




而且在新的编委会领导下必须尊重内部的编辑自由,德国记协的全国主席麦克·孔肯要求:"政治主题必须在德国之声的节目内容中继续保持足够的份量,当 然包括针对人权侵犯的批评。"为进入新闻审查的市场而采取一种"失焦(模糊其词)"的中国报道策略,不可构成德国国际广播的合理选择。德国记协期 待林堡总监今后保持德国之声作为国有独立公共媒体的品牌精髓,和任何形式的独裁政权保持严格的距离。

林堡宣布的德国之声和中国国有广播机构的合作,及终止一个批评中国的作者的雇用协议将损害而非有利于德国国际广播。"对北京当权者的叩头有违该广 播机构作为自由之声的声誉",德国记协主席说。


查询:电话 030/72 62 79 20,传真 27 92 13 030/726

11. September 2014
Deutsche Welle Kotau vor China?

Der Deutsche Journalisten-Verband hat den Intendanten der Deutschen Welle Peter Limbourg aufgefordert, China-kritische Stimmen im deutschen Auslandssender zu unterstützen und nicht zu behindern.

Auch unter der neuen Redaktionsleitung müsse die innere Redaktionsfreiheit gewahrt werden, forderte DJV-Bundesvorsitzender Michael Konken: „Politische Themen, zu denen selbstverständlich auch die Kritik an Menschenrechtsverletzungen gehört, müssen weiterhin einen angemessenen Anteil am Programmauftritt der Deutschen Welle haben." Eine „weichgespülte" China-Berichterstattung mit dem Ziel, Zugang in einen zensierten Markt zu erhalten, könne für den deutschen Auslandsrundfunk keine vernünftige Option darstellen. Von Intendant Limbourg erwartet der DJV, dass er auch künftig den Markenkern der Deutschen Welle als einem  staatsunabhängigen, öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender bewahrt, der kritisch-distanziert über autoritäre Regime jeglicher Art berichtet.

Die von Limbourg angekündigten Kooperationen mit chinesischen Staatssendern und die Beendigung der Tätigkeit einer China-kritischen Autorin durch die Deutsche Welle würden dem deutschen Auslandssender mehr schaden als nützen. „Ein Kotau vor den Mächtigen in Peking vertrüge sich nicht mit dem Ansehen des Senders als Stimme der Freiheit", sagte der DJV-Vorsitzende.

Referat Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit:

Hendrik Zörner

Bei Rückfragen: Tel. 030/72 62 79 20, Fax 030/726 27 92 13

English Machine Translation:
Press Releases
September 11, 2014
German wave
Kowtow to China?
The German Association of Journalists has the director of Deutsche Welle Peter Limbourg asked to support China-critical voices in the German international broadcaster and not to hinder.

Also under the new editorial line must the internal editorial freedom are respected, called DYL National Chairman Michael Konken: "Political Issues, which of course includes the criticism of human rights violations, must continue to have an equitable share of program performance by Deutsche Welle." A "soft-focus" China-reporting with the aim of gaining access to a censored market, can not constitute a reasonable option for the German international broadcaster. From the Artistic Director Limbourg DJV expected to continue to preserve the core brand of Deutsche Welle as a state independent public broadcaster, the reported critical-distances over authoritarian regime of any kind.

The measures announced by Limbourg cooperation with Chinese state broadcasters and the termination of employment of a China-critical author by the German wave would harm the German international broadcaster than good. "A kowtow to the powers that be in Beijing not vertrüge with the reputation of the sender as the voice of freedom," said the DJV-chairman.

The Press and Public Relations:

Hendrik Zörner

Enquiries: Tel. 030/72 62 79 20, fax 27 92 13 030/726


无敌帮伙 王金波 被日中天




立里: 看看多恶心,那种"你别得意,我早就知道你要倒霉,哈哈,我说中了吧!"

A: 操他大爷,王金波最他妈的不是东西,操他妈的观点

立里: 多恶心。我能不骂嘛。你看"如日中天"他重复了两次,可见其帮伙多么嫉妒[1][2]。

A: 是的

立里: 而不是看高律师是在冒极大风险。他们自己胆小如鼠。对比浦志高强说的什么"缺乏积累,近年来异军突起瞬间名满天下,很难说不是唱高调的收成"[2],就知 道他们在想什么了。何其肮脏!

