籍那一天不就已經change了麼?
alvincyt 2 years ago
再告訴你一點, 國民政府當年再如何圍剿中共也好,? 至少也讓它有言論出版自由, 讓它天天發表社論鼓吹聯省獨立, 鼓吹普選, 鼓吹多黨制. 現在的中共比民國好嗎? 有這份胸襟嗎?
alvincyt 2 years ago
又再問你, 你不留在加拿大, 回到你主子懷抱去,? 又不翻牆的話, 你能上youtube嗎? 你主子會讓你上youtube發表這些偉論嗎?
georgehua09 2 years ago
哈哈哈。。。那样不是更好吗?就没有人为您提供另一种逻辑了,那-您岂不正好可以大行其道,在youtube上尽情贩卖您的私货---反政府逻辑 了。您的反政府逻辑正好反证了中共将LXB收监是合-理合法的,因为你们不承认执政的合法政府并试图将其推翻嘛!我不-能说中共做的绝对正确,但 从您揭示的历史逻辑来看,至少是天经地-义吧。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
呵呵! 我對你提出的質疑與詰問, 你一句也答不上. 怎麼了? 這麼快就理屈詞窮, 要轉移視線了?
告訴你, 我根本不用販賣甚麼反政府的邏輯, 在剛過去的幾分鐘, 我就拿了幾段關於"孔子和平獎"的報導, 跟我在facebook的所有外國朋友分享. 我可沒有附加任何個人意見, 別人都有獨立思考, 看過後自然會對你主子的素質和底蘊有更深刻的認識.?
georgehua09 2 years ago
好多东西都是屁股决定脑袋的事情。我跟你们不同的地方就像我声明-的,屁股既不坐在中国政府一边,也不坐在反中国政府的一边,而只-站在中华民族 一边。作为外籍华人,最在意的是本族裔的尊严。本来-我是反对将LXB这样的沽名钓誉之辈关进监狱的,认为他成不了什-么气候。但是当诺委会公然 藐视中国合法政府的法律时,那种民族矛-盾立刻占据了主导地位。拘捕LXB无论对错,都只能由中国人自己-判断和解决,任何外来干涉都是一种对我 族裔智慧的侮辱。而这种视-角是与任何极端分子截然不同的。为什么要被您等极端反政府人士牵-着鼻子走呢??
alvincyt 2 years ago
1. 你的屁股在你的護照一邊, 你可是宣誓了要效忠的.
2. 諾貝爾頒獎給馬丁路德金時, 他也是美國的罪犯, 可美國人卻沒有說那是藐視美國法律, 更不認為那是甚麼民族矛盾. 相反, 人家更讓政治和法律變得更公義,? 這就是中國沒有的胸襟了.
3. 別忘記你已經不是中國人, 按照你自己所同意的邏輯, 那你已經沒有資格以外來身份去干涉中國的事情了.
georgehua09 2 years ago
1.国籍与族裔尊严想必任何在北美生活的人都能区分。这里没有效-忠问题,只有族裔尊严驱动的明辨是非问题。我已经说了,你等梦想-成真之日,一 样要求你们让海外华裔多感受一点民族自豪感。2.何-时马丁路德金成了美国的罪犯?他是民权领袖,不是企图推翻合法政-府的罪犯。原来我也没有觉 得LXB是企图推翻政府的罪犯,是您反-复强调这一点的,所以中国政府做的对是你确认的,诺奖推翻政府的-威力也是你交代的。3.没错,我没有资 格干涉中国内政,我干涉了-嘛?呵呵:-)。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
1. 哈哈! 若你區分國籍和族裔尊嚴是那麼"嚴格"的話, 那你以後就要少說點甚麼"中國合法法律"的屁話了, 因為族裔是沒有法律的, 只有國家才有法律. 至於所謂效忠問題, 再具體說明一下, 就是明天若加拿大跟中國打起仗來, 你到底要站在哪一邊, 到時你的民族自豪在哪裡? 2. LXB也不是企圖推翻合法政府, 支持他的人有沒有這個企圖, 跟他本人沒有關係, 不要把邏輯混淆了. 3. 你有沒有干涉中國內政,? 性質就跟LXB有沒有干涉中國內政一樣咯!
georgehua09 2 years ago
你是越来越语无伦次了,逻辑而且相当混乱,估计你也没有读过多少-书,跟你扯皮真是浪费时间。国籍和族裔尊严本来就有两个完全不同-层面的概 念,"严格"何从谈起?为什么一个加拿大人就不能评论"-中国合法政府"的合法行为呢?这完全是旁观者的角度对某项争端提-出的客观看法,莫非你 想剥夺我的发言权?恐怕办不到吧?除非你自-己拿个诺贝尔奖,用那块硬邦邦的奖牌把我砸死,呵呵。至于效忠问-题,那是傻瓜们经常爱玩的低智商游 戏,除了说明国籍和族裔认同的-确存在以外,其它毫无意义,因为它属个人隐私。能问出这样问题者-在人权问题上都是伪君子。2.LXB企图推翻合 法政府不是我说的-,而是你用国共交恶的类比反复强调的;诺奖推翻政府的威力也是你-反复强调的。3.如你所述,LXB对PRC就如同当年PRC 对K-MT,而我则始终是海外华人的角度,也就是月球看地球的角度,请-不要搞乱逻辑,混淆视听。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
1. 是呢自己說, 你不是在支持政府一邊, 也不是反對政府一邊, 而是中華民族一邊. 然而, 立法的只有政府而不是民族, 執法的亦只有政府而不是民族. 所以, 若你只站在民族上說話, 那你根本就沒有資格去討論中國政府是不是合法, 或其行為是不是合法, 除非你做過普查,? 證明13億中華兒女大部份都支持這個政府和它的行為. 懂了沒有? 奴才.
2. 不好意思, 入籍加拿大這個所謂"個人隱私", 你不說, 別人都會知道需要經過甚麼手續. 宣誓效忠英女皇, 那是必然的, 用"個人隱私"作為迴避質問的借口, 只是掩耳盜鈴而已.
3. 我是說若LXB的言論要入獄的話, 你主子毛澤東就該上斷頭台, 兩者程度根本不一致, 怎會有"如同"可言? 至於諾獎的威力, 就算給我有幸言中, 那也不過是環境因素, 與劉曉波個人言行或動機扯不上關係, 看來混淆視聽的是你吧.
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georgehua09 2 years ago
再看看您的遣词口吻,说你等在人权问题上属于伪君子一类没有冤枉--你吧?你我都是在行使法律赋予的言论自由,可是你确左一个"奴-才-"有一 个"奴才"地诽谤他人,你是如何捍卫人权的?我的言论-自由-在法律许可的范围内是无条件的,这一点基本常识难道你都没-有?你-看我在这里质疑 过你的发言权吗?我就连LXB的发言权也-没有质疑-,甚至跟你说过,我起初根本就是反对逮捕他的,只是在-你反复启发-下,才觉得中国政府对付 反政府势力的做法也有他一定-的合法性和合理性而已。如果-你还认为人权重要,请不要那么虚伪-地企图剥夺我的言论权。自重!?
alvincyt 2 years ago
呵呵! 看來你除了是奴才, 更連基本的法律常識也沒有. 罵人"奴才"是誹謗, 看來你連"陳述"和"評論"兩個概念也未搞清楚吧. 要構成誹謗, 首先要滿足的條件, 就是對事實的錯誤陳述, 可罵你"奴才"卻沒有甚麼事實不事實可言, 那只是一個評論. 美國和加拿大的司法制度, 可不像你主子般, 能以個別人的主觀願望壓倒一切的. 若你堅持是誹謗的話, 試試發訴狀控告我吧, 到時我就在庭上再說你是奴才,? 說100遍, 看你能不能贏? 不敢的話, 就再提高一下自己的常識水平, 以後當個合格的奴才.
georgehua09 2 years ago
你不要以为不值得为你浪费时间将你告上法庭,你就不是诽谤。只要-某人不是任何人的奴才,而你却侮称其为奴才,就是一种诽谤,sl-ander。 在北美,你随便骂人就不是诽谤了?你在街上骂人"香-蕉"、"Orio"试试,碰上跟你较真的就得让你戴上手铐。看来-你等真正的是非常虚伪的人 权伪斗士,就连骂人都那么理直气壮,简-直不可思议。算了,奉劝各位网友,你们大凡碰到口口声声民主人权-,却理直气壮满口脏话,任意谩骂侮辱他 人的人,那你们不必跟他们-浪费时间,因为他们就是最典型的践踏人权的暴徒。晚安!?
alvincyt 2 years ago
"In common law jurisdictions, slander refers to a malicious, false,[2]? and defamatory spoken statement or report"
你能證明你不是奴才麼? 你能證明這個形容對你而言是false麼? 可憐復可笑的奴才, 不知道burden of proof在控方麼?
georgehua09 2 years ago
很好,你引证的条款正好说明骂人"奴才"是典型的malicio-u,false and defamatory? spoken statement!你是要人举证证明自己不是"奴才",你的诽-谤就成立。这一点就够了,说明我没有用错概念。读者心中自有判断-。你是利用了你毫无价 值让任何人成为控方这一点竭尽诽谤之能事的-。很好,继续你的骂人生涯吧!
alvincyt 2 years ago
@georgehua09 @georgehua09 呵呵! 讓人戴上手銬的, 是刑事罪行. 既是刑事罪行, 就更不用浪費你那一文不值的時間, 甚至死不足惜的生命了. 乾脆向當地執法機關告發我, 警察就會為你代勞了.
我現在就再說一遍 - 你是奴才, 一個不折不扣, 徹頭徹尾的奴才. 怎樣了? 快告發我去, 讓我戴上手銬去. 可三天以後, 或一星期以後,? 仍見我在這裡嘲笑你這奴才的話, 就證明你這奴才是井底之蛙, 自暴其醜了.
怎樣了? 奴才快去告發我吧.
alvincyt 2 years ago
還有, 有個問題你還沒有答我, youtube在中國大陸境內是被屏蔽的, 是被禁止訪問的網站,? 國內人都要用翻牆技術才能瀏覽的. 那你為甚麼跑到國外去上youtube? 你是不是在否定主子網絡管理的合法性?
Moljudo 2 years ago
That's none of your business, I guess. He has told you he's a Canadian.? And your behavior is no better than any human-rights abuser. You have my sympathy, though. Take care!
alvincyt 2 years ago
呵呵! 讓人戴上手銬的, 是刑事罪行. 既是刑事罪行, 就更不用浪費你那一文不值的時間, 甚至死不足惜的生命了. 乾脆向當地執法機關告發我, 警察就會為你代勞了.
我現在就再說一遍 - 你是奴才, 一個不折不扣, 徹頭徹尾的奴才. 怎樣了? 快告發我去, 讓我戴上手銬去. 可三天以後, 或一星期以後,? 仍見我在這裡嘲笑你這奴才的話, 就證明你這奴才是井底之蛙, 自暴其醜了.
怎樣了? 奴才快去告發我吧.
alvincyt 2 years ago
再問你, 你在這侃侃而談中國政府合法, 中國政府的行為合法, 你認為你有沒有權利去評論? 若你認為自己有, 那再問你, LXB又有沒有權利談中國政府不合法,? 談中國政府的行為不合法呢?
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alvincyt 2 years ago
不好意思, 你偷換概念的舔共邏緝不能成立, 因為:
1. 我可沒有說過LXB vs PRC = PRC vs KMT, 我早已說LXB跟CCP上台前的言行有根本上的不同(若LXB要-收監, CCP就該上斷頭台).
2. 中共可是在LXB獲諾獎前一年就已經把他收監, 所以諾獎的影響不能用來證明判刑的絲毫正當性.
3. 反而這裡有人說, 把諾獎頒給這罪犯是故意干涉中國法律, 如果這邏緝成立, 令LXB獲獎的最大功臣就是中共本身, 那麼做成這個影響,? 最不打自招的就是中共, 最應該用國民政府當年手段對付的也是中共, 因為是中共讓LXB獲獎的.
georgehua09 2 years ago
1.你一开始就是以CPC当年的行为类比以LXB为代表的反政府-力量在此亮相的,LXB是"收监",瑞金时期是"围剿",没错,-确有区 别:27年4.12上断头台的CPC不正是数以万计吗?可-见,CPC上断头台,LXB只坐11年牢,五十步与百步的区别清-晰明了,性质相同, 但行为有别,所以这种类比确认了PRC行为的-合法性。是你的启发。2. 一年前收监怎么啦?我当初是反对的,在你的启发下,现在明白了,-我这样的书生哪知道08宪章葫芦里卖的什么药?我又不是专业政治-运动员,一年前哪看得 出他的真实意图啊?现在你等不打自招,反村-了中国合法政府的远见卓识。3.表面上看中共的确帮了LXB的忙-,但是现在已经不重要了。重要的是 那个奖毕显推翻他国政府的意图-,LXB所代表的你等反政府势力也原形毕露,这一点对中共来说是-最重要的,等于挑开了脓头。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
不好意思, 你又類比錯誤了.
1. 瑞金被圍剿, 因為那裡有分裂國家的具體行動. 可只是發表反政府言論的新華日報呢? 有被圍剿嗎?? 有被收監嗎? 那為何LXB就要收監? 看來你連甚麼是五十步, 甚麼是一百步的概念也未搞得懂.
2. 08憲章有甚麼意圖, 難道會因獲得諾貝爾獎與否而有所轉移? 難道你主子早在一年前就知道LXB會贏得諾貝爾獎? 那為何這"罪狀"沒有寫在判決書呢? 那不是證明其罪行的有力證據麼. 你這說法, 恰恰證明了你的自打嘴巴.
3. 怎會不重要呢? 既然你認為諾獎可以讓LXB的判刑合理化, 那麼協助他獲獎的中共當然也罪無可恕了.
georgehua09 2 years ago
如果类比有错,那不是我的类比,是你的类比。最初谁提出瑞金的?-谁说如果LXB收监,那么CPC就该上断头台的?你啊!我只是受-你类比的启 发,觉得CPC上断头台和LXB收监都是合法政府的依-法量刑而已啊。其它更是不值得浪费时间了,一句话,你的逻辑混乱-,而且做一个奴才有一个 奴才的骂人,说明什么问题呢?你心智错乱-了,所以除了骂人之外没有更好的发泄渠道。恕不奉陪。晚安!?
Moljudo 2 years ago
I love your style, buddy! You leave the hypocritical human-rights abuser exposed, spreadeagle, swearing and kicking. How pathetic he is! I'll learn from you and take your advice: never get entangled with foul mouths. A good lesson, indeed! Thank you very much!?
love09kiwi 2 years ago
georgehua09 2 years ago
同感。所以我已在旁观其歇斯底里了。我一贯奉行骂不还口。歇斯底-里骂人说明他理屈词穷了。(1)恼羞成怒。什么让他恼,什么使他-羞呢?失败, 败阵之后一般总会歇斯底里骂人的;(2)教养差,满-脑子"奴才""奴才"一遍遍重复还能学啥别的东西;(3)修养差-,平日不注意养心;(4) 面容也不会太好,因为只有洗心才能革面-,一个人心里装满"奴才",脸上一定会显现出来。不用照面,就凭-其骂人之歇斯底里就可以为其画幅漫画 了。继续观其表演吧。谢谢!-?
georgehua09 2 years ago
我原本认为LXB跟我一样拥有发言权,但是在您的LXBvsPR-C=?PRCvsKMT类比公式的启发下,觉得如果像你所说以0-8宪章?取代 PRC的宪法,并如您断言LXB拿到诺奖后PRC将-很快被推翻,那么中国合法政府以民国政府当年对付共匪之手段对付-你等群党也属天经地义。完 全是你不打自招所致。要怪还是怪您自己-吧。如果你忏悔了,说你们不是想推翻合法政府,只是跟我一样作壁-上观,当然我们都享有平等权力。您不会 再剥夺我的发言权了吧?谢-谢您的幡然悔悟:-)。?
alvincyt 2 years ago
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不好意思, 你偷換概念的舔共邏緝不能成立, 因為:
1. 我可沒有說過LXB vs PRC = PRC vs KMT, 我早已說LXB跟CCP上台前的言行有根本上的不同(若LXB要--收監, CCP就該上斷頭台).
