周六、周日上午,下周二19:45 荷兰海牙 "Movies that Matter 重要的电影"电影节在 Filmhuis Spui 上映 @awwneversorry 制作的 @aiww 纪录片。周二还有票可网上购买 http://goo.gl/eBFWG @aliklay 现场讨论 http://goo.gl/12JFc
aliklay @aliklay
RT @aiww RT @AWWNeverSorry: "道歉你妹"是加拿大Hot Docs国际纪录片电影节开幕影片 @hotdocs 4月26日就在多伦多! http://ow.ly/9LFuP
aliklay @aliklay
I'll be there soon! RT @Roenja: Ai Weiwei at Damrak, Amsterdam @aiww @aliklay http://instagr.am/p/IaU2Hryxhe/

Ragna van Doorn @Roenja
At 1st screening of @aiww never sorry in Holland. Thanks @aliklay ! http://pic.twitter.com/yhXa4PAZ

Ai Weiwei Film @AWWNeverSorry
1st Netherlands screening at Movies That Matter. Happy that @Roenja from @aiww studio is here, w/ her mom! #NeverSorry http://pic.twitter.com/AnymMO9l
Ai Weiwei Film @AWWNeverSorry
RT @hotdocs: Did u catch @aiww on @CBCRadioQ? http://ow.ly/9OOLo. Also @CBC 's coverage of #NeverSorry: http://ow.ly/9NxSw
Ai Weiwei Film @AWWNeverSorry
Thx so much! RT @a_chung: ¢hung ¢hange: POST - WATCH | SUPPORT: @AWWNeverSorry doc trailer | http://bit.ly/GDIbiv #art #politics @aiww
Ai Weiwei Film @AWWNeverSorry
RT @moviesmatter: nice article about @aiww in Dutch paper Trouw, new film @AWWNeverSorry screens this wknd. http://twitpic.com/8z4jbj

荷兰报纸《Trouw 忠诚报》报道艾未未,标题"艾未未是中国的希望"。
Home > English > Festival > Programme > Film Engels: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Alison Klayman
Festival selections :
A Matter of ACT, Good Pitch
The screening on Saturday, March 24th is sold out.
Saturday, March 24, 2012 - 10:30
Theater aan het Spui 1, The Hague
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 11:00
Filmhuis Den Haag zaal 1
Monday, March 26, 2012 - 20:00
Filmfoyer, Tilburg
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 19:45
Theater aan het Spui 1, The Hague
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry – Q&A with Alison Klayman
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 11:00
Garrie van Pinxteren interviews director Alison Klayman
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry - Debate
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 19:45
Debate about the impact of Ai Weiwei's work with director Alison Klayman, journalist Floris-Jan van Luyn and Chinese artist Mona Zhimin Tang, chaired by Andrew Makking.
Human rights
freedom of opinion, association etc.
arts & literature
prison & detention
politics & democracy
Alison Klayman
A personal portrait of Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei, who gained international acclaim for his ambitious postmodern works of art and his political provocations. Never Sorry follows three tumultuous years of his life. Ai Weiwei is China's most prominent modern artist and an outspoken critic of the government. The film highlights the unique mix of art and activism with which the artist continuously argues in favour of freedom of expression, independent media and more transparency, thereby putting his life in jeopardy.
From 2008 to 2011, American filmmaker Alison Klayman followed the artist who designed the Olympic Stadium in Beijing ('the bird's nest') in both his professional and personal life. From his mediatised conflicts with the Chinese government to the year in which Weiwei's Shanghai studio is demolished and he is thrown in prison. Never Sorry highlights preparations for large museum exhibitions, intimate family meetings and his deteriorating relations with the Chinese authorities. Ai's mother is proud of her son. 'Yet I believe it would be better if he confined himself to art,' she adds.
Until June 24th , the De Pont museum in Tilburg (the Netherlands) will present an overview of Ai Weiwei's work, and the GEMAK arts centre in The Hague will highlight Ai Weiwei's artivism during the festival period.
United States 2011, 90 min.