  1. 刘无荻:自己的命运要掌握在自己手中——从刘荻、浦志强、余杰的悲剧谈起 http://lihlii.blogspot.com/2014/05/blog-post_8.html
  2. 立里:两面通吃与吃里扒外——我看浦志强被依法刑拘事件 http://lihlii.blogspot.com/2014/05/blog-post.html
  3. 立里: 为什么骂无敌帮伙 ? http://lihlii.blogspot.com/2012/04/blog-post_18.html

王金波 @wangjinbo 2014-09-11 04:18:57 UTC
八年前,高智晟被一些不顾他死活的人架上了一个不该属于他的位置,然后落得如今悲惨的下场。现在仍有人要已经不能生活自理的他继续架在火上烤。人 啊,你们能不能换位思考:如果把高智晟换成你的父亲、儿子、丈夫、老婆,你愿意躲在国外,让他继续在国内受摧残?

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 04:37:25 UTC
@wangjinbo 你的意思高智晟不是成年人?干这些事不是出于自己的意志?是被人利用?这种没技术含量的黑还是收起来吧,显得智商太低!

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 04:43:13 UTC
@wangjinbo 用关心当时人的口吻,抹黑当事人,这种珍珠用烂了的手段还是不要再用了?如果高律开始选择自保,不会有如此悲惨下场,但他的信仰让他主动选择这样的生活。 这不是谁能架得上去的?难道刘晓波的今天,也是你们架上去的?

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 04:58:05 UTC
@wangjinbo 珍珠用这套说辞是恶毒,但愿你是糊涂,或仅仅是门阀之见而已。

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 05:08:08 UTC
@wangjinbo 你这种关心高律的说辞,给人一种很虚伪的感觉,你自己感觉不到吗?还是跳出小圈子思维吧。

王金波 @wangjinbo 2014-09-11 06:29:14 UTC
八年前高智晟如日中天时我就持这种观点,那时候杜兄还在蛰伏吧?八年来我越来越坚持这个观点,现在高智晟出狱后的情况让我更加坚持这个观点。 @duyanlin

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 06:42:42 UTC
@wangjinbo 你几年前持这个观点不变就说明你正确?关键是这是一个很可笑的认知。至于说到蛰伏,二十五年前你在哪?

王金波 @wangjinbo 2014-09-11 06:51:44 UTC
25年前我在老家读中学。我当然认为我的这个观点正确,而且那是在高智晟如日中天之时,我就看出日后可能的悲剧结果,而且事实证明了我的预测。 @duyanlin

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 06:54:14 UTC
@wangjinbo 一个很可笑的认知或说辞竟然坚持八年,为什么不反思呢?你可以崇拜刘晓波,也可以以他的门生自居,但坚持唯晓波论未免格局小了点。至于你曾经做过什么说过 什么出道早晚,这都不是固执己见的借口。说高智晟的今天是被人利用,是对高行为和人格的亵渎。那刘晓波为什么不是呢?

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 06:56:32 UTC
@wangjinbo 这一点也不能说明你预测能力强,生活中语重心长跟你说不要和党做对肯定没好下场的人还少吗?你认为他们很聪明还是你自己很傻?

王金波 @wangjinbo 2014-09-11 06:58:39 UTC
对不起,目前我不崇拜任何人或神,这点你太想当然了。我无数次反思,越来越认为我的观点正确,你为什么就认为我不反思呢? @duyanlin

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 06:58:49 UTC
@wangjinbo 谁不知道和党作对没好结果?高智晟自己不知道?如果选择生活过得好点,谁会去替别人维权?这还用你提醒?

饱醉豚 @baozuitun 2014-09-11 07:00:11 UTC
@wangjinbo 那时候也不能怪别人。老高确实不是当领袖的料。他跟刘晓波比,还缺一个共匪高干的爹。所以人家可以任意肉体摧残大他没法自理,而不会跟刘晓波一样坐牢过着 贵族的生活。

杜延林 @duyanlin 2014-09-11 07:04:23 UTC
@wangjinbo 好吧,你是聪明人,当初要是高智晟听你的,不去给别人维权,就不会有现在的悲剧了。另外,你曾经多次暗示我进圈子不久之类的话,我可以告诉你,我现在也不 在任何圈子里,我只是本真地坚持自己的信仰,活着,二十五年前到现在,一直没变。

张鹤慈 @zhangheci 2014-09-11 07:37:11 UTC
@wangjinbo 高是我遇到的最无自知之明的人,自大狂和被迫害狂的神经病患者。在外面时认为有上层,群众,西方政府支持没人敢动他,进去还认为上层有人支持他。他不是勇 敢是糊涂。就是因他的性格缺陷和精神不正常才被当局选中作为风筝,放飞的高,随时可让他掉下来。