2.? 中共可是在LXB獲諾獎前一年就已經把他收監, 所以諾獎的影響不能用來證明判刑的絲毫正當性.
3. 反而這裡有人說, 把諾獎頒給這罪犯是故意干涉中國法律, 如果這邏緝成立, 令LXB獲獎的最大功臣就是中共本身, 那麼做成這個影響, 最不打自招的就是中共, 最應該用國民政府當年手段對付的也是中共, 因為是中共讓LXB獲獎的.
georgehua09 2 years ago
其实人类的发展史只有几千年, 我们回顾一下就不难发现自1840年后, 西方各国就象狼一样地想吞食中国创造的财富. 如果说西方人真为中国人作想,? 他们为什么总是对中国实行技术封锁, 为什么只将大麻鸦片这样的东西输送到中国?共产党也许不是最优秀-的党,中国也许不是最富最民主的国家,但这并妨碍我们热爱我们的-国家,俗话说子不嫌母 丑,母亲再丑也是母亲.自古以来想依靠国外-势力在国内做成大事的在中国基本没有,将来也不会有.
alvincyt 2 years ago
中共在民國時期, 在中國境內成立蘇維埃政權, 接受蘇共資金及軍火, 那是不是依靠外國勢力??
LEI PAN 2 years ago
kickong 2 years ago
shame on the? big beard
love09kiwi 2 years ago
to be colony of other countries is a way be get your so called peace? Look at what Liu Xiaobo have said. before the prize, I have never known that Liu is such kind of person who receive money from America and at the same time said china should? be a colony for 300 years to get communists.
alvincyt 2 years ago
LOL, you want to discuss about history? Here you? go:
1. 毛澤東曾倡議成立湖南共和國, 更鼓吹中國各省自中華民國獨立出去.
2. 中共建國前推動外蒙獨立公投, 最後成功分裂外蒙.
3. 中共在三十年代於江西瑞金成立蘇維埃政權, 勾結蘇共勢力, 自行頒布憲法.
4. 中共於七十年代曾拒絕收回澳門
5. 中共1920年社論:《反對統一》
6. 中共1920年社論: 《打破沒有基礎的大中國建設許多中國從湖南做起》
劉曉波有無收美國錢, 我不知道, 但中共在民國時期在中國境內成立蘇維埃政權, 接受蘇共資金及軍火, 就係鐵一般史實.
如劉曉波言論足以收監, 那你主子就應被送上斷頭台, 更不用說有執政的資格.
alvincyt 2 years ago
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Btw,? you did not answer my question yet. Why don't you ask your chairman Hu to carry out a referandum and find out what's the feeling? of the Chinese majority and how they interpret the term "peace"? Dare you?
whoopyNL whoopy 2 years ago
whoopyNL whoopy 2 years ago
clinxzuo 2 years ago
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it? is great fun!!!
Pak Yiu Yick 2 years ago
151 50-cent party members on? YouTube. Go fuck yourself
equn 2 years ago
China should reform at a faster pace to win respect of the world.
Imprison Liu is not a correct thing to do.
This video is fun!?
VickyInDC2009 2 years ago
Nobel peace is more and more like a? joke. Look at who got it? and based on whose judgment? Nobel prize committee's? Western way = universal way?
tcl83 2 years ago
Great surprise! Yes indeed a great day for the Chinese people. They should stand up and defend their? freedom against the authoritarian regime of PRC.
match999 2 years ago
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
it is? a musllin"s style joke.fucking mid-east ass hole.
TheRealChina 2 years ago
FREE Liu Xiaobo? !
& FREE All Tibetan Political prisoners !
biklikbala 2 years ago
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap? clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
JDYTC 2 years ago
he is; working for Dutch television? for more than a decade
cactuslw 2 years ago
This is open insult to the ambassador (though he need some PR training) but still that is very bad example of free express.sure the guy did show his grievance but he was neither convincing nor giving any reason, instead he behaved more like a rude guest who should? go back to school to learn some courtesy
alexguo20 2 years ago
i think this video can fully explain why? this guy and their people could be bombed in their contries....look at his beard!! Dose he know anything about his ancestors?? If so, why not send a bom-b to 'another' embassy and explore himself!!!! mother f-u-c-ker
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
This middle-east dude is probably under the payroll of some western country! Just? another traitor of the Middle East! He should be ashamed of himself!
gordiflu 2 years ago
Exactly, it's a Chinese embassy... IN EUROPE!!
Now go try to do something? similar in China, see what happens.
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
Taymour Abdel Wahab was? the brother of this musllin guy. do you guys konw who is Taymour Abdel Wahab. Can he represent dutch people too?
立 贝 2 years ago
If he is a Dutch citizen ,? he is a Dutch!
nasridine 2 years ago
well according to Armand, they were holding some exhibition that day and like Zhang said in the clip, they? were expecting some college kids. How the fuck would he know what the stupid "dutch" was coming for, smartass?
Cooper Peng 2 years ago
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it is? a peace prize,? but the NOBEL did not reward this award in a peace way.
nasridine 2 years ago
cuz the muslim is a fucking punk.? Tell me how you deal with a crazy idiot like this
kleinverzet 2 years ago
Sorry, but he realy is a self declared? infidel. But you must be a commie!
nasridine 2 years ago
you are damn right I'm a commie, so be careful of what the? fuck you say
InfernalSatan 2 years ago
The Chinese embassy was? holding some exhibition that day, so everybody can walk in.
sweetozarka 2 years ago
So? annoying.............
shibownbown 2 years ago
It is pretty amazing that the Chinese ambassy is so open to the public....Had he dared to do so to any of the US ambassies, he would? just be arrested or shot....Without doubt...
luyefar 2 years ago
If you want to insult American you should have a strong reason to embarrass them face to face. But unfortunately you can hardly find? a reason the world agree with.
shibownbown 2 years ago
: Wow, the US really has so many Taiwanese running dogs....Unfortunately your US masters has already abandoned you Taiwanese in 1979 to embrace the evil China.....What the US is doing in Afgan and Iraq is 1000 times more evil than what the Chinese government is doing....Look at the number of people killed ever since they? started the wars...It is ridiculous to say we don't have strong reasons to "embarrass them face to face"....
luyefar 2 years ago
Aren't you a dog or just? a meat ball.
shibownbown 2 years ago
: in comparison to Chinese, Taiwanese,? as people from a rebelling province of China, are more like meat balls.....
koertje 2 years ago
Hey Sadeghi, maak? Nederland niet belachelijk.
trr4l 2 years ago
stop hating china fucking jews?
trr4l 2 years ago
he's an? iranian dissident
DerkvanL 2 years ago
Upvoted, brilliant 2.0
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vincere xie 2 years ago
Check the videos ( watch?v=yDD5waedS4I,watch?v=du--a5sa8j9a0, watch?v=xH7RKh99yFQ, watch?v=STtKvS3NM18, watch?v=JXL9mxV49xo ) . Check how the terrorist killed the Chinese people last year. An ugly woman at that time said nothing to condemn those terrorist because they belong to the same ethnic group. But? she distorted the? truth and condemn the people who were killed! And condemn the police who later came and control the riot! This ugly woman was invited to the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE event!
churde 2 years ago
he is a (moderalty famous) dutch? host of discussion and community events. he is also a programmaker. he used to have a blond coupe, im suprised to see him like this to :P. but he knows his shit and is dutch,
Pjotful 2 years ago
Don't get me wrong. The joke is to put two opposites against each other. A 'sandpit fight' and honestly... I think the ambassador won. No slap in the? face or humiliation involved and no need 2 get all nationalistic over it.
Harregarre 2 years ago
This muslim cunt should? do stuff about his religious brothers blowing themselves up in Sweden. But no, he has to abuse Chinese hospitality and taunt them. I think it's fair to say that Asia and the West should unite against muslims.
kleinverzet 2 years ago
China is a totalitarian friend of rogue? nations like Somalia and North Korea, let's face it China is just no partner in the defense of freedom, the Iran dude in this video however is.
nasridine 2 years ago
yeah..yeah..yeah..Don't you ever go to China. I'm? pretty damn sure you will be fucked in the ass hard the moment you stepped on its soil!
Harregarre 2 years ago
And we're a friend of a rogue nation like the United States of America. Let's face it, we're just the lap dog of the USA and we even? fight along with them in their search for oil.
kleinverzet 2 years ago
You must be confused. We should never ever stand up for dictators that gas their own people. Nor for Dictators that threaten the world's oil? supply, a worldwide precondition for the prosperity of the people. Doing that would make us a lap dog of a genocidal maniac.
carmamartsa 2 years ago
@asxholes hahaah...what a hypocrite u are,you have no issue with Chinese govt insulting n humiliating its own people like Liu Xiaobo- a great NOBEL LAUREATES by? imprisoning him !!! Instead you have issue with the person who whishes FREEDOM of speech for the Chinese. If Americans or Western people treates its citizens in Chinese way ....all the people would land up in prison. Pathetic.
asxholes 2 years ago
Let me try to sort out ur moronic logic: Because the Chinese govt imprisoned ur god? LXB, all the Chinese working for that govt are subject to insult and humiliation in the name of No-Peace Prize. Is that so?
kleinverzet 2 years ago
What kind of insults are you? referring to?
zhoutian01 2 years ago
dont insult your enemy, but beat him.
dont insult all the chinese, but beat the chinese.
otherwise, all your so called insultation makes? you looks girly.
do something substantial.
zhoutian01 2 years ago
people like you may know well the way to insult others, but let me tell you that insultating is the last weapon that a man could use.
use some real weapon instead of just your mouth, as it changes nothing.?
carmamartsa 2 years ago
hahaah...what a hypocrite u are,you have no issue with Chinese govt insulting n humiliating its own people like Liu Xiaobo- a great NOBEL LAUREATES by imprisoning him !!! Instead you have issue with the person who whishes FREEDOM of speech for the Chinese. If Americans or Western people treates its citizens in Chinese way ....all the people would land? up in prison. Pathetic.
rainbowincloud 2 years ago
just a fu*king middle east guy, he using the chinese ppls' kindness to talking shit, what a shame, the? ambassy let it inside, rats
CMETRIQUE 2 years ago
China has 1,3 BILLION people... YOU CANNOT have democracy like we have? it here in very small countries. I love China and the gov in there, screw our Dutch hippies that think the world is the same at all places.
If China did not rule by iron hand they would have chaos and the country would be ripped apart.
Pjotful 2 years ago
Its? like Anatole France said : If a million people say a foolish thing... it's still a foolish thing.
carmamartsa 2 years ago
India has over 1 billion people ..how their has working for over 50 years????
Are you saying that Chinese people doesn't not? deserve freedom of speech, right to vote,human right? Democracy?
nasridine 2 years ago
India? Pfft.... Sure they have democracy. But look at how fucked up the society and people are. I'm sure you won't survive more than an hour? when you are in India. Besides, it will probably take them 1 billion year to catch up with China in any fucking way.
nasridine 2 years ago
A fucking muslim! There is a great chance the Nobel shit prize will be awarded to this? motherfucker or alike!
schan uleke 2 years ago
Wat een mongool, die moslim met die baard. Hij heeft werkelijk geen idee.?
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Pjotful 2 years ago
mafketel :P?
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
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It? proves CHina is a country of openness, respect & with friendships around world!! Y? because CHina does NOT have to shut its embassy doors with heavy security presents like? all the American Embassies around the world would have! It doesn't? matter who this clown is, HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE FREEDOM & OPENNESS? OF THE CHINESE EMBASSY! I can image a person of his ethnicity walking into an American? Embassy, first would be impossible, but if he succeeded somehow he would be arrested immediately
quincy103LFC 2 years ago
Omg, You are really expecting a bomb? in the flowers!
luyefar 2 years ago
He may? be a refugee. Anyway, He said what I want to say.
Melvinisawesome 2 years ago
4:05 the guy said in Chinese 这是谁让他进来的? meaning "who the heck let this guy get in here?" hahaha epic!?
nigaia 2 years ago
Haha very funny. As? a Chinese I find this very amusing, esp. when he said "I hope that in the future the Chinese government will win more prizes for peace because the way you treat your people is great!"
hopethereusa 2 years ago
Mr. Bahram Sadeghi acted like a clown. Big day for him for making this video and getting people's attention for his foolish acting. And it seems pretty easy to? pass the security of the Chinese Ambassy... strange...
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
Chinese embassies around the world are all pretty open with little security! China is friendly to the world! China is not the U.S! They lock themselves? in their embassies worrying of terrorist attacks!
term 2 years ago
how can an arabic? guy represent dutch?
leeshunzhen 2 years ago
Could he make himself more funny? The ambassador should not talk? to him at the very beginning~~
boydkoers 2 years ago
Mkaaay...drugs are bad mkay?
timemachi 2 years ago
Ok, as a chinese I say chinese gov is fucked up and so are most of other countries gov, including american gov... Chinese gov is full of shit and? so is others govs, politics lie, we all know that. so no reason to judge because your gov is no better than others at all.
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
At least China does NOT have to lock its embassy doors with heavy security like all American embassies around the world would have to!! China is not afraid? of visitors! COME TO CHINA! WE WELCOME YOU!
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
@w8jij17 Julian Assange is also a HERO!! AND THE ENDING OF ALL HEROs are always the same!!
Its the aggressive one who wins! Like? the war in iraq and afghan!!
feifk 2 years ago
Bahram Sadeghi, i wish your wife wil not? be stoned to death...
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
@Fr1tz31,you think the ambassador habdled very well,but can't? you see the ambassdor stammered? The ambassador Mr. Zhang Jun can not even get his words out straight!! I can sense the deep fear in his heart. He studied in UK, and he knew Tiananmen Massacre when he was 29 yrs old. He should tell right from wrong by himself! The 50 yrs old ambassador is was outsmarted by a 26 yrs old student. I really doubt his IQ. 最后还怪人家:"谁把他弄进来的?"其实还是说:"那个让你直播-的?。。。"就象南京尧化门爆炸式领导训斥记者那样,岂不更好?
魏 凯 2 years ago
Can you say any Chinese words out straight??
Can you show me any video showing a foreign ambassador? in China say any Chinese words out straight??
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
I feel sorry for the ambassador! He is trying to be nice and respectful!! Didn't your? MOM teach you that? Or are all Irish as stubborn as they say?
魏 凯 2 years ago
Read my reply again and see what I meant. I'm Chinese myself and? by the way don't just come along and say something about other's mom.
You also have mom, don't you?????
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
Shit Sorry! misunderstood you!
魏 凯 2 years ago
That's grand. We Chinese people are nice, you? know yourself.
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
haha CHinese are? nice ppl when we want to be! haha
12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
It proves CHina is a country of openness, respect & with friendships around world!! Y? because CHina does NOT have to shut its embassy doors with heavy security presents like all the American Embassies around the world would have! It doesn't?? matter who this clown is, HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE FREEDOM & OPENNESS? OF THE CHINESE EMBASSY! I can image a person of his ethnicity walking into an American? Embassy, first would be impossible, but if he succeeded somehow he would be arrested immediately!
asxholes 2 years ago
And end up in Quantanamo Bay, too.? Good point!
lf2god2003 2 years ago
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STFU you are not a Chinese don't you? you don't even live in? China
alvincyt 2 years ago
If China is such a country of openness, why did she confine Liu's innocent relatives? and friends from travelling aboard? What country in this world would do so against an innocent citizen?
TheRealChina 2 years ago
Liu Xiaobo is True Hero of? China !
imprisonment can't contain Democracy !
FREE Liu FREE CHINA from Chinese Communist Gov't
hagain 2 years ago
then what do you think about the wikileak case? do you think Julian Assange is an innocent citizen? do you think he should be confined? do you think those countries hunting him, freezing his bank account, blocking his? websites are countries not existed in this world? wake up dude, why do you even care about a criminal in China, you have so many to worry about in your own life.
alvincyt 2 years ago
1. He is a wanted person and he turned himself in, and he will be subject to an open hearing. Can you tell me about the charge against Liu's relatives and friends?