Documentary, Video, C
Spoken language: English, Mandarin
Subtitles: English
Official website: http://www.aiweiweifilm.org
Winner of the U.S. Documentary Special Jury Prize for Spirit of Defiance - Sundance Film Festival 2012
MUSE Film and Television
+1 212.688.8280
World sales:
Independent Film Company
+44 2072578734
Talkshows en debatten EN: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry – Q&A with Alison Klayman
Spoken language: Engels
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 11:00 h
Filmhuis Den Haag zaal 1
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Garrie van Pinxteren interviews director Alison Klayman
After graduating with a degree in Chinese, Garrie van Pinxteren worked as a translator and interpreter. She spent the past eight years living in China, where she worked as a correspondent for NRC Handelsblad, NOS, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, and VRT. She is currently working for the NOS Journaal news bulletin.
Talkshows en debatten EN: Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry - Debate
Spoken language: Engels
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 19:45 h
Theater aan het Spui 1, The Hague
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
Debate with director Alison Klayman, the Chinese artist Mona Zhimin Tang and journalist Floris-Jan van Luyn, chaired by Andrew Makkinga. The debate will be about the significance of Ai Weiwei's 'artivism', the role and place of the artist in China and the relationship between art and social activism.
Andrew Makkinga was born in Kampala, Uganda in 1982 and moved to the Netherlands at the age of 9. He ended up living in Groningen, where he took various courses with local broadcasting companies during secondary school and arranged an internship in England to gain experience. He combined his political science degree with a regular spot on the panel of the talk show 'Het Lagerhuis' and presented the NPS television show 'De Battle', in which MCs take each other on in verbal battles. He is currently presenting TV shows on the NPS digital theme channel Cultura.
Movies that matter can not only be seen at the festival in The Hague. Each year our media partner VARA will be screening impressive feature films and documentaries on television and on the Internet during the festival week.
From March 8th tickets for the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague(22-28 March) can be purchased online online. Tickets can be bought en reserverd through: www.filmhuisdenhaag.nl
or at our festivallocations Filmhuis Den Haag en Theater aan het Spui.
Reserved tickets must be picked up from the Filmhuis or Theater aan het Spui no later than 30 minutes before the start of the scheduled programme.
Filmhuis Den Haag, Theater aan het Spui, Het Nutshuis
Film admission | € 8,50 |
Discount price* | € 7,= |
Multi-film ticket for 5 films** | € 32,50 |
Party on Sat 24 March | € 5,= (or full festival ticket) |
Catalogue | € 5,= |
* When you show one of the following discount cards: CJP / Student ID card / 65+ card / Ooievaarspas / UIT-pas / vrienden van Filmhuis Den Haag card
** Multi-film tickets can be purchased at Filmhuis Den Haag and
Theater aan het Spui. A multi-film ticket offers a combined discount, but does not guarantee admission to any one film; you still need to pick up individual admission tickets. Reserving your seats is still recommended.
Members of the Public Library of The Hague get a second ticket for free when showing their membership card. This offer is only applicable for regular screenings.
Spui 191, The Hague
070 - 365 60 30
Mon-Fri 1.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Sat 2.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Sun 12.00 pm - 10.00 pm
During the Movies that Matter Festival
Thursday 22 March | 12.30 pm - 10.30 pm |
Friday 23 March | 11.30 am - 10.30 pm |
Saturday 24 March | 10.45 am - 10.30 pm |
Sunday 25 March | 10.00 am - 10.30 pm |
Monday 26 March | 12.30 pm - 10.30 pm |
Tuesday 27 March | 12.30 pm - 10.30 pm |
Wednesday 28 March | 12.30 pm - 10.30 pm |
Spui 187, The Hague
070 - 346 52 72
Presale (10 March - 23 March)
Tue-Fri 12.00 - 5.00 pm (or until the last show starts)
Sat-Mon starting from 2 hours before the first show starts
During the Movies that Matter Festival
Thursday 22 March | 2.00 pm - 8.00 pm |
Friday 23 March | 1.00 pm - 10.00 pm |
Saturday 24 March | 09.30 am - 11.30 pm |
Sunday 25 March | 10.30 am - 09.30 pm |
Monday 26 March | 12.00 pm - 08.00 pm |
Tuesday 27 March | 2.00 pm - 10.00 pm |
Wednesday 28 March | 2.00 pm - 10.00 pm |
Het Nutshuis
Riviervismarkt 5, The Hague
Tickets for scheduled events in Het Nutshuis can also be purchased at Filmhuis Den Haag and Theater aan het Spui. From 2 hours before the film starts, tickets for films shown here will only be available for pick-up and purchase at Het Nuthuis itself.