饱醉豚 @baozuitun 2014-09-11 07:41:28 UTC
@zhangheci @wangjinbo 高智晟最缺的是一个高干的爹。如果他爹是共产党部长级官员,就可以当反党领袖,这是常识。否则人家可以轻易在肉体上让你精神崩溃。比如刘晓波,每天用棍子 喂他吃他自己的大便,用警棍捅他肛门,用打火机烧他鸡巴,7天不让睡觉,刘晓波一定比高智晟更怂。

刘荻 @liudimouse 2014-09-11 07:42:49 UTC
@wangjinbo 赶紧让他出去算了

lihlii @lihlii 2014-09-11 07:52:56 UTC
日了你的中天。>@wangjinbo 25年前我在老家读中学。我当然认为我的这个观点正确,而且那是在高智晟如日中天之时,我就看出日后可能的悲剧结果,而且事实证明了我的预测。 @duyanlin

lihlii @lihlii 2014-09-11 07:53:39 UTC
日了无敌帮伙的中天。;) 嫉妒得发疯。>@wangjinbo 八年前高智晟如日中天时我就持这种观点,那时候杜兄还在蛰伏吧?八年来我越来越坚持这个观点,现在高智晟出狱后的情况让我更加坚持这个观点。 @duyanlin

张鹤慈 @zhangheci 2014-09-11 08:09:07 UTC
@baozuitun @wangjinbo 高的被虐待可信度极低,第一次进去时自己说的也不过是长期审讯,没动刑,对政治犯,特别是国际关注的政治犯当局不会傻的动刑。后来的黑头套是否是他写的不 清楚,就是他写的也并不表示就是真的。他的精神状况发展到后来当局失控了。

张鹤慈 @zhangheci 2014-09-11 08:14:39 UTC
@baozuitun @wangjinbo 所有从监狱出来不认罪的都没说被刑讯,认罪的反而都说被刑讯,当局知道对谁刑讯有用?刘晓波不是没毛病,但你对他有成见。高就是当局用来抵销刘的。而且做 的相当成功。余杰的排郭事件是分裂的开始,美对华援助协会的傅希秋最可疑。

lihlii @lihlii 2014-09-11 08:22:27 UTC
就是,这个位置本来属于无敌帮伙专有。>@wangjinbo 八年前,高智晟被一些不顾他死活的人架上了一个不该属于他的位置,然后落得如今悲惨的下场。

流连人间还未归 @noooo0000 2013-05-01 11:12:47 UTC
无敌帮伙无视遍地血腥暴虐天天念大和解理性宽容非暴力没有敌人,攻击激进派革命派口炮党。立里你以前发的那张口炮党标准像呢? RT @lihlii:  立里:为什么骂无敌帮伙? http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2012/04/blog-post_18.html

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 11:55:26 UTC
对照马三家阴道带出的血泪控诉,以及《小鬼头上的女人》,再看看刘无敌写的《我没有敌人》,何其残忍! @zengjinyan @noooo0000 @mozhixu @badiucao @nerv828 @liumangyan @YaxueCao @maplered @hu_jia

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 11:57:41 UTC
刘无敌《我没有敌人》鼓吹共匪"人权进步",看守所"人性化",属于和其在64屠杀后上电视为共匪作伪证换取从轻处理的同样出卖手法: @zengjinyan @mozhixu @liumangyan @YaxueCao @maplered @hu_jia

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 11:58:13 UTC
假借"我没有看到""我说我看到的""我说的是真话"的名义,反而诬陷与之不同的说法是撒谎,"以谎言打击敌人"。这次刘无敌想故伎重演和共匪做 交易,但 失算了。 @zengjinyan @mozhixu @liumangyan @YaxueCao @maplered @hu_jia

Hu Jia 胡佳 @hu_jia 2013-05-01 12:03:41 UTC
境遇不同。其实在劳教所的上访者和法轮功信仰者也是政治犯,但他们面对的甚至比监狱里的政治犯更残暴得多的待遇。北京国保对高智晟显然比对刘晓波 狠得多。 @lihlii 对照马三家阴道带出的血泪控诉,以及《小鬼头上的女人》,再看看刘无敌写的《我没有敌人》,何其残忍! @zengjinyan