2. Then why do you bother to care about? what I am saying here, contradicted moron?
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12gigiJAbomBOMba 2 years ago
Because China is a country of openness and freedom!! China has friends everywhere in the world! China is not afraid or worry !! China doesn;t have to SHUT? ITS EMBASSY DOORS LIKE THEM AMERICANS HAVE TOO!! LOL...
carmamartsa 2 years ago
China has FREEDOM???? How come they kill its own people in millions ( Falun Gong practitioners), shoot its own students (Tienanmen massacre),imprison its own intillectuals ( Liu Xiaobo- )????? Do you a want? a prove?
Go Tienanmen square and shout "Democarcy" n you will get my answer.!!!!!!!!!!
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Marenqo 2 years ago
he? is as much as you would be
Marenqo 2 years ago
he is as much as you would be?
dallasniu 2 years ago
sha chx?
Koko7082 2 years ago
Very bad movie. Let mister Bahram Sadeghi please go to his own country. And he is saying in behalf of the dutch people, that one counts not for me. i think mister Bahram Sadeghi is a fool. By the way, i think its a very good reaction of the chinese? men:)
struisvogel010 2 years ago
Don't exaggerate. It's 500 "gaurding dogs".
At least we? don't kill millions of our own people like China did with the "Great Leap Forward".
kleinverzet 2 years ago
LoL!? BTW Sadeghi is a very funny Iranian immigrant from the Netherlands.
juleshuls 2 years ago
LOL, off broadway TV guy trying? to score an easy hit by doing this.
juleshuls 2 years ago
Who the f*ck is this guy, he isn't Dutch.?
Denniesz 2 years ago
The guy isn't even dutch? and then saying speak on behalf of the Dutch...
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lmxht2010 2 years ago
Very funny! Dutch always likes to play this kind of shit to show their 'justness'. Well, Dutch does forget that 2000 of their soldiers are still playing as USA's guarding dogs in Afghanistan. This is the reason why they can't (or definitely can - if? USA says so) get the Noble Prize in the near futhure.
Brulluhman 2 years ago
China very angry, very angry. Not doing business anylonger? with Holland. We keep buying all your babymilkstock, but no flowers.
SarahatHaarlem 2 years ago
As a dutch, I feel so shameful on this guy. He doesn't represent the general opinions from the dutch people. Absolutely not!
And I don't like the way he cheated the Chinese staff. A well-educated? dutch man will never do so.
Fr1tz3l 2 years ago
I think the ambassador handled that quiet well and this guy does not speak? for 'the Dutch people', I am disgusted by this behaviour.
Tenzin Yeshi 2 years ago
Ha ha well Done well Done,? but poor Chinese Guy His face become Red like a monkey Ass... He He.... I feel Really shame on China..
risen h 2 years ago
Shame on you ,too...?
JeremyHesse 2 years ago
伊朗人!有本事到美领馆门口去做做!门口那两个黑人大哥就把你挡-在外面了。别把中国人的友善当好欺负。自己家的事情管管好,再来-对别人家指手 画脚,谢谢!
Iranish!Please mind your own business. If you really wanna struggle for human rights,? please try it for your own people in the US Embassy in Amsterdam. Let's see what the black guards there will do on you!!
risen h 2 years ago
risen h 2 years ago
哈哈哈哈~~well done! Shame on Chinese government? !
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ytachm 2 years ago
為劉曉波唱吧! 為我們的國家唱吧! A song? dedicated to Liu XiaoBo! Let's sing:
TheTerrurist 2 years ago
hahahaha totally awesome!?
chinesemandarine 2 years ago
Bahram Sadeghi, you? wait! Don't be complacent too early! Chinese young people will give you a lesson.
coolcooolong 2 years ago
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oh my god, i jus wanna say thank you, then i registered this account! I am a chinese people, oh, my god, you are so cool
i do support nebel committe for any reason this time,
no youtube no facebook, no critisis, or probably simply sealed? all chinese's mouths nex time??
as a chinese people , i do feel shame for those 17 countries who did not attend the nobel peace prize meeting!
coolcooolong 2 years ago
oh my god, i jus wanna say thank you, then? i registered this account! I am a chinese people, oh, my god, you are so cool
i do support nebel committe for any reason this time,
no youtube no facebook, no critisis, or probably simply sealed all chinese's mouths nex time??
as a chinese people , i do feel shame for those 17 countries who did not attend the nobel peace prize meeting!
昀浩 包 2 years ago
Don't Chinese people know how not to be friendly?
A guy? ran into you house, climbed up your shoulder and shit on your head, and you just let him, had him tape the whole process and politely escorts him out of the house? What if there was a bomb in the flower?
Don't try this with any other half way descent embassy, you'll get shot by the guards.
Titanic1954utube 2 years ago
dear commies of china pls? dont kill him for this!
kaiyokemp 2 years ago
shame on? china!!!!!!!!!!
nawanglobsang 2 years ago
His Excellency was very diplomatic, especially in front of the cameras.
Luckily this kind of freedom of speech by journalist is only possible outside of China. In mainland China it is unimaginable and for this kind of interrogation, one ends up in long? term imprisonment and one has to undergo massive physical torture and immense suffering.
In this context we are very fortunate and we have to highly appreciate living in a free world where the law and order is based on democratic principles.
昀浩 包 2 years ago
This kind of freedom of speech is only possible in China, whose people are the most peaceful in the? world. Do the same in an american embassy, the Marines will just shoot you dead, or at least wreck your camera.
childschow 2 years ago
Hey, I am from Hong? Kong, I am a Chinese, and I have to say that WELL DONE MAN !!!
lipingfd 2 years ago
Jude Wang 2 years ago
Best prank video ever!?
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
@airan28104196319 I am in China right now, I knew the situation well. If you earned plenty money overseas, never try? to go back to China, (except that your daddy is a local big shot), because commie will raise the house price and make inflation to make all your hard saving disappear!! 翻墙可真不容易啊!!
airan28104196319 2 years ago
bullshit nobel 2010!! it is not the chinese people's well! People do not understand the situation? in China, have no right to talk about those bullshit! shut up stupid people!
kelfy 2 years ago
Sorry for the people who got no freedom from uncivilized China. Because of communist, China has been fucked up for 61 years. I can understand why you are so stupid? and can't see the truth. That is not your fault.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
Mr. Zhang? Jun went to UK as an international student for learning international law in University of Hull at age of 36, He worked as an attache for Tang Jiaxuan later on . He enjoyed talking to the dutchman, because he still need to practise his oral English!!
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tibetiyak 2 years ago
the dictators of Beijing (China) should dialogue with His Holiness Dalai Lama as His Holiness is a man of peace on this earth. Truly, China is lacking far behind of International law and its standards. The law of justice and general Human Rights standards within China and other occupied minority countries like Tibet, Uhigur, inner Mongolia etc. Also those indirectly dominated countries like North Korea, Pakisthan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Burma and etc, etc..... ? Wake up China now!
Gavin Cheng 2 years ago
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I dont think the prize is support? LIU but it is support CCCP. Cuz, last year, the same prize was awarded to Obama who was allowing two war to happen, thousands people to? die. Right?! it's a evil prize and the ambassador should take the greeting. haha
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cruzer619 2 years ago
Thank you Bahram Sadeghi & Dikla? Zeidler for this brilliant piece of work!Good Karma coming to you.
Sidney Bondi 2 years ago
westerners: u can keep bombing? and fcking muslim countries....just leave china alone!!!
queenofallmonkeys 2 years ago
maybe the next time they should send someone who speaks better english, the dutch actually? speak good english you know. :)
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
fuckin iranian.?
ericqianli 2 years ago
Personally I don't like the way the guy talks.? He interrupted the ambassador so often that I have to guess wildly he was planning to make a troublesome talk on purpose.
406356690 2 years ago
hahaha lol?
love09kiwi 2 years ago
What a stupid Nobel Peace Price 2010!! How can they ignore the feeling of? most chinese people who want a peaceful country! We Chinese people will never think 2010 10th is a big day. From A Chinese studying in the USA.
alvincyt 2 years ago
Why don't you ask your chairman Hu to carry out a referandum and? find out what's the feeling of the Chinese majority and how they interpret the term "peace"? Dare you?
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension, but the presence of justice." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Yaqian Wang 2 years ago
Nobel Prize for Peace really? sucks this time...
It should go to Assange next year if it really means promoting peace!
lizard151103 2 years ago
as a Chinese i? say:Fuck Communists Party
dino cali 2 years ago
this guy must be an Arabic person living in Holland, just from his fucking accent you will know that.? On the other hand, all those staff working for the Chinese embassy are fool, a guy without photo ID came into the embassy freely and easily met the ambassador, so funny!
tibzikpo 2 years ago
awesome job, i hope Liu Xiaobo knows he? won the noble peace prize, i heard there's no utube in china. das efffiin suxxxx.....
RickHorse 2 years ago
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asxholes 2 years ago
Oh, hi, Bahram Sadeghi! Congratulations! It's a big day for you! You're insulting and humiliating the Chinese on behalf of the Dutch people. The Nobel Committe is PRIDE of you! That's exactly the purpose of this Nobel Prize: to poke fun of the Chinese, to slap in the face of their harmonious society, and to humiliate their diplomats! What a comedy! What a joke! The Nobel Committe is grateful to? you! Thank you, my Iranian comedian!
fredlockful 2 years ago
Haha,? FREE LIU XIAOBO. What are you scared of Chinese govt.?
ABOMB75 2 years ago
kelfy 2 years ago
Free Mr Liu and fuck all those stupid? communist.
Greetings from Hong Kong, China.
lyonsu47 2 years ago
I am pround of? Mr.liu.
fredlockful 2 years ago
Dear Chinese govt., please leave Liu's kidneys inside him and don't? give them to anyone else like you do with other political prisoners.
asxholes 2 years ago
So you want Mr. Liu dead right? now? What a heartless curse?! May it backfire on you!
fredlockful 2 years ago
What? do you mean?
fredlockful 2 years ago
I? don't want him dead, quite the opposite in fact.
asxholes 2 years ago
Thank you, Bahram Sadeghi! Good job producing this comedy to prove to the world that this Nobel Peace Prize is but a joke. But this Chinese diplomat doesn't seem to be cooperative enough. In fact, he can join you willingly to make it funnier. After all, NPP is nothing but a joke awarded to jokers and clowns and the like. That's the main point! Got? it! Thank you!
fredlockful 2 years ago
Maybe you have drunk too much melamine in your? milk (brain defects).
vincere xie 2 years ago
But you believe that Chinese government is taking kidneys from other political prisoners? I really couldn't understand why you guys believe such ridiculous jokes! Welcome to China and? understand China by yourself not by others brainwash.
asxholes 2 years ago
Don't waste time. He knows it's not true but he just wanted to spread it. That's what's called rumor-mongering? to which he is addicted.
fredlockful 2 years ago
People have have been charged by the Chinese govt. Some have? been put to death. These are proven facts - 6 men charged with poisoning milk with melamine on 21 September 2010. Google is your friend.
vincere xie 2 years ago
Is that has anything to do with what you were talking about just now? The kidneys? The 6 criminals? were killing others by the poisoning milk, then why couldn't they get the punishment? OK, now I know who you are. Just let me stop replying you. Thanks for saving my time.
fredlockful 2 years ago
This comment has received too many negative votes
Yes, in the past the Chinese? govt. has practiced compulsory organ donation on its prisoners. This occurs in other countries but it has never been govt sanctioned. Now you know...google is your friend
asxholes 2 years ago
Hahaha.....everybody can see who is mentally retarded. It took you three posts to catch the real meaning.? Don't curse, pls, dude! Once you curse and swear, you'll be telling the world that you got a fatal kick for slowness:-). Smile and be happy:-).
fredlockful 2 years ago
What curse?Where did I swear? Stay focussed &? please don't distract yourself.
Chunxiao Guo 2 years ago
It is so funny. You made my day?
yymm2006 2 years ago
If I had any doubt whether Liu deserve the prize when the announcement was made, the doubt isall gone after seeing the Chinese government's shameful response. As a Chinese, I am proud of Liu. Thank you, my friend in Netherland? for your effort!
hippo314 2 years ago
I keep imaging about Mr.Bahram Sadeghi go to American embassy with big flower, lol. 3 result.
1th American thinks there is bomb inside the flower, he been shot.
2th. after he? ask why Obama won the rewards and why CIA try to kill Wikileaks owner, then he been beaten like hell,
3th. he never has chance get into American embassy
Sunny Xu 2 years ago
Who was that sucker???? Why did he pretend that he was there for congrats? he was just making fun of the chinese people..... did? he really represent the dutch people?
xianql 2 years ago
it's funny. let? him free
oldfatcrab 2 years ago
thanks for the concern of Mr. Liu, and millions of Chinese people just like Mr. Liu... but I don't think that's a way help anything... first, this never helps Mr. Liu or even make the government hate him more... then, all ppl, except you, shown in this video might be punished by the gvm because of what you have done in the video... they are just doing their job and earn their living, only way? to live in China... why are you pushing them? it's not their fault...
aqubbs 2 years ago
If this fxxking asshole goes to US embassy, he will be blown off just because his disguising beard. WHAT education has this Sadeghi ever taken?! A typical failure of? Dutch education system.
fredlockful 2 years ago
Dear CCCP, please don't cut him up? and use him for body parts like you did witth other prisoners:(
hippo314 2 years ago
anyone? could make a video about Bahram Sadeghi go to American embassy!
lol that would be fun
thetonytang 2 years ago
Iranian? people talking about democracy? What a joke.
hippo314 2 years ago
lol it? is big day for Chinese people, yeah it is, it is the day let me see the truth ugly face of western politician faces and the truth face of Nobel peace rewards, no wonder why Obama won the rewards, oh yeah change :)
aqubbs 2 years ago
This joker is from Iran:
Bahram Sadeghi (1967, Iran) is a former-refugee who lives in Holland since ...I wonder why doesn't this joker dare to go to Iranian embassy or send flowers to Julian Assange, the real peak protector. Xiaobo Liu is notorious for his speech of colonialism. He proposed that? China to be colonized for another 300 years.
Hanli1995 2 years ago
Actually all he did was? call for democratic elections
Fred Wang 2 years ago
ok, ppl with flowers were let in that's a very good demonstration of human right condition @ the embassy............but can you even do the same at US embassy (whose president won the same prize)? i bet they think you are terrorists. I think the ambassador deserves a peace prize, cz' he even? let the stupd jerk finish his stunt!
joyflash2003 2 years ago
I feel this guy is pretending to congrulations to? Chinese people, actually he is intentionally trying to insult Chinese people. He had thought he is doing a smart thing, but actually everyone knows what kind of ugly game he is playing. He is pretty rude! Honestly I thing Chinese people need democracy, but no one will appreciate this kind of stupid "help." It helps nothing except making me throw up.
hippo314 2 years ago
Chinese government always acts like that, that is why I need to fuck up Chinese foreign policy everyday during they change, they are so stupid, so? dumb, they don't know how to deal with those worse western politician
hwu3721 2 years ago
stupid dutch, mind your own business. Peace prize was a joke last year and so does it for this year. Shame on you, Nobel? Committee.
kavanzhang 2 years ago
hahaha funny? one
merdekaataumati1949 2 years ago
Congratulations for the first? Chinese Nobel Prize
vincere xie 2 years ago
Dalai Lama is also Chinese, and a Chinese from PRC. And? there are many Chinese Nobel Laureates though their citizenship are not PRC.
merdekaataumati1949 2 years ago
Dalai Lama is the first? Tibetan who got the Nobel prize.