Public transport:
'Spui-Stadhuis' stop, bus no. 5, 22, 24 and N5 / tram no. 1, 9, 15 and 16'Spui' stop (in the tram tunnel) tram no. 2, 3 and 6
'Centraal Station' and 'Holland Spoor' train stations are within approximately 10 minutes walking distance of the screening locations.
Speciaal programma
Regie: Alison Klayman
Herkomst: VS
Jaar: 2011
Een persoonlijk verslag over de luis in de pels van de Chinese staat. Vermaard om zijn ambitieuze postmoderne kunstwerken en politieke provocaties, verwierf kunstenaar en activist Ai Weiwei internationale bekendheid. Never Sorry volgt hem gedurende drie tumultueuze jaren uit zijn leven. Ai Weiwei is China's meest vooraanstaande hedendaagse kunstenaar en bovendien een uitgesproken criticus van het overheidsbeleid.
De film onderzoekt de unieke combinatie van kunst en activisme waarmee Weiwei, ondanks aanzienlijke risico's, onophoudelijk pleit voor vrijheid van meningsuiting, vrije onafhankelijke media en meer transparantie.
De Amerikaanse filmmaakster Alison Klayman volgde van 2008 tot 2011 zowel het professionele als persoonlijke leven van de ontwerper van het Chinese Olympisch stadion in Beijing ('het vogelnestje'). Van zijn publieke conflicten met de Chinese overheid tot het veelbewogen jaar waarin Weiwei's studio in Shanghai wordt gesloopt en hij in de gevangenis belandt. Never Sorry toont voorbereidingen van grote museale exposities, intieme familieontmoetingen en steeds heviger publieke aanvaringen met de Chinese autoriteiten. Ai's moeder is trots op haar zoon. 'Maar toch, misschien zou het beter zijn als hij zich beperkt tot kunst,' zegt ze.
Museum De Pont in Tilburg toont tot en met 24 juni werk van Ai Weiwei en tentoonstellingsruimte GEMAK in Den Haag biedt rond het festival een expositie over Ai Weiwei's artivism.
Genre: Documentaire, Film with English subtitles
Duur: 90 min.
Taal: Engels, Mandarijn
Ondertiteling: Engels
Weergave: kleur
Leeftijd: AL
zondag 25 maart 11.00 uur*
dinsdag 27 maart 19.45 uur
(* voorstelling is reeds begonnen, uitverkocht of geannuleerd)
ma 26 maart 2012 20.00 uur - movies that matter
wo 28 maart 2012 20.00 uur - movies that matter
wo 28 maart 2012 21.30 uur - movies that matter
Ai Weiwei - Never Sorry
Regie: Alison Klayman
Exclusief te zien in Tilburg en Den Haag. Een persoonlijk verslag over de luis in de pels van de Chinese staat. Vermaard om zijn ambitieuze postmoderne kunstwerken en politieke provocaties verwierf kunstenaar en activist Ai Weiwei internationale bekendheid. 'Never Sorry' volgt hem gedurende drie tumultueuze jaren uit zijn leven.
Ai Weiwei is China's meest vooraanstaande hedendaagse kunstenaar en bovendien een uitgesproken criticus van het overheidsbeleid. De film onderzoekt de unieke combinatie van kunst en activisme waarmee Weiwei, ondanks aanzienlijke risico's, onophoudelijk pleit voor vrijheid van meningsuiting, vrije onafhankelijke media en meer transparantie.