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:07:11 UTC
共匪就是希望刘无敌帮助其撒谎欺诈视听。刘无敌也就乖乖配合以所谓"说真话"的方式撒极为精巧但恶劣的弥天大谎。六四屠杀天安门广场没有杀人,就 是其和侯 德健、高新撒的最大谎言。 @hu_jia @zengjinyan @wurenhua @aiww @suyutong

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:10:13 UTC
比如胡佳 @hu_jia 被绑架坐牢期间被迫写的所谓《悔过书》,正常人都不会认为那是真实的悔过书,但无敌帮伙阴沟鼠 @liudimouse 等竭力散播,鼓吹说胡佳进去就软了,认罪悔过。 @zengjinyan

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:10:35 UTC
当初高智晟律师被酷刑虐待绑架亲人的方式逼迫写虚假悔过书时,刘无敌及其帮伙打手阴沟鼠也如同样散布鼓吹过高智晟律师的悔过书,说在外面说大话, 进去就服 软下跪。这些话至今刘无敌的轿夫 @puzhiqiang @liudimouse 等还在继续重复! @hu_jia @zengjinyan

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:13:55 UTC
刘无敌帮伙的打手 @zhangheci 在无敌帮伙控制的特务据点自由中国论坛配合 @liudimouse 大肆传播高律师被迫抄写的虚假悔过书,侮辱高律师,浦志高强 @puzhiqiang 也有泼粪文章极力攻击。 @hu_jia @zengjinyan @Yinglang_

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:16:37 UTC
但可笑的是 @zhangheci 攻击高律师虚假悔过书的事情反而把刘无敌六四屠杀后主动写的真悔过书的丑闻连带挖了出来,http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2011/12/100313.html @liudimouse @puzhiqiang @hu_jia @zengjinyan @Yinglang_

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:18:27 UTC
刘无敌看到自己的打手搬起石头砸了自己的脚,恼羞成怒怪罪张鹤慈,骂张鹤慈"智商有问题"。但是当被问到关于高律师的看法和张鹤慈有何不同时,刘 说:基本 差不多。 @zhangheci @liudimouse @hu_jia @zengjinyan @Yinglang_

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:19:51 UTC
刘无敌其实对 @zhangheci 不满的不是其泼粪高智晟的恶毒下流无耻,而只是责备其泼粪手法技巧太差"智商有问题",乃至把刘无敌的丑事也连带揭露出来。而 @liudimouse @puzhiqiang 手法狡猾多了 @hu_jia @zengjinyan @Yinglang_

lihlii @lihlii 2013-05-01 12:21:03 UTC
但 @zhangheci 因为自认为和刘无敌是一个阵营的,当亦微揭露说刘无敌私下说张鹤慈坏话时,他还不相信,愤怒指责亦微造谣,直到亦微公布录音。 http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2011/12/100309.html @liudimouse @puzhiqiang @hu_jia @zengjinyan

140908 Speech of He Geng, Wife of Gao Zhisheng

Speech of He Geng, Wife of Gao Zhisheng, 9/8/2014

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,

My husband Gao Zhisheng is a Chinese lawyer, safeguarding the interests of vulnerable groups, and providing free legal services to the poor.  With his legal professionalism, Gao Zhisheng stands upright to educate the general public and disseminate the concept of justice and human rights.  His own skills and knowledge of the law, and eloquence for justice on the court for the victims, thus won him a high reputation and respect, and public supports in China.

Over the past 8 years of painful memory, I had to repeatedly in the media recall and describe these unbearable, sadden memories and experiences about him and my family.

Worries day and night about my husband have become part of my daily life. Having fled to the United States for more than five years, this kind of hopeless and helpless feeling still frequently crawls up my heart.   I worry about the extreme tortures and ill-treatment rendered upon Gao Zhisheng, causing him physically disable or even mentally insane.  I also worried about the attenuating voices and attention from the international community.....

Now, these worries turn into a terrible reality.  On August 7th, Gao Zhisheng finally got released.  But, since then his home has turned into another prison.  Each and every day, the public security "visits" him twice, one group in the morning and the other group in the afternoon.  Every forced visit lasts for more than two hours and they do not leave.   The family and members are unable to live with ease nor function properly.  The frustrated Gao Zhisheng even told the police: "You force to visit me every day and claim it to be your job.  I and my family members could not even rest; why don't you take me back to jail!."

Now, I can get through his phone line and talk.  He is recovering and learning to speak.  His talks go on and off, with noise interferences, and many times needing a family member to help explain/interpret.   I tried every possible way to map out his current situation and to grasp the sadden details he suffered in the past, including the 20-month "missing" before he was reported to be jailed at Shaya prison (沙雅监狱).   The truths I learned make me no choice, but to disclose them to different Governments, Parliaments, mass media, and concerned individuals about Gao Zhisheng, and to seek for your helps.