He is not not Chinese.
vincere xie 2 years ago
You can talk to Dalai Lama if you really wish that Tibetan are not a branch of Chinese and he is not a Chinese. But Dalai Lama cannot make the decision though some people believe that he is a living God and can make any decision for Tibet no matter what other Tibetans? are thinking about. By the way, Dalai Lama is pretending that he is still Chinese. If you don't know why, please do some research on Dalai Lama more carefully.
vincere xie 2 years ago
I understand that you cannot wait to split China into different parts but unfortunately, by this time, Dalai Lama admit that he is a Chinese and he won't ask for the independence of Tibet. Anyway, thanks for let me know who you are and what you? really want from China.
Jian Sun 2 years ago
Mr. Liu is not? the first Chinese Nobel Price, do your homework before comment.
vincere xie 2 years ago
And, there is no need for us to celebrate it because the Nobel Committee isn't selected according to the rules of democracy. People from other countries of the world have no? right to vote.
ytscomin1 2 years ago
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lol, i hope one day people could realize that any actions that promote human good are ultimately independent of the influence of politics, so make a distinction here for yourself: is granting Liu xiaobo the Nobel prize truly an action out of respect, honor? and achievement, or is it entangled with political gimmicks and balancing/counterbalancing, if the latter, then ignore it like you would any other forms of politics as usual, in this case, I think it is thoroughly contaminated with politics
ytscomin1 2 years ago
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lol, i hope one day people could realize that any actions that promote human good are ultimately independent of the influence of politics, so make a distinction here for yourself: is granting Liu xiaobo? the Nobel prize truly an action out of respect, honor and achievement, or is it entangled with political gimmicks and balancing/counterbalancing, if the latter, then ignore it like you would any other forms of politics as usual, in this case, I think it is thoroughly contaminated with politics
ytscomin1 2 years ago
its all politics, i hope people could really see this one day, that any actions that promote the human good are ultimately independent of politics, so make a distinction for yourself here: is granting the nobel prize to Liu Xioabo a truly honorable thing, or is it entangled with politics and power balancing/counterbalancing, if the latter, then? ignore it like you would any other forms of politics as usual. in this case, i think its thoroughly contaminated with the influence of politics
hippo314 2 years ago
More Nobel peace prize come ! more Chinese people will see the real face of Nobel peace awards as western countries tool for tyrannizing other countries, specially those none western power influence asian, african and Latin countries, Even the biggest war criminal Obama can win it, thanks for Nobel peace awards, it likes the global crime awards, so many greedy + bloody politican won this rewards, what is under this nasty rewards?innocent people's? dead body including alot of Chinese people.
yuyushow 2 years ago
Im chinese, Chinese? goverment is a bull shit, We dont like it.
davidzhr 2 years ago
you only represents yourself, don't use the word? " we".
hwu3721 2 years ago
I am also a Chinese, and I? love my country,
295062 2 years ago
How could some of those who are commenting say Mr.Sadeghi is insulting the Chinese? people? Can anyone specify the insulting word or phrase Mr.Sadeghi is using? He calls the ambassador "Your Excellency". Is that insulting? Wake up guys. Use your brains. Don't just repeat what your government leaders are uttering.
295062 2 years ago
If you'll are so against these western values why did you learn English?? I know YouTube is banned in China. So the guys who are writing these racist comments are those who have left China. But why did leave your motherland if you hate the western culture.
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hippo314 2 years ago
why I learn and go to study in western culture? because I want to see the truth face of western people and truth face of western political policy, most of the western people are good, but the western politician are most worse people in this world, look at Iraq and Afghanistan, look at what they did to Mr.Julian Assange,? Sir! u have to know what is the different between culture and political, western culture dosn't mean western values, western values belong to those nasty politician.
vincere xie 2 years ago
What do you mean by mentioning "western values"?? You mean, Wall Street is a kind of "western values" while the Main Street isn't? You mean, supporting the terrorists who are killing Chinese is while against any kind of terrorists isn't? You mean, distorting truth in China is while supporting China isn't? ? NO people will AGAINST western values though many people have different opinion. Wake up guys. Use your brains. Don't just repeat what CNNs are uttering.
295062 2 years ago
& hippo314 Will you? have the chance of expressing your opinion openly like this if you are in China? If you do that, your government will send you for re-education through labor
vincere xie 2 years ago
Well, if the Chinese government is doing something wrong, then it is because of my problem? I don't know what you mean. You want to laugh at the Chinese people because you think that they have a bad government or you want to show how better you are? Sorry, I couldn't see the connection between the government and your brain. You can be an idiot and? cannot distinguish truths and lies no matter what kind of government you have.
hippo314 2 years ago
re-education through labor? lol I am so scare, who tell u? that? go to China, see the truth of Chinese life, Chinese government dosn't has times to put u in labor camp, I did said alot of bullshit to Chinese government stupid foreign policy in public occasion in China, same as alot of young Chinese generation did, but where is the labor camp for us? I need to lost weight, damn I am eating the Prizza in Shanghai now.
Jian Sun 2 years ago
You don't need to say an insulting word to insult someone. Use your brain.? Does Mr. Sadeghi truely want to congratulate Chinese people or want to bring in this camera to make a video so that people could laugh at this Chinese official? Use your brain. At least it is not acceptable in Chinese culture to humiliate someone while giving flowers, maybe it is fine in your western master's culture.
wujianguojlu 2 years ago
Bahram Sadeghi is a? fucking son of bitch
mingursurshar 2 years ago
Yes, there there could be lots of people who demise the Chinese progress. As you know people hate those who are succesful, but? you should also know that there is foothold to where those haters could stand their ground against the demise of China... So i feel Chinese people should work on getting rid of the foothold by working for human rights and promoting peace. So that Chinese people can one day proudly say ' we have Human rights'.
Sam Wang 2 years ago
I would say if western people promot their "peace" like this, there will not be peace in this world. This guy insulted chinese ambassador and certainly? he insulted chinese people.
mingursurshar 2 years ago
To the supporters of the Chinese government: Seriously, do you think money and power is worth abusing Human rights?? Think about it. We are not here to shame the Chinese people just to the fact that we dislike them. Personally, i love the Chinese people as i feel they have a very rich culture and tradition. Due to that i feel they deserve basic human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the freedom to present ones though withouth being persecuted.
vincere xie 2 years ago
Supporting Chinese doesn't mean supporting Chinese government. Last year in the Xinjiang Riot, I didn't see the western world and the muslim world care too? much about the Chinese people who were killed. Yes, we should have human rights and we really appreciate the people who really care about us. But we reject those people who pretend to love us but actually do lots of evil things to against the Chinese people in the name of fighting against the Chinese government.
hippo314 2 years ago
Freedom of speech !!!! look at what those fraking western countries did to Wikileaks owner ! freedom of speech!!!! western countries government are hypocrite, when they face real freedom of speech, they kill it , they arrest the? people, they are more terrible than China.
mingursurshar 2 years ago
? so does that mean Chinese government should act the same or worse? anyways i don't think the owner of wikileaks is killed... also what happened could be in other countries beside the U.S where they have different government system...
hippo314 2 years ago
kill it which dosn't mean kill him, it means freedom of speech, i am telling you the truth here, the guy in this video, ask Bahram Sadeghi go to US embassy, ask American diplomats why American wants to kill and arrest wikileaks owner ? 1? thing i am so sure, Bahram Sadeghi will been beaten like hell or he never has chance get into American Embassy, because he looks like Iranian, lol
hippo314 2 years ago
look at what those western government did to China, they are not? real Care about Chinese, all we know that they care about how to mess up Chinese economic and their life, they don't want to see how rich we are, how powerful none-white controlled nation raise in Asia, Liu just a tool for them, look at wikileak ! how those faking trash treat wikileak owner then you realize Nobel Peace award is price of shit.
caboy808 2 years ago
I have to admit, first i was kinda pissed off when i heard about this vid, after wasting 4mins of my time watching the conversation just to get over my own curiosity, i'm relieved, this guy is a joke and aint no way he's representing the dutch? people. I'm no fan of the Chinese bureaucrats, but i think the ambassador demonstrated decency, hospitality and democratic courtesy in front of the camera. PS, the video is cut so needless to say watchers need to be cautioned.
vincere xie 2 years ago
看看这些视频(watch?v=yDD5waedS4I,wat-ch?v=dua5sa8j9a0,? watch?v=xH7RKh99yFQ, watch?v=STtKvS3NM18, watch?v=JXL9mxV49xo),看看这些恐怖分子去-年如何杀害中国人民的。一个丑陋的女人,在当时,非但没有谴责这-些和她同一个民族的恐 怖分子,却栽赃那些无辜的受害者,栽赃后来-控制场面的警察。这个女人被邀请参加了今年的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖仪-式!难道这就是他们所谓的和平?
vincere xie 2 years ago
Check the videos ( watch?v=yDD5waedS4I,watch?v=du-a5sa8j9a0, watch?v=xH7RKh99yFQ, watch?v=STtKvS3NM18
,? watch?v=JXL9mxV49xo ) . Check how the terrorist killed the Chinese people last year. An ugly woman at that time said nothing to condemn those terrorist because they belong to the same ethnic group. But she distorted the truth and condemn the people who were killed! And condemn the police who later came and control the riot! This ugly woman was invited to the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE event!
shlyt 2 years ago
it's "proud", not "pride". learn some English first? idiot.
Shiraya -R 2 years ago
haha priceless?
nettwizz 2 years ago
how did such a joker get into the embassy with just a? bunch of flowers?
tonyj427 2 years ago
为什么有些人总喜欢拿自己的一些标准作为普世之光呢!说是和平奖-是为了人权的努力。什么人权的努力,那些评诺贝尔奖的人有多少人-真正了解中 国,估计连汉字都不认识。贻笑大方!?
vincere xie 2 years ago
诺贝尔和平奖还颁发给了美国前副总统戈尔,说他为节省能源的努力-有助世界和平,我看还不如发给比尔盖茨,至少人家的努力和成就是-实实在在的。 诺贝尔和平奖实在是玷污了诺贝尔奖这个名称。?
Hanli1995 2 years ago
You? guys know the Chinese government pay people 50c per post to write comments supporting the Chinese government on the internet
vincere xie 2 years ago
You should also know that NED pay $0.05 per post to write comments against the Chinese government on the? internet
Hanli1995 2 years ago
Well I? didn't know that. Why would they want to do that?
tristartomtyz 2 years ago
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show me the? proof
Ck Him 2 years ago
U'd better stfu until? u take a visit in China,tnx.
Hanli1995 2 years ago
Though I should of mentioned this earlier, I actually am Chinese and have been there multiple? times. I also have done quite a lot of study on chinese history
Jian Sun 2 years ago
Thank you Mr Sadeghi for being such a idiot. You successfully insult a Chinese official who has nothing to do with prison Mr Liu. He is not one of those who made the decision to? prison Mr Liu. You were like insulting a dog because you think his master is a bad guy.
wolftotemic 2 years ago
who the hell was this modafuka? a fuckin Mideast terrorist talkin? bullshit ...im originally good with Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel,but this video make me sick...
tsequeira2912 2 years ago
Tomsever 2 years ago
Good idea, but poorly executed, also,the ambassador? doesnt look like a politian at all!
TheMightyGuri 2 years ago
FREEDOM for Liu Xiabao NOW!!!! ?
TheRealChina 2 years ago
FREE Liu ? Xiaobo !
melignantlove 2 years ago
fk this Dutch piece of shit who tries to take Nobel Prize as an insult
get the fk out of here
i mean that is just inappropriate especially in front of the Chinese Ambassado.
Mr? Liu, who comes up with Chinese Constitution, deserves to be blamed for
its like someone in Dutch who tries to take over the Dutch's government. so what is u,this Dutch piece of shit gonna have to say about that? hur????????????
Let the ambassador speak, dont freaking disturb his talking u idiot
i take this as an insul
xzhu73 2 years ago
I cannot understand why those people are? so happy that a guy supporting Iraq war got this Nobel prize for "PEACE". Some one may think the guy in this video as a "smart boy". In my view, he is nothing but another stupid victim of western propaganda, if he sincerely supports Mr. Liu.
wtatara 2 years ago
5 cents?
26p 2 years ago
what a rude? reporter
janatajay 2 years ago
cheap shot
losers ?
kelfy 2 years ago
Epic fail to Chinese ambassador.? Good job. BTW, I am Chinese... lol
TheMightyGuri 2 years ago
yes... sadeghi sounds very arabic and not russian huh??
bendIt1982 2 years ago
The people represented by this guy's ethnic? background might win Nobel peace price one day if they stop stoning their women to death and start eating pork as which are basic rights for humans.
EpicnessRepresent 2 years ago
What? a Dick
jansenhsj 2 years ago
stupid nobel prize,obma can win this prize.?
match999 2 years ago
I? love this video. Have fun with Mr. Chang!
gunnerpatrick 2 years ago
Haha hilarious! The Chinese man looks like? a propaganda idiot!
Ananasulm 2 years ago
directly throw the flower in? his face
Xu Wang 2 years ago
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Really shame for Dutch people, by the was, it looks like a India guy,? assume that China give a price for Bin Laden for his brave, for his fighting against US and all your western countires, its seem cooooool from our point of view.
Xu Wang 2 years ago
Really shame for Dutch people, by the was, it looks like a India guy, assume that? China give a price for Bin Laden for his brave, for his fighting against US and all your western countires, its seem cooooool from our point of view.
wilsonxxxxx 2 years ago
why i found this? video funny.. lol
miwangtianya 2 years ago
fucking ass hole, what? do you want to show off?
dpayO2 2 years ago
盾 刘 2 years ago
The Poem.....
What Do You Really Want from Us?
When we were the Sick Man of? Asia, we were called The Yellow Peril.
When we are billed to be the next Superpower, we are called The Threat.
When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.
When we embrace Free Trade, You blame us for taking away your jobs.
When we were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.
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qianlynch 2 years ago
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asxholes 2 years ago
Bahram? Sadeghi is an Iranian living in Rottadam. As an outcast himself in the Netherlands, he represents the Dutch to insult the Chinese to accentuate a satire at the Dutch so that all anti-Noble Chinese will hate the Dutch and the Nordic Vikings. Try to get the humor, pls! Do you really think the Nobel Committee would appreciate his insult on the ordinary Chinese? Is it not a satire on the Prize as well? Think about it before you unleach your anger or euphoria!
2PACJ 2 years ago
A brown guy....that sums up all.? :)
mandickman1 2 years ago
Actually, the bureau Communist China enjoy the "fame" when foreigner puff them up.? So they allowed that guy enter.
If that guy showed that he support Chinese democracy and wanted Communist China to free Liu Xiao Bo, I don't think he could come near the embrassy!
jinshui56 2 years ago
scorpioboy2k 2 years ago
This guy is retarded, he thinks he is funny by? being sarcastic and pulling a not-so-smart prank. Actually he is just another self centered dumb westerner. Nobel peace prize has become a political tool to sabatage China, its value has diminished in the eyes of Chinese people. I would like to see Julian Assange to win Nobel Peace Prize next year then. But I doubt the Nobel hypocrites will have the balls to do so.
hkgladon 2 years ago
No its value is still valid in the eyes of Chinese people who? have free mind and crave for the democracy
scorpioboy2k 2 years ago
Well I have all the free mind you want, live in Canada, western educated, voted in both federal and provincial elections in? the last 15 years. Let me tell you, democracy is a beautiful concept on paper, in real life, it never works that well. Besides general election (multi-party system) is one way to implement democracy, but NOT the only way to achieve democracy.
scorpioboy2k 2 years ago
Moreover, Liu's? act will be a crime in any country. Just try to make "08 declaration" in US to overthrew current US political system, and see what would happen to you. Liu is a convicted criminal in China, so for Nobel Committee to grant him the prize is a political intervention. Therefore the nature of that prize has changed. No respect for Nobel peace anymore. Even the biggest war criminal Obama can win it, what a joke.
rainlion0 2 years ago
from the day they gave the award to Obama, i? know peace award is practically a joke...why bother...
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oldhoneybee 2 years ago
Where in "Charter 08" does it say to overthrow the political system? The rights that he so gently asks for have always been enshrined in Chinese constitution but never actually carried out, e.g., the rights of free speech, of religious belief, of association, freedom? of press, etc.
mandickman1 2 years ago
thz? for dutch blessing!