De Amerikaanse filmmaakster Alison Klayman volgde zowel het professionele als persoonlijke leven van de ontwerper van het Chinese Olympisch stadion ('het vogelnestje') van 2008 tot 2011. Van zijn publieke conflicten met de Chinese overheid tot het veelbewogen jaar waarin Weiwei's studio in Shanghai wordt gesloopt en hij in de gevangenis belandt. Never Sorry toont voorbereidingen van grote museale exposities, intieme familieontmoetingen en steeds hevigere publieke aanvaringen met de chinese autoriteiten. Ai's moeder is trots op haar zoon. "Maar toch, misschien zou het beter zijn als hij zich beperkt tot kunst", zegt ze.
Verdieping en discussie
Maandag 26 maart is een speciale gast aanwezig: Floris-Jan van Luyn is voormalig journalist. Hij was onder andere correspondent in China en tegenwoordig filmmaker van voornamelijk documentaires in China. De films in het Movies that Matter filmprogramma worden ingeleid en nabesproken onder leiding van Mark Diebels, van de werkgroep Amnesty Tilburg.
Regie: Alison Klayman. VS 2011, 90 min. Engels ondertiteld.
Overige data | |
wo 28 mrt 2012 20.00 uur | Bekijk |
wo 28 mrt 2012 21.30 uur | Bekijk |
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met FilmfoyerPas € 6,-
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Alison Klayman's 'Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry' to Open Hot Docs
8:26 AM PDT 3/20/2012 by Etan Vlessing
The portrait of the Chinese dissident was one of 189 documentaries from a record 51 countries unveiled by Toronto fest organizers ahead of their April 26 to May 6 edition.
TORONTO - U.S. filmmaker Alison Klayman's documentary Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry is to open the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival on April 26, organizers said Tuesday.
The portrait of the international Chinese artist and political dissident has already been picked up by IFC Films' Sundance Selects label for a summer 2012 theatrical release after its bow at Sundance 2012.
There was no word on whether Weiwei will attend the Special Presentations gala screening in Toronto as the iconic artist plans his first trip outside of China since his detention.
Other Hot Doc titles direct from Sundance that were unveiled Tuesday include Bart Layton's The Imposter, about the disappearance of a young Texan boy, James Swirsky andLisanne Pajot's Indie Game: The Movie, and Lauren Greenfield's The Queen of Versailles.
Greenfield's portrait of an Orlando couple building America's largest home was acquired at Sundance by Sony Classics and Magnolia Picture.
Hot Docs also booked Kevin Macdonald's Marley, about the late reggae giant Bob Marley,Christian Bonke and Andreas Koefoed's Ballroom Dancer, and Yung Chang's China Heavyweight, a portrait of a boxing coach training poor teens in rural China.
In all, 189 documentaries in 11 sidebars will unspool in Toronto from a record 51 countries.
In the competitive International Spectrum program, Toronto booked Bill Ross and Turner Ross'Tchoupitoulas, Ra'anan Alexandrowicz's The Law in These Parts, about the legal system in Israel's occupied territories, and Elizabeth Mims and Jason Tippet's Only The Young.
The World Showcase program is to screen Tiffany Sudela-Junker's My Name is Faith, Beth Murphy's The List, about an American's crusade for refuge for his Iraqi colleagues, Alessandro Comodin's Summer of Giacomo, and Peter Gerdehag's Women With Cows, the story of two sisters and their dozen cows.
Hot Docs also plans a spotlight on documentaries form southeastern Europe, including Lena Müller and Dragan von Petrovic's Dragan Wende – West Berlin, while the Next sidebar includesWill Lovelace and Dylan Southern's Shut Up and Play the Hits, about Soundsystem front-manJames Murphy, and Poull Brien's Charles Bradley: Soul of America, a film about a 62-year-old illiterate James Brown impersonator from Brooklyn.
The 19th edition of the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is set to run from April 26 to May 6 in Toronto.