When Gao was released from prison, he weighted 137 lbs. With his height being 5 feet 10 inches, he weighed about 175 pounds before.  He was crippled, walking one foot high and one foot low, with the whole body swinging like polio patient.  His face was as pale as a ghost; he murmurs and could not speak clearly.  He reacted slow or non-responsive. He had a total of 28 teeth (all good teeth, 12 at the bottom and 16 at the top).  He has now only 14 good teeth all together, with 12 teeth very loose including 6 front teeth, easily pulled out by hand.  He lost the two teeth of upper right in the back somewhere in the prison, making the adjacent one extremely loose.  The 5 teeth of upper left are also very loose, which can be unplugged easily by hand.  Whenever he lies down, the 12 loose teeth are also lying down on his tongue.  Whenever he shakes his head, his teeth chime in his mouth.  Since the nerves of these teeth are all exposed, he suffered with constant toothache every day.  He can thereby only eat baby food.  In the past 5 years, he was put in a dark, enclosed cell ward with daily meal of only one steam bun and a bowl of boiled cabbage.  He couldn't eat bun normally, rather break it off into small pieces and hand-feed to the right place of his mouth.  The cell ward is only 70 square feet big, with no windows, no opening, no ventilation, and no sunlight.  It takes only two steps before he bumps his face to the cell wall.  He was confined in this tiny space for 5 years and was never allowed to go outside.  

Gao Zhisheng is now in a very alarmingly poor health: severely lack of nutrition, low in blood sugar, with a small cyst on the gall bladder. Particularly after staying in a dark cell ward alone for 5 years, he has lost part of his language skills.  According to my sister: He needs 2 to 3 years of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and his language skills may be recovered in a year.

Nevertheless, he still said to us: "While I was jailed inside for 5 years, the whole family suffered fears and harassments that were no less than mine.  I feel very sorry and guilty to the family."  He said he wants very much to reunite with his family, and his body needs to get recovered.  He is very willing to come to the US for dental treatment.   But, he also said that while in the prison, the police had told him that "Going to the United States is nothing but a dream, especially if the U.S. Government wants you to go!"

Please allow me to recall what Gao Zhisheng had gone through in that 5 years, the so-called "probation period" from December 2006 to December 2011, before he was thrown into Shaya prison., More than 6 times, Gao Zhisheng, was forced "disappearance", the longest one missing over 20 months (from April 2010 to December 2011).  Now I learned that 20 months, he was detained in a basement of a secret military base.  Gao previously described the tortures he suffered from his earlier disappearance in his July 2007 article, "Black Night, Black Hood, Black Gangsters' Kidnapping".   People may find the tortured in there very cruel and already beyond anyone's imagination.   But the tortures he suffered during that missing 20 months are way over that of July 2007.  One example of it during the winter seasons, is that the military basement had no heat and he was allowed to wear only summer clothes.  My husband relied on counting the numbers to resist winter cold and struggled from daylight to night time, day after day, and week after week.  Born in north, he was never afraid of winter cold, but now he gets frightened facing the cold.

This is the persecution of a country onto an individual, where I am powerless to change anything.  I can only continue to urge the media to cover his news and help speak up his needs.  I also need urgently the United States Government, to speak out loud the voice of justice on behalf of the international community, and to provide actual helps to my husband, attorney Gao Zhisheng.

The persecution of Gao Zhisheng is nothing of personal enmity with the ruling elites of the Chinese Communist regime.  It is the evil CCP's fear of the righteousness of attorney Gao.

However, with legal helps of his many individual cases, he could not, after all, change the whole rule-of-law system in China, but brought him the attentions and threats from the authorities.  Ever since 2005, he began to take up cases of persecuted Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, and other victimized groups, Gao Zhisheng has undergone a fundamental change in his relation with the CCP authorities.  CCP Government publicly suppressed and persecuted him: shutting down his law firm and revoking his legal license.  In August 2006, the police illegally kidnapped him.  On December 22, 2006, Chinese authorities sentenced him with "inciting subversion of state power to 3 years of imprisonment, and 5 years of probation.  Just only 4 days before ending of his probation, the CCP foreign Xinhua News Agency reported: "Gao Zhisheng next 3 years will be in prison."  And at the end of 2011, lawyer Gao Zhisheng was secretly transferred to the far remote Shaya prison in Xinjiang Aksu Prefecture.  During this past long period, the family was only allowed to visit him twice for 30 minutes.  In fact, it was only 15 minutes, prison visiting hours, which was strongly protested by Gao Zhisheng. As for, the tremendous psychological trauma caused by the CCP on me and my children, our horrible journey on the road of escaping China, and the initial difficulties experienced in the United States, they are now negligible, when compared with Gao Zhisheng's enduring.