Chinese will all remember your support for Chinese democracy and freedom!
PandoraMakanim 2 years ago
very well brother.....? those chinks should be punished
Yuehui Mu 2 years ago
@PandoraMakanim, you are a mother fucker.?
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
fukin? ass hole
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
seinacava 2 years ago
, u should refer that dirty word to all the chinese people. ?
Bill Yang 2 years ago
Thank you, Mr. Bahram? Sadeghi.
You are famous in China.
中共像是一个输光了的赌徒,破罐破摔了. 中共现在已经和纳粹希特勒、苏共斯大林、前波兰及缅甸军政府一样-,因关押诺贝尔和平奖得主而被钉上历史的耻辱柱。
zhoutian01 2 years ago
rainlion0 2 years ago
please remember to follow your doctor's advices,? take your medicines on time.
latiasandlatios1234 2 years ago
Muslin people will be the majority of europ .?
t2fang 2 years ago
this? is stupid. if he wants to pull off a prank, at least make it funny.
sok2k 2 years ago
CodyYes 2 years ago
Ha ha ha~ Look at their faces,? so funny~
7758775877587758 2 years ago
7758775877587758 2 years ago
dolongchunfengzhou 2 years ago
So stupid. Congrats on Dutch to slaughter? 20,000 Indonesian, every single man, woman and Children on a island called Banda Islands.
dolongchunfengzhou 2 years ago
Fxxk? this dutch clown!
CodyYes 2 years ago
Fuck off, Chink~?
Gio Tibet 2 years ago
Citabria007 2 years ago
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Get out? of Tibet!
Citabria007 2 years ago
He got Boraked!? LOL :)
zhoma982 2 years ago
asxholes 2 years ago
Oh, hi, Bahram! Congratulations! It's a big day for you, Mr. Sadeghi! You insulted Chinese diplomats on behalf of the Dutch people. The Nobel Committee is PRIDE of u! I'm sure, the next year's Nobel Prize will all be yours as a token of thanks. It will be an honor for you and also for all Iranians. No problem! Thank? you.
wendowsxplala 2 years ago
liu300 is just a tool of wester, like the russia? autor~~
uncontrolification 2 years ago
uncontrolification 2 years ago
luezihua 2 years ago
Do u know where tibet is exactly on the map?aha...?
Somai82 2 years ago
The Irony of an Iranian? representing the dutch people and condemning another country on human rights abuses. Fuck both their governments.
hailiangmei 2 years ago
A good lesson to all Chinese oversea offices. It is nice to be polite to local visitors but this also creates chance for those who like to abuse the trust. Image, what if there is a knife/bomb in those flowers. The? security should be definitely enhanced!
On the other hand, I have to admire the Iranian guy's creativity. Very original.
Gmmaverick 2 years ago
Instead of flowers, he should present some pot and? a couple prostitutes to better represent his country and the moral values he's so proud of ... =)
weiol 2 years ago
The bearded guy is really rude and? annoying!
zhmz888 2 years ago
such a nut!?
JennyFarley 2 years ago
thsi is? herleryes
randylui72 2 years ago
Fuxk the? communist dog, good job!
randylui72 2 years ago
RapperChang 2 years ago
I'd like to see him pull that off in the Israeli embassy here in DC. He'll got his muslim ass kicked when he opens? his mouth
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able67 2 years ago
Trying to embarrass that? Chinese ambassador in the name of peace, is SPITEFUL.
MrLiuxiaobofan 2 years ago
a big slap on chinese? ambassador
, i love this video
Chapboy1989 2 years ago
i feel sorry? for the ambassador
he has leaked chinese top secrets LOL
laukinshing 2 years ago
Tsering Chhuki 2 years ago
fuck? china....!!!
kaitree1 2 years ago
An Arab? represent Dutch People ? WTF??
georgehua09 2 years ago
he is said to be an? iranian dissident, the crappy type that will surely make you throw up.
georgehua09 2 years ago
An Iranian is not an Arab, but a Persian, and he is not just any well-cultured Iranian you normally find in Iran, but a cockroach type roaming the streets of De Wallen. So? don't let him soil the image of Iranians in general, and he has nothing to do with Arabs.
kaitree1 2 years ago
Thanks for the clarification, I'll remember it..?
01082005 2 years ago
That's not? the main point
sittingduck02 2 years ago
From strictly a security perspective, the security @ Chinese embassy is weak at best. Had it been a US embassy, this man wouldn't last 20 seconds let alone the 5min video taping. But just think about it for a sec: a? smiling Arab with strange accent, carrying yellow flowers, seeking the ambassador......the guy wouldn't come close within 20 feet and the marines would've handled him in a very different way.
arthurmiller08 2 years ago
It only shows China is open even to trespassers. Who can venture into the US Embassy like that? US marines guard their embassies like maximum security prisons around the world. A man with a beard like? Bin Laden can never get into a US Embassay for sure. So this Iranian turncoat should be grateful to Chinese hospitality. If he had done the same thing to any US Embassy, he could have landed at Guantánamo Bay now.
Citabria007 2 years ago
The Chinese embassy are not? worried about bearded Muslims because they work with Pakistani terr0rists very closely. They are butt buddies.
janezbasher 2 years ago
"The Chinese Embassy IS..." Pls note the subject-verb agreement. You are getting racialistic, dude? That's not right. Pakistan is also victimized by terrorism, and I think China works with? Pakistan to fight terrorism. Your racialistic bias is misleading. Is Nobel Committee's decision based on similar charges? No, you are in effect discrediting the Prize which I hold to be sacrosanct. I support Liu's award, but don't like extremists exploiting and spoiling the cause he stands for.
guy4 2 years ago
give? 孔子和平獎to阿桑奇
luis chen 2 years ago
i? agree~~
Pak Yiu Yick 2 years ago
NO, don't? give that shit to him. He deserves a higher-degree prize.
alanbfung 2 years ago
为什么我们上很多网也要翻墙? 因为言论正受政府控制着. 中国人民站起来吧!齐为中国民主进步努力!
cheetahtwo 2 years ago
What a? self righteous clown, whose ego knows no bound.
dogsderek90 2 years ago
LMAO!!!! hell ya this guy has some balls...im glad someone is trying? to make a statement against such a shameful action. China should be proud of Liu Xiaobo for his accomplishment not throwing him in jail....
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
"U r trying 2 2 2 2 2 make an argument with me?" his excellency said.? LOL!!!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
It is the most? creative video.
BritishDocumentaries 2 years ago
Not to be racist. But when an arabic man walks into an embassy, carrying flower and talking in a funny accent shouldn't people be? running and hiding?
hkgoldenfighter 2 years ago
On Ki, Enki Li 2 years ago
Jason issober 2 years ago
hechujie 2 years ago
馆长真TM有鸭梨啊....? 难当
sok2k 2 years ago
The Communists? cannot be called "Chinese". They came to power by surrendering Chinese territory and killing Chinese people to satisfy their Russian "big boss" (quoted from Mao).
"We CCP obeys the Soviet Union, which is the commander in chief" --quotation from the head of the CCP delegation to Russian, Shaoqi Liu.
dutchsmileful 2 years ago
Stupid guy.? He definitely does NOT come from the Netherlands.Otherwise, he makes all dutch people feel shameful.
superkeizerlu 2 years ago
Bahram Sadeghi said i'm behalf of dutch people..lol...how? how can you behalf of dutch people? you are? not dutch, you are iranian, go back to your country and solve your own problem.
smiletogreet 2 years ago
Too funny ! A dutch donkey wants to cry in chinese embassy for xiaobo liu ! he really has no humor and pretend to be? one ! rediculous jerk !
thinkevd 2 years ago
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What a warm friend, Thank? you! As a Chinese young man, I donot think the Party can represent our people anymore , so ingnore theirs' B.S., listen to Chinese people which is cheering。
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superkeizerlu 2 years ago
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TO Bahram Sadeghi :
TO Dikla Zeidler
johnlafunk 2 years ago
I am glad that we have so many open minded Chinese people in here, not those idiot who loves the gov and lick their (beep) hole.
I believe we can change China in a peaceful way like Liu? Xiao Bo promoted! My brothers and sisters, we just need to hang in there.
And salute to this Ducth or Middle East or whatever, what he had done here is brave and respectable.
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
the dutch guy is said to have impersonated a Leiden Uni student in order to get into the embassy...i didn't watch the video very carefully...in this aspect he was not playing by the rules. but the whole thing made me laugh for quite a while...i just can't stop enjoying watching the expression of the poor, embarrassed ambassador...or, "embarrassador"? lol
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Ying Hu 2 years ago
a744372001 2 years ago
good job~!!!?
fredlockful 2 years ago
Dear CCCP, please don't cut him up & use him? for body parts like you have done to so many in the past:(
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
51674 2 years ago
l o l?
Tse Kyi 2 years ago
Congrats to liu Xibao. Day will come soon when all Chinese wakes up from their deep political slumber and hails this man for his indomitable human spirit. History? will repeat again. all former dissidents like Mandela, Sakharov, aan su kyi et al r heroes now.
john8888hk 2 years ago
1. All political criminals in China (and anywhere else of course) should be released.
2. The Nobel Peace Prize, however, is nothing more than a joke, with Obama, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Dalai Lama, Eisaku Sato, Kissinger etc as laureates.
3. Liu is a brave man with a warm heart and good intention, but? he advocates a neoliberal free market in China, and he thinks western colonialism is positive in helping civilisation in the third world.
changes2003 2 years ago
I? agree.
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Jason Xu 2 years ago
Do you know ulhisu, who you? are "debating" with is a real CHinese like me? You asked him "have you ever been to China"....... What an embarrassment.
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
This is not the problem of different? values between China and Western Countries. Human rights are the basic rights of humans. Human rights won't be restricted because of nationality. 五毛,請你閉嘴,回去舔老共的鞋底吧!
Ying Nam 2 years ago
條中東佬係到攪攪震。顧惦自己国家先至講啦。It seems that the problem in the middle east is far more? than that in China. Why came to cause trouble to the Chinaman here?
Jason Xu 2 years ago
I bet you have never read Liu' article so you cannot know what he meant. haha, because you are totally illiterate in Chinese. If you were a real CHinese, you wouldn't only post one sentence from his article whose meaning has been distorted by state-run media. ?
Jason Xu 2 years ago
It's such a basic common sense that government is not the country. The communist party of China overthrew ROC, the only legitimate government of CHina at that time, UN founding member and founded a new government. Your communist? master would slap on your face because you are saying they overthrowing of ROC is bullshit. lol It's really a big shame to have a compatriot like you.
Moljudo 2 years ago
Okay, now let me teach u some common sense. Government is not the country, but represents the country. Country is an abstract concept. Who represents the country if government deos not? U? Moron? When ROC was recognized by UN, it represented? China in the world; after PRC replaced ROC at UN, the sole legitimate government is henceforth PRC. Unless and unitl U the Moron overthrows PRC and replaces it at UN, PRC represents China. That's common sense. Get it, moron?
Jason Xu 2 years ago
不用理popotb,他就是疯子跟加拿大烂香蕉,汉字都不会写。-我跟着他很久了。他所谓的爱国就是自私。虽然他在加拿大长大,但-是依然被认为 是中国人,所以中国的一举一动都影响周围人对他的看-法。中国崛起给他带来虚荣。于是他每天在youtube上干事情-就是让别人承认中国多好多 好。只要看到说中国负面的就大写字母一-堆,加感叹号和f word要不然就跟你胡扯. 什么中国人喜欢网络审查啦,现在中国有5000年家庭文化积淀下-的自由啦。他连中国最基本的常识都没有,有一次别人说胡锦涛是邓-小平钦点的,他立刻跟 愤青一样激动说胡锦涛是人大选出来的,还信-誓旦旦地说"you can believe whatever you want, but the? truth is the truth". 我发言反驳他们的谬论,说中国人不是结果他说我是外国人装的。说-"I'm glad you hate China, but you will witness her unstoppable rise" 我看的逗笑喷了.我开始写汉字,结果他连汉字都不认得。就这样一-副德行,居然整天在youtube上说自己是骄傲的中国人
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
Many Chinese are sensible. 很多中國人是有理智的。Just a small couple of asshole are obeying? Communist Dogs because of advantages from them. 只有一小部份利用屁股思考的白痴崇拜共匪/共產黨走狗,原因是他-們會獲得很多利益。
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
zjaybbs 2 years ago
也许popotb是生长在国外的烂香蕉,你是啥啊? 生长在国内的花生皮?中国的政治是要中国人自己来改变的,你以为-西方只是对待共产党啊? 西方是想让整个中国变成第2个印度, 把中国弄七零八碎。 因为中国过去几千年来一直是地球上头号强国,按照现在的发展速度-,不久就会恢复以前的实力。 这是对西方最大的威胁,也是他们不能容忍的。
就你个SB,帮着外人打你娘,你不是2B你是啥。 中国问题是多多, 西方就完美了? 难道你的眼瞎了看不到中国进来的成就吗?你想中国变怎样,像刘疯-子说的是的, 给西方当300年的狗奴才吗?你不是贱人你是啥,你娘 真应该把你给回炉了再来过。
人家popotb不会汉字,但懂得啥是对的,啥是不对的。 你懂汉字, 你就这水平?? 连苍蝇都不如。
Jason Xu 2 years ago
懒得和你争。自己去看看popoTb 可笑到什么程度再来发言。我一直在批判popoTb,你哪只眼睛-看到我说什么西方完美了??
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
五毛回去舔老共的鞋底吧!Internet Spy please go home to lick your Chinese Communist boss' shoes! ?
jibbi4one 2 years ago
The Chinese public and the Chinese gov't are the only ones to solve? Chinese problems the west & the rest of the world should not meddle in China domestic political affairs.
pengweile1234 2 years ago
go screw? urself, u fucking cunt
clyt2010 2 years ago
What a nice proof of? educated manners! Bravo! It demaskes the core of your and the likes.
Jason Xu 2 years ago
@ulhisu @ThisBoyTV I'm Chinese, born and raised. Please just ignore popoTb. He is just a Canadian with Chinese origin. He can't even read Chinese. As a Chinese decedent, the rise of CHina could give him some? pride. Therefore, everything he does is to defend his false pride, or vanity. He must be a miserable loser in real life. He always made me laugh when he fabricates stories and prattle how China is. China has changed a lot and is still changing, but words from popoTb are nothing but lies.
clyt2010 2 years ago
One doesn't need to be Chinese to understand Human Rights and to call for them. You might understand something but, obviously, not the essentialities. You remain narrow minded. Your readiness to judge others who do not share your values (!) in such a mean way shows that you are heated beyond? rational controll. What a pity!
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
哈哈 其實我是中國人啊 跟你一樣。。。本來是看著一樓popotb跟五毛似的就用英語跟-他辯了幾句 沒想到這麼2。。。他第二次說have you ever been to china? 我就樂壞了 乾脆也不顯示身份了 就用英語說下去。這麼說還好我沒用漢語 否則他都不懂了。還說是香港人 我當時就思密達了 敢情我一個中共統治下的前共青團員在這裡批判中共,他一個香港人-卻為中共辯護。。。這個世界真是太奇妙了。原來是這麼個情況。
Jason Xu 2 years ago
请你告诉他你是土生土长的中国人。用英汉双语。我很想看看他有什-么反应。他之前就跟我说过同样的话,什么"have you ever been to CHina"等等。这已经至少是第二次了。我很想看看他到底会怎-么反应。他第一次说我是外国人装的,应为我英语太好了。然后我开-始写汉语,他一开始沉 默,然后说外国人也会写汉字。结果我上传了-一个视频跟他说我是中国人,他说那个视频里的人不是我。之后他就-骂骂咧咧那什么MF, Dumb ass全出来了,然后我给他留言,他就装死人 。我很想看看这是不是他一贯的套路。哈哈?