Being an internationally and nationally renowned, high profile lawyer, Gao Zhisheng's story showcases the widespread persecution of Chinese people and China's deteriorating human rights situation.  So, today I stand before you here, with an ardent hope that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry can publicly express concerns about Gao Zhisheng.  This is the most direct, prudent way the United States supporting human rights of Chinese people.  Your voice will not only give the light, encouragement, and inspiration to Gao Zhisheng, and to the long-deserved Chinese people for freedom and human rights.

Gao Zhisheng and our family are in an urgent need, from humanitarian viewpoint, to get helps to the United States for dental and health treatment.

My heartfelt appreciation to you all!  Thank you!

He Geng,
Wife of Gao Zhisheng
September 8, 2014

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140908 高智晟律师的夫人 耿和 记者发布会讲稿


女士们,先生们,早晨好!我的先生高智晟是一名中国律师。他始终为弱势群体维护权益,尽其所能地为穷人免费服务。高智晟不畏强权,依靠律师职业的 方便之处向大众传播公义和 人权的理念。他以自己娴熟的法律知识和雄辩的口才为受害人讨回公道,因此而赢得很高的声望和民意.

过去的八年不堪回首,但我却不得不一次次在媒体前回忆和讲述他的遭遇。 对我先生的日夜忧心,已经成了我日常生活中的一部分。来美国五年多了,那种绝望无助的感觉仍时时涌上心头。我担心高智晟遭极端酷刑、甚至虐待致傻致残,更 担心国际社会关注不够……

但是,这些担心都变成可怕的事实。8月7号高智晟终于回到家,但这个家却变成了另外一个监狱。现在每天上、下午来两批公安"拜访"他,每次两、 三个小时都不走,家人都无法正常去工作。高智晟甚至对警察说:"你们天天拜访我成为你们的工作,我和我的家人无法休息,你们还是把我送回监狱吧。

现在我可以打通他的电话,他在学说话,声音断断续续,有些需家人帮助解释,还有杂音。我费劲周折了解到他过去和现在的情况,包括他进沙雅监狱前那 失踪的20个月的情况,我觉得我别无 选择,只有把他的情况告知给各国政府、议会、媒体和关心高智晟的人,以请求你们的帮助。

刚回到家的高智晟是这样的,他身高5 英尺10寸,他原本体重约175磅,但现体重只有137磅,走路深一脚、浅一脚,整个身体东摇西摆像是小儿麻痹病人;皮肤白的像鬼一样 没有一点血色;说话正口齿不清,反应迟钝.按儿子说法,爸爸应该向他学中文.他原本共有28颗牙(都是好牙)。

其中下牙12颗,上牙16颗。现下门牙6颗非常松 动,手可拔掉。上右侧最后两颗牙掉在监中,相邻一颗极度松动;左上侧5颗极度松动,手可拔掉。每当他躺下时,这12颗牙也躺在舌头上,一摇头牙齿也摇得叮 当响。这些牙神经都暴露出来,牙疼天天手捂腮帮子,只能吃婴儿食物。

在过去5年里,他一人关在黑暗封闭的房子里,每天一个馒头一碗菜(水煮白菜),吃馒头需用手掰碎送到嘴里。房子大小只有70平方尺,四周没有窗 户,没有任何通风及阳光,走两步脸就碰到墙,没有任何户外放风。

现在高智晟严重缺乏营养,血糖低,胆上有小囊肿等,健康状况十分令人忧虑。特别是独处黑屋达五年之久,已经部分丧失了语言能力,我妹妹说:他身体 需要2-3年的中药调理,语言能力也许1年才能恢复

尽管如此,他仍然对我们说:"我在里面的5年,家人为我的担惊受怕不次于我在里面,所以很内疚。"他说他很想陪陪家人,身体需要恢复,非常愿意 到美国来看牙医。但他同时说,在监狱时,警察曾对他说"想到美国是做梦,尤其美国政府让你去!"

请让我再回溯一下高智晟在被关进沙雅监狱前的所谓"缓刑期间",2006年12月22号----2011年12月22号,那五年,高智晟有6次以 上的强制失踪,其中最长一次失踪达二十个月。现在我才 知道,这二十个月中,他是被关押在某军队地下室。

他描述2007年7月遭受酷刑的《黑夜、黑头套、黑帮绑架》让人读来触目惊心、肝胆俱 裂,但失踪20个月期间所遭受的酷刑又超过2007年7月的那次

冬天时,屋子里没有暖气,他却只能穿着夏季衣服,心里数着数字从白天熬到晚 上,日复一日。从没有恐惧过冬天的他,现在很惧怕冷。

这是一个国家对一个个人的迫害,我个人根本无能为力,因此我只能继续请求媒体的关注和报道,更需要以美国为代表的国际社会能发出正义的声音, 这样才能对我的丈夫提供实质性的帮助。


然而他对个案的帮助毕竟无力改变整个制度,乃至遭到当局的威胁。自2005年起,高智晟的情况发生了根本性的变化,因为他开始为受迫害的基督 徒、法轮功及其它受迫害团体办案,中国当局也公开对他进行打压和迫害,

政府关闭了他的律师事务所,吊销了他的律师执照,2006年8月,警方 非法绑架他,并2006年12月22日,以"煽动颠覆国家政权罪"給高智晟判刑三年,缓刑五年。就在缓刑到期的前四天,中共新华社对外报道: "未来三年高智晟在监狱"

缓刑五年。就在缓刑到期的前四天,中共新华社对外报道: "未来三年高智晟在监狱"。并在2011年底秘密地把高智晟律师转移到异常边远的新疆阿克苏地区沙雅县监狱关押,在这期间,家人只允许探视他两次,每次 30分钟。其实,监狱通知只有15分钟探视时间,遭高晟晟拒绝,

至于中共对我和孩子造成的巨大的精神及心理创伤,和我们千辛万苦、九死一生的逃亡之路以及最初在美国所经历的艰难,与高智晟的遭遇相比已经微 不足道。

高智晟,一位在国际、国内都有很高知名度的律师,所经受的迫害是中国普遍存在的人权状况的缩影。因此今天我在这里,殷切希望奥巴马总统和 Kerry国务卿能公开表达对高智晟的关切

这是美国支持中国人权的最坦率、直接的方式。你们的声音不仅会给身处苦难中的高智晟以光明和鼓 舞,也会给国内那些渴望自由和人权的中国人民以光明和鼓舞。

高智晟本人,我们全家急切需要从人道主义出发,帮助他到美国看牙病。 致衷心的感谢!谢谢大家!

耿和 9.8.2014·

世界人权宣言抄写 将留言和手抄纸张的图片用电邮发送到 udhr1948.chaoxie@blogger.com 即可张贴到 http://udhrhw.blogspot.com ,或发送到 udhr1948+chaoxie@gmail.com 由管理员转发至两个博客。建议在邮件标题中写明你想公布的网络身份(如推特、微博帐号,电邮地址等)、昵称或姓名、以便于避免重复搜集发 布。


如何对待诽谤歪曲文章 言论自由的迷思

看这里,https://twitter.com/hawkyeee/status/508181559669571584 明镜、多维被认为是共匪特务网站,是有原因的。呵呵


应该捍卫五毛狗司马南的言论自由吗?  http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2012/03/blog-post_19.html
五毛有言论的自由吗?  http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2011/11/blog-post_4763.html
如果不能保障坏人的合法权利,就不能保护好人的合法权利 http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2012/03/blog-post_31.html
建立国保档案,公布五毛狗住址电话是侵犯鸨子和五毛狗的隐私权吗?  http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2013/03/blog-post_6882.html

慕容雪村 @hawkyeee 2014-09-06 09:15:00 UTC
在这一波抹黑我的行动中,明镜网和多维网也贡献了自己的力量。多维已经懒得说了,请教明镜网的编辑,你们在推送之前,需不需要核实文章的内容? 《慕容雪村现形记》这种文章,你们需不需要跟我本人查证一下?如果不需任何核查就可当成事实传播,可否请你们改叫"明镜造谣网"?

贝带劲 @beidaijin 2014-09-06 09:20:16 UTC
"@hawkyeee: 在这一波抹黑我的行动中,明镜网和多维网也贡献了自己的力量。多维已经懒得说了,请教明镜网的编辑,你们在推送之前,需不需要核实文章的内容?《慕容雪村 现形记》这种文章,你们需不需要跟我本人查证一下?如果不需任何核查就可当成事实传播,可否请你们改叫"明镜造谣网"?