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
呵呵 我看你在下边儿已经跟他说了 但算了吧 我真是懒得跟他再说了 连正常的逻辑思维都没有 除了大写字母感叹号骂人之外就是一腔鸡血了。何必呢。?
Jason Xu 2 years ago
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
哎呀? 还说凤姐呢 据说人家都去美国当民运分子申请政治避难了 开始笑她啥 结果我们傻眼了 她一直在下很大的一盘棋!
Jason Xu 2 years ago
凤姐和芙蓉能搞这么大,幕后必定有推手。就一个重庆来的乡下姑娘-想搞出这种气候,没有推手怎么可能?凤姐发传单也不是一两天了,-为什么偏偏前 一段时间突然爆红?我好真的很好奇凤姐传奇要怎么收-场哟。
ps:话说我还真希望你能回复他,告诉他你是中国人。本人还真有-这种看凤姐一类人物的morbid? 的好奇。呵呵。我给他留言的杀伤力估计没有你的大。
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
我能怎么杀伤啊? 跟他用汉语理论 他又不懂 跟他用英语 他又说我是西方人 除非视频语聊啥的 我犯得着么 再说了 人家有人家的言论自由 哪怕是2B的言论 这个世界上的人你是改变不完的。。。
ps. 你在何方 不在墙内吧
herifuzhenguan2 2 years ago
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
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Jason Xu 2 years ago
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
多跟大和尚学学淡定的心? 哈哈
luis chen 2 years ago
嚷你个球球~怒了吧~哇咔咔~翻你个球球~我在spain~~l-oool,不满长城咋啦~哇咔咔,美国2B还不是搞维基解密lo-ool,景德 镇就要灭你,咋啦~~怒了~回你俄罗斯的老家吧~哈-哈~球球害怕咯~~?
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
Oh my dear, there are lots of Internet Spy that hired by China government. It was a shame of Chinese people! Why our human rights needs the Westerners to fight? for us?
wildbizzar 2 years ago
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It's too rude for that Dutch man to speak in that way. If you wanna protest, be a manned man and protest in a meaningful way. Sarcasm doesn't do? any good.
wildbizzar 2 years ago
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It's too rude to speak in that way. If you wanna? protest, be a manned man and protest in a meaningful way. Sarcasm doesn't do any good.
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lgzhdb 2 years ago
people living in the west didn't understand the Chinese history, even they had forgot the history during this 100 years,
the west have Aggressed and bullyed China in the past 100 years,and take lots of Disaster to china.....we can see at that time,why west didn't talk the human? right to China???? , the war kill lots of chinese pelple's life, y the west didn't save the life??
we also hope that, the west should understand what is" peace"???and the price is belong to the peace people.
alvincyt 2 years ago
You are the man,? salute!!!
WOOFAS Wong 2 years ago
Whoever is living in Mainland China, broke through the Great Firewall of China and watched this clip AT LEAST proves that? they DISAGREE with the internet censorship of the Chinese Communists
所有身於中國, 而又通過翻牆離睇呢段片既人, 已經證明自己至少不滿中國共產黨既網絡封鎖...
I <3 尋釁滋事
ThereGmusic 2 years ago
Mainland china gov is harsh ,? unhuman .
We Hongkonger , are very proud of our freedom of speech :) though we are currently governed by the Chinese gov as well but as a Special Administrative Gov
khc127 2 years ago
I m? not on any side regarding the nobel prize but the Chinese ambassador has clearly shown a high degree of patience and politeness while the guy with flowers keeps pushing it & interupting.
Justin Wong 2 years ago
Even if you? are not interested into the politics, the politics will be interested in and get to you.
troytmkh 2 years ago
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People's Republic of China.? <3
uncontrolification 2 years ago
dxxydxxy 2 years ago
The only thing I learn from this clip is that Chinese Ambassador and many Chinese people have obviously overestimated those western people's quality so they look surprised when this bullshit is really? happening. The recommendation is kicking those uneducated dumb asses out with no hesitate
Jarod Calvino 2 years ago
这是谁让他进来的? lmao~~~~~
advisory0401 2 years ago
otyarzotm 2 years ago
lol im no fan of communism but sand nigga kept interrupting the chinese ambassador and kept pushing even when the ambassador said he really didnt want to discuss it and? didnt want to continue
has it occured to sand nigga that if he was so pro-peace that the chinese also have the freedom to not want to comment
soulreplenished 2 years ago
wow fucking terrorist, don't know anything about China's internal? affairs.
aflamevs2005 2 years ago
okay first, racist and second he's pretending? he doesn't know anything about china's internal affairs so he can step on some toes and make it really awkward for the ambassador and make him scramble for things to say... it's pretty hilarious if you actually understood the joke -.-
f3dboys 2 years ago
anthooonyng 2 years ago
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
siuyeray 2 years ago
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
f3dboys 2 years ago
f3dboys 2 years ago
shouhei00 2 years ago
OMG I want to make Chinese? subtitle
Good Job the brave!!
PWRF2 2 years ago
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? it's? a big day for Chinese people.
PWRF2 2 years ago
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Well done!? it's a big day for Chinese? people.
cloudanu 2 years ago
How did that suicide bomber get? through security?
stphantom 2 years ago
ignorance? western shit...
Pak Yiu Yick 2 years ago
32 50-Cent-Party? Members on YouTube. Go fuck yourself.
auyeungd 2 years ago
right on,? bro!
0orangepeel0 2 years ago
This sand nigger will be thrown into Gitmo if he tries? to approach the American Embassy. It just goes to show that the Chinese still have the passion to accommodate free speech with a jerk like him.
kwongchunhung 2 years ago
"the way? u treat ppl is great".......lol
kenhlau 2 years ago
Yes, it's a? big day for Chinese people.
kenhlau 2 years ago
wic223 2 years ago
good? job and well done from Hong Kong!
ruczhaokai 2 years ago
Your intention is good, but the way you talk and express is really humiliating, u behaved like a fucking asshole clown treating the interviewee as an idiot or criminal. come on, he is not the decision maker or representative of? Chinese government.
MaddieLucyPage 2 years ago
I thought the whole point of an Ambassador? was to represent their respective government?
auyeungd 2 years ago
If you think they're bad now, wait til they get their US passport.? Those guys are the real scumbags
Citabria007 2 years ago
Ironically the Nobel committee is a far leftist arsewipes. And I don't care for the Chinese tyrants? either.
So I am really conflicted in which of these two aresewupes are the biggest arsewipes!
LOL :)
Citabria007 2 years ago
Tibet is a Dharmic country.
China is adharmic.? A Sinful state!
auyeungd 2 years ago
those shameless 50-cent gangs are something else, aren't? they?
Citabria007 2 years ago
Ha Ha HAaaa! LOVE IT! Go Chinese? People! ROFLMAO!
Ethan Huang 2 years ago
Gee,thats embarrassing.?
able67 2 years ago
Trying to embarrass that Chinese ambassador in the name of peace is? SPITEFUL.
filimlirim 2 years ago
Shame for Chinese! If? they know about shame.
auyeungd 2 years ago
Chinese know shame, but the PRC government doesn't.?
Sam Lau 2 years ago
Sam Lau 2 years ago
沒有共慘黨就沒有劉曉波!Free LXB?
BAYAUTOCAM 2 years ago
I have a dream that one day all Chinese people are able to access the internet with out any barrier.?
auyeungd 2 years ago
I am sure some? software geek will come up with stuff that's unblockable very soon.
Sam Lau 2 years ago
Haoran Qi 2 years ago
well...Bahram? Sadeghi & Dikla Zeidler are just 2 stupid ignorant son of bitches.
georgehua09 2 years ago
hahaha...lo-l! so? see, it's just copy and paste. what's more, what does that have anything to do with your defeat anyway? as far as i can see, nothing can change the fact that you have? been fucked up big time! wanna continue to show off your rudenees? go ahead!
vincere xie 2 years ago
baltika128 is just a SOB. There is no need for us to reply? him. Just let him dance himself.
georgehua09 2 years ago
yes, i agree. appreciate all your? points. thanks.
Xiongjie2003 2 years ago
well, we? just live in our way. shouldnt care the other voice course we are dictatorship. Just like USA starts the war, doesnt care the dissident voice even they are proud democratic country.
tontyoutoure 2 years ago
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vincere xie 2 years ago
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I left a message on DiklaZeidler's main? page several hours ago. Now it disappeared. Freedom of Speech! You asked for freedom of speech but you just simply delete my message and only leave those positive messages. 几小时前在DiklaZeidler主页上留了言,结果被删掉了--。DiklaZeidler'一边要求言论自由一边简简单单地-删掉-我的留言,仅留 下那些对他/她的溢美之词。?
georgehua09 2 years ago
don't take him? seriously. he is not for freedom of speech. as a clownish crap, he is out for publicity so that he has sth to brag about, and incidentally, reap some claps and slaps.
Lei Wang 2 years ago
This Dutch can't be more rude and stupid. He proved nothing by behaving like a clown but being rude like an A-hole. He took advantage of the Chinese guy's hospitality. Had? the Chinese ambassador not treated him too well, a lot more than this guy deserve, this jerk would have got the humiliation he deserves. I don't know Liu, but to openly humiliating the Chinese legal system as the Peace prize committee just did does not help the Chinese people. Maybe the committee did not care.
georgehua09 2 years ago
fully agree with you.? couldn't have said better! thanks.
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ljlhy 2 years ago
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at least there is a nobel prize for Chinese human rights. dare anyone do that in Iran or Middle East countries? where they kill women just beacause they have pre-marriage sex. lol. these stupid people, what you? can do about them?
ljlhy 2 years ago
at least there is a nobel prize for Chinese human rights. dare anyone do that in? Iran or Middle East countries? where they kill women just beacause they have pre-marriage sex. lol. these stupid people, what you can do about them?
gjtang 2 years ago
@baltika28 what the fuck are you? I thought i fucked you to completely numb (of cause you needed 'work' on more masturbation) and you now came back and play a whore again.
Get fucked away, you clown. Idiot like you played first a Russian bitch fucked badly by Chinese and then a English teacher enjoying mental masturbation and? then a shit with 'American passport'. Don't you know what shame is?
Ryan Bos 2 years ago
if you want people to understand you as you are replying on a English spoken vid you could speak English? you know, just sayin'
marythinks 2 years ago
as a chinese i'm? glad that he's not speaking english here
just another hater speaking crap......
UyghurLife 2 years ago
chinese are in control of Tibet and Eastern Turkistan, Its hell over where they are. If they were to give back their independence. China would? decrease on the map. This video is a joke. That liu guy is an asshole. So please i know im going to get alot of hate comments replying to this. But im speaking the truth. And if you replu back to this, i wont waste my time. CYA . WOULD WANNA BE CHINESE. lol
vincere xie 2 years ago
Most of the Uyghur people only live around a small area in the southern part of Xinjiang, but some Uyghurs want to control the whole Xinjiang. They pay no attention to the truth that the northern part of Xinjiang is never ruled by the Uyghur people. Long time ago, it is an area mainly occupied by the Mongolians? and now by many different groups. Xinjiang is totally different from Tibet.
filimlirim 2 years ago
You are just Chinese mind, shameless, Liu Shao bo said if Chinese to reform need 300 years depended some other country. This is true, because Chinese less conscience, human nature, and justice feeling. We have a ideom: "For dishonorable mouse depot? door is always opening" , Chinese just like that! For Chinese any brezin lie also acceptable!
auyeungd 2 years ago
China, with its current boundary, is basically ungovernable. It behooves China to end their occupation of Tibet and East Turkestan, regardless of who used to live there for how long. They should spin? off Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Macau as well.
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
You are an asshole, SURELY! You even don't care about the weaknesses in China! Like the children that got kidney sickness after drinking the poison milk in 2008!? They need democracy to redress themselves! I totally support and proud of Liu Xiaobo that he was awarded for the Nobel Peace Prize this year!
clarence8520141 2 years ago
Irrelevant! When cornered, u'r just trying to catch at any straw.? Pathetic!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Leave him alone. As I said,? there's no need to continue to poke fun at this lunatic. We've got enough laugh already. His own raving speaks for itself as everybody can see. Ciao!
clarence8520141 2 years ago
Of course, I know. Hard kicks in the butts made him yell out his guts.? That's where I can sit back and watch the antics of an out-of-control crap.
clarence8520141 2 years ago
Who is changing the subject again? Hahaha...lol! It all shows that u'v been driven out of senses! Hope u won't get nightmares tonight, poor guy!?
xixi82haha 2 years ago
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liu xiaobo will be greater than obama because he killed less irag people....?
xixi82haha 2 years ago
liu xiaobo will be greater than obama because he killed less irag? people....
luis chen 2 years ago
e1in9 2 years ago
He's clearly all too happy to being able to play the morally high person here, instead of his common experience of Dutch people thinking his own country is? morally low (duh) and his beard is creepy.
luis chen 2 years ago
xixi82haha 2 years ago
liu xiaobo? will be greater than obama because he killed less irag people....
luis chen 2 years ago
kencyliu 2 years ago
It was? not a big day for Chinese people, it was a sad day instead. 如果中國是自由的話,根本不會產生劉曉波這樣的人物。
clarence8520141 2 years ago
I don't think he changed topics. His observation is very clear: there's no? need to bicker with u anymore. Ur English knowledge is sorely inadequate. Kindness is an abstract noun. U don't have to make it plural, and as such, his subject-verb agreement is perfect. By picking at perfect English, U cut a poor figure urself. Everybody can see that. And by using foul language, u'r telling us that u'r losing out big time! Poor thing! Hope u'll be able to fall asleep tonight! Sweet dreams!
Elxat830 2 years ago
this is the best video i ever see........hahahahahahah? jalap hittay
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
A...hahaha...Iol! No need for further explanation. Everybody can see how poor you? are at language. Let me repeat: you are what you say and what you write! Join a language program before you get too old!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Hahahaha...you made me laugh again, moron! Is "kindness" singular or? plural? Go figure!
gjtang 2 years ago
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You seriously remind me some guy pretends? to be girl online trying to? hook up another man and get fuck.
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gjtang 2 years ago
Man, I enjoy fucking filthy SOBs like you so much I won't charge the chinese govn't nothing for doing that.
Oops, I think I should have said instead "won't charge ** anything" . Sorry for causing confusion to moron like you. ?
gjtang 2 years ago
Don't? work too hard by masturbating yourself.
I think I made some errors here and there but I know you've get it.
lf2god2003 2 years ago
tbh,? ppl in Hong Kong love this vid very much
gjtang 2 years ago
You remind me some guy pretend to be? girl online trying to hook another man and get fuck.
ten lha 2 years ago
Great job!
Fuck? the communist CHina!
Free Tibet!
Bedankt Bahram Sadeghi en Dikla Zeidler
gjtang 2 years ago
What you think you are? A hybrid SOB without identity? Or a 4-grade English teacher who likes? mental masturbate.
You just act like a moron. And you should have known this.
Any error here? Say something funny. Make me laugh.
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gjtang 2 years ago
BTW, don't fuck our language by using it. You hybrid SOB.
Again I hope this is grammatically? correct so you won't misunderstand a bit.
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michaelgrafman 2 years ago
i believe they just want to? show the reality, not to embarass chinese
gjtang 2 years ago
It seems you've been? fucked really badly by a Chinese.
I hope I said this grammatically correctly so you moron can understand this
gjtang 2 years ago
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Is there anybody claims he loves his mother-country and meanwhile tolerates another folk saying the country should? be colonized for 300 years?
But that might be the reason why this guy? is granted this "peace prize". And with the same logic, they should have given Wang Jingwei the same prize.
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TwentyFive2Life 2 years ago
webbombtest 2 years ago
25? chinese watched this video
upstalsboom 2 years ago
I have no? opinion about the peace prize itself, but this video clip is embarrassing.
Mr. Sadeghi desperately tries to provoke the ambassador, who instead remains calm. The way Sadeghi approaches the Chinese, as if they were a bunch of imbeciles, without proper understanding of English. Check again the childish English he uses on purpose, and the imitating bowing and gestures.