无涯书生 @omaidb 2014-09-06 09:22:27 UTC
@beidaijin @hawkyeee 慕容,我支持你,我想问问你的新书(骗子世家)什么时候出版啊

慢有引力 @manyouyinli 2014-09-06 10:33:38 UTC
@hawkyeee 如果失實報導,可以在紐約法院提起對他們的誹謗訴訟。

Bigisland @bigislandwa 2014-09-06 11:38:46 UTC
@hawkyeee 大侠跑这里来了?! 哈哈哈

zhang3 @idzhang3 2014-09-06 11:48:32 UTC
@hawkyeee 多维本来就是中国依法领导下的中国网站,歌颂习大大的报道环球时报都专题转载。明镜那篇文章是明镜博客上的博文而不是新闻报道,但如果明镜官方推送了,自 然逃不了责任。

与 @meet_world 2014-09-06 12:13:20 UTC
@hawkyeee 支持慕容,喜欢你的文字,那个社会本来就脏,你只是真实勇敢的反应了现实

慕容雪村 @hawkyeee 2014-09-06 12:14:37 UTC
@idzhang3 明镜新闻网确实是官方发推,在此时加入五毛大合唱,不知道是否也跟中共穿了一条裤子。@MingJingNews

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 13:13:58 UTC
@hawkyeee @idzhang3 抱歉。我們馬上查對。可能疏忽造成。

北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen) @wenyunchao 2014-09-06 13:20:00 UTC
@MingJingNews @hawkyeee @idzhang3 上次也推荐过抹黑我及其他异议人士的一篇博客,你们再用疏忽作借口,恐怕说不过去。

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 13:23:35 UTC
@hawkyeee @idzhang3 @MingJingNews: 我們未經審核,誤轉推了《慕容雪村现形记》,對慕容雪村先生表示道歉!我們獲知錯誤之後,即取消了轉推。此錯誤責任全在明鏡新聞網推特,我們深感羞恥,請 慕容雪村先生原諒。我們專業性不夠,請各位多加監督、指正!

大骨头 @zhangdgt 2014-09-06 13:35:18 UTC
本来就是明镜造谣网~RT @hawkyeee: 在这一波抹黑我的行动中,明镜网和多维网也贡献了自己的力量。多维已经懒得说了,请教明镜网的编辑,你们在推送之前,需不需要核实文章的内容?《慕容雪村 现形记》这种………如果不需任何核查就可当成事实传播,可否请你们改叫"明镜造谣网"?

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 13:40:04 UTC
@wenyunchao @hawkyeee @idzhang3 @MingJingNews: 明鏡新聞網推持應當表現出專業性,我們毫無疑問應為我們所有犯下錯誤承擔責任。如我們有犯下錯誤,請批評指出,可以到紐約法院起訴我們。

北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen) @wenyunchao 2014-09-06 13:40:51 UTC
@MingJingNews @hawkyeee @idzhang3 说这样的话很有意思么?

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 13:50:52 UTC
@wenyunchao @hawkyeee @idzhang3 北風先生,我們是誠懇的表達我們的歉意,也願意為此承擔應為責任。請賜教,我們剛剛的道歉有什麼新的錯誤?

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 13:51:42 UTC
@hawkyeee 我們已經將慕容雪村先生和各位推友對明鏡推特的批評,以及我們的道歉,發在明鏡推特上。明鏡的一切行為,應當以專業為標準。即使我們只是轉推,也應當承擔 應有責任。我們毫不懷疑,明鏡每時每刻都有失誤,除了提升我們的專業性,更請大家隨時賜教、指正。

北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen) @wenyunchao 2014-09-06 13:53:55 UTC
@MingJingNews @hawkyeee 抹黑文章还在你们网站上。

明鏡新聞網:中國正變 @MingJingNews 2014-09-06 14:01:10 UTC
@wenyunchao @hawkyeee 我們記得當時就取消了轉推。但博客上的文章,我們一般不能取消。

北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen) @wenyunchao 2014-09-06 14:05:15 UTC
@MingJingNews @hawkyeee 你们自己看着办。

lihlii @lihlii 2014-09-09 13:10:42 UTC
即便可以证实是捏造也不能取消吗?这种错谬的媒体思路会将你们带进共匪五毛狗大本营的深渊,如同罗永浩的那个"牛博网"最后完全堕落为共匪的五毛 狗巢穴。;) @MingJingNews @wenyunchao @hawkyeee @suyutong

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