How about complaining about human rights at the embassy of the country of your own roots, Iran...?
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Yeah, I fully agree. The Chinese diplomats are hospitable, polite, nice and gentle,? but their kindness seems to be abused by this con artist, you say, an Iranian? OMG! Despicable, indeed! How can he try to tarnish the Dutch image by claiming to be "on behalf of the Dutch people?" Gross indeed!
dpayO2 2 years ago
He may well be complaining about human? rights in Iran, how do you know what he thinks? This is just a candid interview with the ambassador to see his views on a human rights injustice, and he showed his true colours by saying "We don't want anyone else to tell us what to do."
daz Studio 2 years ago
Why should us in the west be telling the Chinese how to run their country, they have come a long way in a short time. We should be congratulating them on their economic success. They may be run by a party called the Communist party but that is? just a name that no longer fits.
dpayO2 2 years ago
"We in the west" aren't telling them how to run things. The human right to express ones views without being put in jail is worldwide, I don't care what country you are from. Assange should get the prize next year for exposing that stuff on Wikileaks. If someone denies me freedom of speech, that's a human rights? violation.
Ryan Bos 2 years ago
well i don't think he appreciates the undemocratic situation in Iran as he wants to tell through this vid about the undemocratic situation in China although Iran and China are of course are? in very different situations
gyrad 2 years ago
This was an interesting and ingenious? way to approach the ambassador himself. Liu Xiaobo is in prison for writing up a petition calling for more human rights for the people of China, how is that a crime that deserves 11 years in prison? The Chinese government is just too insecure, and it has every reason to be since the people are now starting to call for human rights and change.
ppisonqq 2 years ago
GDDD JOBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK THE Communist
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Hahaha.....what did I say?? You are what you say and what you write! Go figure!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
Go figure is right expression. Anyway,? I never like Russians, if it is not because of them, we will never live under communist's rule....... I do not like fifty cents either....!!Bye. SO funny!!!!!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
I wish I can wait and see? more fun, but I have to say bye bye to angry fifty cents and the russian (maybe an imposter) , whatever! The video is a piece of work. I always like my muslim and arabic friends, it made my day complete. Gonna to hit the bed 1:45 beijing time now!!!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
So what's wrong with that? You need free English lessons from me? You are what you say and what you write. Have you ever heard "We are what we eat?"? Do you see the difference between "what" and "who." Go figure. If you wish to take English lessons from me, at least you need to apply first.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
I guess Chinese Embassies around world is going to have flowerphobia now! Lol.Chinese government always boast they are people's government. Their? radio staion is people's radio staion. So does it for TV station. Mr. Liu asked one person one vote direct election. They put him behind bar. They say gave the prize to Liu is against the will of people in China, it is absurd, please check twitter, you will see so many Liu's supporters in China!!
daz Studio 2 years ago
he also wanted China to be colonised for 300? years. If anyone tried this in the west I don't think they would get a prize.
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
You are not in the position to judge anything, imposter! You may remain silent, but whatever you? write will only prove what you are.
oberstwilck 2 years ago
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Just wait and you? will get banned, idiot.
oberstwilck 2 years ago
I do not need to use Вы to show respect to someone who does not deserve respect.
Stop impersonating as a Russian, the bullshit you posted here damages Russian image for some unknowing Chinese people, which might not matter to you as you are from Taiwan.? I have already reported to the Youtube Team.
einsamaberfrei 2 years ago
@vincerexie I guess you might have been brainwashed by Chinese media in the past. What you might not know from? chinese newspapers is that communist has killed a lot of Uighur people and suppressed their freedom of religion as well as damaging their living environment.
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Your diction has betrayed yourself. Only some pro-independence? Taiwanese love to use "大陆X." Do you detect anything like that in my postings? That's the difference, see?
oberstwilck 2 years ago
Now there is this guy imposing as a? Russian, saying shit about China and telling a Russian that his Russian language skill is not up to standard? What a fucking joke. I am going to report you now.
oberstwilck 2 years ago
сволочь, ты же из Тайваня.?
oberstwilck 2 years ago
ну и что? я думаю, что ты на русском совсем не можешь писать. 'Парень из К.града' - это плохая грамматика.
а я не из китая, ты можешь продолжат с? твоего диотством. Но если скажиш, что ты Русский, пойдешь к аду.
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Well said! Hit the nail in the head! That Taiwanese imposter won't succeed in setting off? a fight against Russians.
Pushkin62 2 years ago
I could sense that the Chinese Ambassador was feeling? very ill at ease throughout the whole conversation.
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
But given the abruptness in the situation, he is okay. I don't even think Obama could have done any better when confronted with a con artist all of a sudden. The con artist is? well prepared, but the ambassador is not. If a con artist had descended on me all of a sudden, I could have shoveled him upside down. On the whole, the ambassador is good-humored.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
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To: Lancelotzly: You'd have said? "Pissme No Prize." innit? , it seems you are smarter than? this ambassdor in video, why don't commie chose you as an ambassdor? It is? already the funniest I have seen in years. Thank you for coming on board to put more spices in it!!!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Now I'm convinced, you are a? Taiwanese imposter! Don't overdo it, dude!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
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@Lancelotzly You'd have said? "Pissme No Prize." , it seems you? are smarter than this ambassdor in video, why don't commie chose you as an ambassdor? It is already the funniest I have seen in years. Thank you for coming on board to put more spices in it!!!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Hahaha....You are being exposed, lousy imposter! Imposter you are,? for sure. I never doubted it. But now as you rave on, your poor quality is showing itself. Get lost!
lf2god2003 2 years ago
so you live in hong kong? huh?
why are you watching vids on youtube? your GREAT government doesn't allow this you know?? :)
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Hehehe...You are making a lot of assumptions, huh? Which government is mine, do you? really need to know?
oberstwilck 2 years ago
hey if you are not russian then don't pretend to be one.
with name ий? and 'парень из калилинграда' on profile? you are a joke.
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Hehehe...Вы звучат все более и более, как паршивый? самозванец. Imposter вы, конечно. Я никогда не сомневался. Но сейчас, когда вы на рейв, ваше плохое качество проявляет себя. Проваливай!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
我都要笑翻了!!Lmao!! Best video posted in 2010 I? have ever seen!!
ryanne lai 2 years ago
"yea it's unfortunate" at 2:27? hahahah great one
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
You are just trying to sow discord between Russians and? Chinese. Don't try to fool me! You imposter!
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
弱智大使真好玩,都语无伦次了Nobel peace? prize都变成了peace Nobel prize了。最后说是不和人家讨论了,还是回答问题了,象背书-那样!不过,大家要知道喔,中共大使馆可是个好地方,不仅经常有-美女养眼,还给我们华 侨什么香港的九十年代杂志看看呢!
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
So what? Given the abruptness in the situation, I'd have said "Pissme No Prize." When faced with an uninvited intruder, any name is? fair for the dirty money. If you often get entertained at the embassy, why should you bite the hand that feeds you then, ingrate?
Lancelotzly 2 years ago
Zeidler is just a con artist preying on unsuspecting people whose hospitality and? kindness are being abused. Under the circumstances with ubruptness factored in, I think the Chinese has managed it well with calm and courtesy. It is the con artist who is defecating himself.
Hanueberalles 2 years ago
We oppose the prize this year strongly, yet we donnot care it at all. Although the CCP government is reacting a little too much. Alas, for people who haven't experienced foreign cololnization, it will be truly hard for them to embrace it again. Cuihua, shang? suancai!
Naptu69 2 years ago
3:23 -" U R TRYING TO? MAKE A QUARREL WITH ME.." .lol Smart guy, u duped the chinese this time>
ryanne lai 2 years ago
a BIG thank you? from Hong Kong!!!!!!!!!!!
lf2god2003 2 years ago
a BIG thank? you from Hong Kong x2 !!!!!!
sasvhkp 2 years ago
vincere xie 2 years ago
Carlos Wong 2 years ago
The Dutch mean to sneer at communist? running dogs XD
Moljudo 2 years ago
But your reply has been suppressed. That's how this so-called freedom-lover treats freedom of speech. Shame? on this big beard!
sasvhkp 2 years ago
Congratulations to Liu Xiaobo for having won the Nobel Peace Prize! Rehabilitate the 1989 pro-democracy movement! Demand accountability for the shootings during Tiananmen Square protests of 1989! Release all dissidents! End the one-party dictatorship! Build a democratic China and grant? liberties to every citizen!
五毛与党棍,你们还有良心吗,心中还有一点点道德良知吗?就甘心-做一条狗也不齿去做的事情!基本人权是普世价值,不是你们这些跳-梁小丑可以否 认的!
tonightfever 2 years ago
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A paid stupid? Dutch comedian. That's all.
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vincere xie 2 years ago
Moljudo 2 years ago
You are not a joker, but a parrot. Do you have anything of your own to? say?
wifarm 2 years ago
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Moljudo 2 years ago
You mean the "arrest"? of Assange?
Moljudo 2 years ago
You have to answer your own question. I never knew anything like being paid to kiss asses until you divulged this piece of your own experience. Of course you must be the expert. See what freedom of speech? means to some dude? Shame on you!
Tse Kyi 2 years ago
wow this is really good punch on chinese ambassador face, thanks for posting''?
vincere xie 2 years ago
热比娅这个老巫婆被邀请去参加了颁奖典礼,这个老巫婆究竟做了什-么,你们可以在youtube上搜"新疆7.5事件" 以及"xinjiang riot",再看看她的嘴脸。 这种人都能被邀请去参加以和平命名的典礼,我还能说什么好。他们-真的有考虑到中国人的感受??
Jakob Zheng 2 years ago
--------a chinese college student
t43700 2 years ago
Too bad being shamed isn't a paying job or China wouldn't need so many of? ours.
vincere xie 2 years ago
I wish that the guys who are so pride about this year's nobel peace prize to check the guys who were invited to the event. An ugly women of an organization full of lies was there!? Why the nobel committee neglects the blood of hundreds of Chinese people in Xinjiang last year? Didn't they realize that they invited a Chinese Osama? Shame on those guys. Their mouths are full of love to us Chinese people but their behavior shows everything!
aknw 2 years ago
May I? know who is that woman you are refering to?
vincere xie 2 years ago
Rabiye Qadir(热比娅). If you really want to know more about this woman, you can search "新疆 7 5 事件" and "Xinjiang Riot", but please try to watch more videos otherwise you cannot reach the truth since this woman were telling lies and gave no sympathy to the Chinese people who were killed during that riot. She just tried to distort the truth. I paid a lot of attention to that riot lat year and save most of the videos. I wish that one day people? in Mainland China can see the truth.
aknw 2 years ago
她也在嗎? 她在又跟諾獎委員會有甚麼關係?
新疆問題實在比和平獎更複雜. 簡單地說,? 她根本視維吾爾族為一個民族, 而非中華民族的一部份. "新疆"之名亦說明其曾經不為中國的一部份.
再者, 你認為這麼一個境外的女人有本事動員這麼多人出來反漢人嘛? 於部份維族人眼中, 漢族人根本就是外族. 如是者, 這是種族衝突, 與此一人何干? 又難道說衝突中只死了漢人, 維族人死得少嗎?
vincere xie 2 years ago
为什么要说英文呢? 如果英文不行, 完全可以说中文. If you cannot speak English well, why keep using? English? Why not just use Chinese? I just found that this guy is trying to show off his better English.
Tse Kyi 2 years ago
why he need? to speak chinese, he is not chinese. also english is not his mother language.
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vincere xie 2 years ago
I mean the ambassador. You should? be quiet and read more carefully.
Andrew Wang 2 years ago
Most of the chinese in mainland even don't know this news about Nobel peace prize 2010. Name of "Liu Xiao Bo" is a forbidden word in CCTV news.
F***? GFW
Awesome Dutch! People behind GFW love you!
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Sam Lau 2 years ago
看到紅色流氓的便秘相, 笑了!?
Kiu Adam 2 years ago
Nice work!? Free LXB!
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Sam Lau 2 years ago
好! 喜欢荷兰大胡子!!!?
bst03180 2 years ago
五毛無所不在? 哈哈哈哈
Sam Lau 2 years ago
sakefygrc 2 years ago
Zhang Hui 2 years ago
Christopher J. 2 years ago
dpayO2 2 years ago
"We don't don't need anybody else to tell us what to do." What does this mean? "We're Chinese and we're different? from everyone else." What a massive bell-end.
ailaoluo 2 years ago
Sigmarcn 2 years ago
Clearly the Chinese government fucked you too hard, lol?
YYjun9527 2 years ago
Sigmarcn 2 years ago
I think Julian Assange deserves the Nobel peace prize much more than Liu. Julian Assange is? the man who has courage to speak the truth and is now facing life threat. The Canadian president even said he would not be unpleased if Julian Assange got murdered. Clearly, if someone speak against the Chinese government, they probably end up in prison; but agaisnt the US government? They will end up dead.
hanficious 2 years ago
Assange? died? By the time he dies, Chinese approximately have human right I suppose.
Sigmarcn 2 years ago
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omg , shame of? those internet-worker for FBI and CIA for 50 dollar cent each thread. ?
Sigmarcn 2 years ago
Clearly if you said something which displeased the US government you would be hunted down by the Interpol and face threat to your? life. Example: leader of Wikileaks.
Sigmarcn 2 years ago
I feel sorry for some Dutch people who actually cheered that a prize was awarded to a? CRIMINAL. it's funny to see that criminals were the people they really liked.
gyrad 2 years ago
Please explain to me how Liu Xiaobo is a criminal?? For? wanting more rights for the Chinese people??? This is pathetic of the CCP.
useless arab, like all? arabs.
Moljudo 2 years ago
This big beard is just an individual crap. Most Abrabs are gentlemen; they don't buy into No-peace Prize. But this bearded joker? is just one of the very few who have sold out their souls.
felix5234 2 years ago
felix5234 2 years ago
felix5234 2 years ago
just like ai wei wei ?
zhoutian01 2 years ago
if i were the ambassador,? i would say: it up to u...
it changes nothing.
supportiraqnow 2 years ago
I am a Chinese citizen from China. I have to use the mehtod of hacker to get access to youtube, it proves how important human right is urgently needed in China. The? poor ambassdor! I do not especially hate CCp, but when I was outside of China, I was quite close to Chinese Embassy, they gave me all the HK anti-commie magzines from Chinese embassy to me to read. So they educated me well, I never believe their propoganda anymore since then.
duddenhill 2 years ago
I absolutely admire? you! I hope the Chinese government will change someday.
dijoe 2 years ago
you are? the man!
reaperhk 2 years ago
What a great Job!
But it is really? sad,
if he is a Chinese, they will just ignore him. (If in China, he will "disappear")
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wai hin fong 2 years ago
Why Chinese people can be impolitelike that ? Liu is just express himeself . He doesn't have any mistakes and should not be a offender. Can you imagine that when u say something that disatisfy the Chinese Government in the Internet , you will be send to prison next day ? I think if we don't? prompte the democray in China,you and i will be easily targeted.
lntawz 2 years ago
Shame on this embassador and? the Chinese government!
BBcarto 2 years ago
omg , shame of those internet-worker? from that country, each replys just cost 50cent
liyx 2 years ago
liyx 2 years ago
the way you treat your people is great! Of course, the way commies treat us? chinese people is of cos great, no need for further explanation!
erainchen 2 years ago
This comment has received too many negative votes
For most Chinese, Liu Xiaobo is quite infamous and treated as a betrayer to his home country - China. In one of his famous public talks, he begged western colonizers to occupy China and to rule China for at least another 300 years. I looked a few videoed talks of Liu and personally don't like him. He looks and sounds nerdy.
That is the real reason why western countries decided to give the prize for him? since Liu represents the interests of western countries, instead of China.
ashtrayjack 2 years ago
Even from this cut clip we still can? see how polite are the Chinese people. Compare with our foreign friend in this video it is easy to tell who has been brain washed by the media and government.
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ashtrayjack 2 years ago
回复此视频... I'm not saying that which government is good which is bad, because of course every government wants their people to believe in it, but people, especially western people should really understand that from the day you born your government was indoctrinating you how good is your government and how bad is other governments. For Chinese at least we can see the government is changing? is improving and it is still a young government compare with most of the western governments.
erainchen 2 years ago
Exactly, I found most Americans and other westerners have the same exactly unanimous opinions to China in their first response: dictator, communism, authority. Everybody everywhere talks about China in the? precisely same way and same style.
Are their minds formed with machine? But in China, everybody have different opinions about China and the world. Who on earth are brain-washed?
hanficious 2 years ago
Mate, let's play a game.
We now go out and merge into the crowd in a street and shout something out. I will shout "Julia Gillard sucks! Labor Party sucks!" And you do this? as well, okay? lololol
Don't tell me you are going to do exactly the same as I do. Name your PM Mr.Hu or Mr.Wen, and your ruling party, okay? lolololololol
ken lan 2 years ago
u are the hell on earth got brain-washed
here is 50cent
grap? it and stop barking
wielkimanitou 2 years ago
"Big day for chineese people? today" - fantastic :) That nobel prize is the greatest success of chineese penitentiary system :D
Micky Jackson 2 years ago
Maybe this guy could? win the 2011 Nobel Peace Price, and that is not a joke!
bladeliu 2 years ago
i like in the end the official said to his subordinates in Chinese: " who brought this guy in?" somebody get? fired~~
auyeungd 2 years ago
Moljudo and lazylucius, how? much is the PRC embassy thugs paying you jerkoffs to kiss their butt?
hanficious 2 years ago
Every comment 50 cents, approximately equal an egg in China.?
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conscarcdr 2 years ago
BTW I hope His? Excellency's Dutch is not as bad as his English.
didatita2006 2 years ago
这大使真TMD 大屎,
conscarcdr 2 years ago
LULZZZZZZZZZZZ! How can? you not love the Dutch?
adsbolero 2 years ago
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pure SB definitiv pure SB.? SB
adsbolero 2 years ago
pure SB definitiv pure SB.?
hanficious 2 years ago
WARNING: The ultra emergent border-accross-arrestment (跨國追捕) is? launched.
Moljudo 2 years ago
Judging from his feature, his beard, his uncouth manner, and his uncultured accent, he can't represent the Dutch. The Dutch I know of all speak perfect English with good manner. Maybe he bears a motive to? soil the image of the Dutch or sow discord between Chinese and the Dutch. Anyway, he is just a low-class joker, or a "jerk" as somebody else calls him.
hanficious 2 years ago
Dutch people speaks perfect? English wow... so Chinese people must have human rights.
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ken lan 2 years ago
if u know dutch speak perfect English.
u should not care and fight for 50cent.
anyway,? u are just a low-class joker, or a "jerk" as every normal guy calls u
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hanficious 2 years ago
7 Brain washed? Chinese people watched this video.
eastasiapower 2 years ago
eastasiapower 2 years ago
forrest3189 2 years ago
Shame? for the producer, masked with flower and fake smile @ identity
Moljudo 2 years ago
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If I were the ambassador, I'd answer him like this: "It's a joke. I mean, this No-peace Prize is a joke, 'cause it is often awarded to jokers like Dalai Lama,? Obama and the like. Even you, as a joker trying to crack a joke with me right now may someday get the prize. But I don't really have time to join your comedy right now as I'm waiting for students to attend today's special event. So pls Joker, excuse us, pls." Then show him the door.
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StakeachanceZ 2 years ago
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Hey buddy, that's exactly what I thought. U r really geilivable,and? lucky China!!
devilconnie 2 years ago
joke?do u know that chinese government really? is a big joke!
I don't really have time to explain how FXXKING the chinese government is,but please,before comment,u must understand the story behind this "joke".
I m chinese,but shame on it.
StakeachanceZ 2 years ago
This guy is a jerk actually,and what he did won't change anything but put himself? in danger. He knows nothing about China, poor guy...
forourown 2 years ago
why didn't the dutch guy's? parents tell him that it's rude to cut in too many times...
forourown 2 years ago
? a polite ambassador, kept very good manner no matter how many time the dutch guy tried to purposely provoke him.
awtitmuss 2 years ago
Give? this a book by Salman Rushdie or a photo of Mohammed with an dirty bomb in his hat. Funniest video I have ever seen!
ali3da 2 years ago
China? must be free!
bjliuzheng 2 years ago
GOOD STUFF, the ambassador was a f__king idiot. shame? on Chinese government!
chung jar 2 years ago
kickong 2 years ago
Michael Stevenson 2 years ago
jesuslovestibeans 2 years ago
Free Liu Xiaobo. Free Tibet. Free Chinese ! ?
ali3da 2 years ago
free? Chinese!
ithinklikehere 2 years ago
so fucking poor english. how is that guy take that position there? in the Embassy
MrBigflowercat 2 years ago
holyzch 2 years ago
dong jiang 2 years ago
顶 I? am @cosbeta
frick jifang 2 years ago
大赞,You're? going to argu with me?
wrlqwe 2 years ago
frick jifang 2 years ago
fayemyy 2 years ago
this man is fooling the Chinese embassy, so mean! he performed politely, pretended warm hearted, but actually a stupid clown. the sequence is giving Nobel prize to Mr. Liu xiaobo is based on he is prisoned in China. in another word, Liu won't be prized by Noble if he is not in jail. obviously, The Noble commit is the one challenges other country's sovereignty, law? and dignity. that should not be their duty, to provoke a mess in Chinese society or try to strike down the PRC government.
ithinklikehere 2 years ago
let me tell you sth. the world today is no longer the world before china entry? into WTO. right now in WTO age, a country is not simply a county live by itself. for the people of the country, that same. if today, you cannot stop the spread of the communism, tomorrow, the communism will take over democracy. its a matter of time. just like the Nazism take over the whole world. giving the condition that PRC and CCP is much more powerful than any evil ever, things will be worse.
Sam Li 2 years ago
Jesus Chris what age are you living in? You think it's the cold era where spreading ideologies to other countries are justified? China does give a shit about what other countries do with dealing with their domestic policies. The only countries that are attempting ( and failed terribly) to spread its own ideologies is the United States. Give LXB this prize is a perfect example of them trying to tell China what to do. Of course? China's is not going to buy it.
fayemyy 2 years ago
well, you don't really trust that communism is still alive in China,? do you?
LOL, let me tell you sth, the Chinese government will be another US government, full of democracy, it takes time. and Chinese people is trying to have enough patience to wait.
ali3da 2 years ago
thinks for? your understanging of china.
Han Wang 2 years ago
Han Marcus 2 years ago
Can Lcc 2 years ago
yeah good? day for chinese people
Sam Li 2 years ago
Taking advantage of embassy's generally nice attitude is ignorant. He KNOWS the Chinese people doesn't? give crap about LXB winning the prize and he still walked in there.
ithinklikehere 2 years ago
are you fucking evil? since you like to defend PRC and CCP so much and enjoy it, please go to? PRC and enjoy the treat from CCP there. OKAY?
ithinklikehere 2 years ago
and also, dont? fucking trying to represent "Chinese people". ONE evil of you is already enough. Chinese cannot afford so much evil like you.
Sam Li 2 years ago
anti-cnn.com. If you can read Chinese go there check out? how the REAL Chinese people living in China think about him. BWT the personal attack just makes you look...well, uneducated. Perhaps you should go to school and learn how to speak properly first?
CrazyJoE874 2 years ago
lavakn 2 years ago
ilovedenglijun 2 years ago
This ambassador mentions Freedom, Chinese law. As a Chinese from mainland, I never know what is Freedom. We have no freedom to see Youtube, Twitter, Facebook.
The fact is, the Communist Party has freedom to take? any people to prison.
xiaodreams 2 years ago
凯 阿 2 years ago
不得不说 这个 很犀利 哈哈哈 大使都无语了~~?
asxzaxszac 2 years ago
Moljudo 2 years ago
This ambassador is indeed an outstanding gentleman. Faced with? such a provoctive intruder, he still kept his composure. If I were there, I would have given that shameless rogue a fatal punch in his ugly face.
mc100fun 2 years ago
TwitterChinese 2 years ago
Moljudo 2 years ago
Who said it owns the country? Country and people are abstract concepts. You talk to the country. Who? Just by talking to you, it means? talking to the country? You moron! When someone talk to your country, he talks to the representative of your country. As in the case of this video, when the bearded clown wishes to talk to China, he goes to the Chinese embassy, and talk to the ambassador.
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ilovedenglijun 2 years ago
Thank Dutch people. It's a big day for Chinese people.
Unfortunately, Chinese people? are prohibitted to celebrate this big day.
kunga rota 2 years ago
Wonderful. Sarcasm? at it's best. May human rights reign the planet.
Moljudo 2 years ago
What's the difference? The government is now the only legitimate representative of the country, as recognized by the United Nations. Can? you produce another one that can be called "country"? Bullshit!
Moljudo 2 years ago
This bearded clown abused Chinese hospitality to insult the Chinese diplomat. He himself should feel ashamed! The way he treated the host, never allowing? the diplomat to finish what he's saying, reveals he is shamelessly insulting the hospitable diplomat. Somehow the diplomat kept his composure, making this bearded guy look like a clownish terrorist.
fishcanswimnownow 2 years ago
LE0REN 2 years ago
lol, so? funnny
shenkuantipang 2 years ago
哈哈.? 鲜花是最强大的武器.
frankzhlew 2 years ago
omg? hes gonna cry...
Moljudo 2 years ago
No! All the? Chinese diplomats on this video are innocent and hospitable. The ambassador kept his composure. His reaction was appropriate. It is the bearded clown with an awkward accent that should feel ashamed, because he abused Chinese hospitality.
frankzhlew 2 years ago
I heard CAPSLOCK make one's words true. ?
tree9990 2 years ago
briottiger 2 years ago
scomup 2 years ago
also? Mr. Liu
existingman 2 years ago
Tse Kyi 2 years ago
great. meaningful,simple way of show how world people care about some one who is working great? struggle for Human right , thanks Bahram Sadeghi & Dikla Zeidler. there is always reason when people ignore you,but world people know what kind of one party Chinese GOV.any way thanks.
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
btw Im also curiously surprised to find a native HKer, which you say you are, to defend the? Chinese government to such extent. Now I'm suspecting that you are not one of those who go to the rally in the Victoria Park on June 4th every year to mourn for the killed in 89.
bbly096 2 years ago
If? you yourself didn't participate in the 89 movement then you opinion is biased.
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
similarly, if you didn't live in the 1940s, you'd be biased when? you condamn Nazi's atrocities.
bbly096 2 years ago
That is precisely my point.? I'm not condemning your comment, but for this matter, I did participate in the 89 movement and experienced it first hand.
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
in principle bias is always inevitable. even though you did participate in the movement, you may still well be too small a part of it to see the whole picture. that? is why i try my best to learn the truth from various accounts, including that of the Chinese government as well (which, however, would usually be too disappointingly filled with unspecific and propaganda-like descriptions).
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
and im not challenging your personal experience. actually, i'd be glad to hear from you what you felt back then and feel right now about participating in the movement, which is also part of the real history.
and i didn't participate in it because i was way too young for that. i don't even remember watching reports on the movement as well? as the massacre. call me unqualified to pass judgement on that matter if you like, but im still searching for it.
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
For the improvements again, Mr. Deng did a great job when he decided to open China to the world. I appreciate his contribution. However, when it comes to the 89 crackdown, he, along with some other Communist hardliners, committed a terrible crime (if you bring up the US massacre cases to? argue against me, you'll do it in vain, because I will condemn the US too. there's no exception for any government)
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
I'm not denying the improvements of living conditions during the last 3 decades in China and neither is the Nobel Peace Prize Committee. Mr. Jagland was speaking in favor of China's progress while pointing? out that human rights are still to be improved before China can be a responsible great power.
If we are talking about the situation in particular, Liu does not deserve to be locked up. He has just expressed his opinion, which is one of the basic civil rights of any citizen.
karma79 2 years ago
Wow...that's great man...?
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
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well, since you bring up the WikiLeaks matter, I would say that? the US government doesn't have any more right to imprison Assange than the Chinese government to lock up Liu...so if you are trying to justify the Chinese government through the misdeeds of the US, you are missing the point here, at least I don't buy it.
Just because I blame the Chinese government doesn't mean I am on the same side with the US...so please don't hurry off imagining me? as one of those Western running dogs.
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caesardivita1 2 years ago
Well, anyway, some background should be mentioned here. At the moment our students from Leiden University? Institute for Area Studies are enjoying an activity in China embassy: Youngsters' Dialogue. So, this Mr. Zeidler, in the name of student from LIAS, spuriously intruded into the meeting. Ok, I apprecaite Mr. Liu Xiaobo's endeavor for promoting china's progress, as media has covered; I also appreciate very much Chinese Ambassador's politeness which I have witnessed.But honestly Mr.Zei, a shame
whola2010 2 years ago
haha, TG 的狗。
forrest3189 2 years ago
Students from Leiden? University were to know more about China and Chinese people's life and they had great time in China Embassy in communicating with young diplomats. However, those who rudely interfered China domestic affairs by using human right as a cover should be blamed!
forrest3189 2 years ago
China has been making effort on human right and social development for long time. And there are always some politicians choose to ignore the achievement that China has made. The only reason for them is "China is not the same as our countries". The politicians are not crazy but keeping misleading people to blame China for everything. Chinese people choose their way of living by themselves. We don't need a foreign politician who even don't know China to pretend to be a teacher.?
forrest3189 2 years ago
Mr. Bahram Sadeghi asked the Ambassador to talk in the video, but he never listen to. He was always? trying to speak something for his own point of view which was absolutely illiberal. Since he said he was a journalist, I couldn't believe that a professional journalist would produce a report in this way. Maybe he was professional in morbid political field since this video was apparently made up of several cut part.
forrest3189 2 years ago
As a matter of fact, Mr. Bahram Sadeghi and Ms. Dikla Zeidler pretended to be students of Leiden University from where students would have a communication with young diplomats in China Embassy at that time today. The front gate was not open for Mr. Bahram? Sadeghi and Ms. Dikla Zeidler but real Leiden University students who were invited. It was actually unpolite for them to get through the gate by this mean. I think it was shame that Peace Prize were given to a criminal for political reason.
Crystalclear1818 2 years ago
Nobel peace prize was chozen by 5 people from a small country. It is not the choice of Chinese people, nor of the world. So keep the flower for the winner from your own country in the future.?
Ming-han Chen 2 years ago
Have you ever really read that article he wrote? What do you mean by national security of China? Is China so weak and so paranoid that any citizen who utters his or her mind would do such great harm as to threat China's "national security"?
Read more and think? more before you bark like a crazy dog next time. People would be more convinced.
Sam Li 2 years ago
Advocating the overthrow? of any government is a crime anywhere in the world, that includes Neitherland, the U.S and China, and that's why Liu is in prison. He deserves it. In addition, he took money from National Endowment for Democracy, that is just a big no-no. It's like taking money from Al-Qaeda and live in the U.S.
ithinklikehere 2 years ago
so fucking evil you are. anyway please go back to your homeland PRC and enjoy the life without youtube there. isn't that cool for you? and also China is China not PRC. PRC is communism controlled government. overthrow government is legitimate anywhere in the world except PRC. in Republic of China, we overthrow the government by vote, and in United States, we do it by? vote or by war against the government. so let's make it clear.
Sam Li 2 years ago
I get to choose wherever I want and that is non of your business. I may live here for while, then go back, and come back, wherever I stay, it is allowed by governments of both countries and it is non of your f***king business. As? far as the United States is concerned, I suggest you google "advocating the overthrow the federal government" and see the results. Time to wake up.
fayemyy 2 years ago
good point! The Chinese government gives the Chinese people the rights to go everywhere? in this world, the US government and other county's government is the ones block them, stop them and pick up them by many measures!
Sam Li 2 years ago
I have no idea what you are talking about. ?
fayemyy 2 years ago
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I said I agree with? you.