Ai Weiwei film to open Toronto's Hot Docs festival
CBC News Posted: Mar 20, 2012 11:34 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 20, 2012 7:22 PM ET Read 1 comments1
An image from Ai Weiwei Never Sorry. The documentary about the Chinese dissident artist is to open Hot Docs in Toronto. (Hot Docs )
The Toronto-based Hot Docs festival will open with the Canadian premiere of Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry, a work about the outspoken Chinese artist and dissident.
Debut director Alison Klayman was awarded a special jury prize at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival for the profile, which shows how Ai has used art and his international influence as a means for change in China.
Programming director Charlotte Cook unveiled a slate of 189 titles for this year's Hot Docs, which is North America's largest documentary festival.
Ai's story is just one of many to focus on individuals who are standing up for what they believe and ways technology is driving change.
The artist who designed the Olympic Bird's Nest stadium and created the work Sunflower Seeds that debuted at the Tate in London is currently facing demands from Chinese authorities for $1.85 million US in "unpaid taxes."
A prolific blogger and user of social media, Ai was detained and held in secret for 81 days last year, and is now on a "conditional release."
He has been a prominent critic of Chinese policies, including the corruption that led to so many buildings collapsing during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Because of his international following, he has repeatedly embarrassed the Chinese government.
"We're focusing on people who are active for change and also technology... He embodies both of those — he's very active in social media. He's a catalyst for change from the viewpoint of human rights and art," Cook said at a press conference on Tuesday.
More Hot Docs
Indie Game: The Movie, a film by Winnipeg's James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot that made its debut at Sundance, is also on the bill. It follows a community of video game developers as they create and release their games into the world.
Other Canadian films on the schedule include:
- The Bastard Sings the Sweetest Song, by Christy Garland, a study of class struggle in Guyana told through the story of a mother and son.
- The Frog Princes by Omar Majeed and Ryan Mullins, the story of a developmentally challenged theatre group mounting an ambitious production.
- Herman's House, by Angad Singh Bhalla, a profile of Black Panther activist Herman Wallace.
- China Heavyweight, by Yung Chang, a look at a Chinese boxing coach.
- The Mystery of Mazo de la Roche, by Maya Gallus, a look at the mysterious life of the Canadian author of the Jalna series.
Kevin Macdonald, who directed Last King of Scotland, will be bring hisMarley, a biography of reggae singer Bob Marley. Danish filmmakers Christian Bonke and Andreas Koefoed have Ballroom Dancer, a look at a Latin ballroom champion's ambitious comeback plans.
Hot Docs also plans to focus on southeastern Europe in a series that includes docs about Serbs in Berlin during the 1970s and Moldovan women struggling to support their families.
The festival runs April 26 to May 6 at its new headquarters, the renovated Bloor Hot Docs Cinema in Toronto
WATCH | SUPPORT: 'ai weiwei: never sorry' documentary trailer 20mar12
Last year, I was ecstatic to visit LACMA for Ai Wei Wei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads sculptures, which I posted tons of pictures of on my Pisaca album.
This summer, I am excited to check out a documentary on the Chinese political dissident Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry by first-time director Alison Klayman. Celebrated (and despised) as China's "most famous international artist, and its most outspoken domestic critic," he is often referred to as "Ai God" to the Chinese or "Ai Fans." More info from the doc's official website:
Against a backdrop of strict censorship and an unresponsive legal system, Ai expresses himself and organizes people through art and social media. In response, Chinese authorities have shut down his blog, beat him up, bulldozed his newly built studio, and held him in secret detention.
AI WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY is the inside story of a dissident for the digital age who inspires global audiences and blurs the boundaries of art and politics. First-time director Alison Klayman gained unprecedented access to Ai while working as a journalist in China. Her detailed portrait provides a nuanced exploration of contemporary China and one of its most compelling public figures.
I don't know the exact date of when the doc will be made available in the states but it's slated for a summer 2012 theatrical release and currently making rounds at various film festivals. It was announced today that the documentary will open the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.
I love art and people who don't give a fu¢k. Combine those two and I am a fan. More specifically, people who are not afraid to speak up and go against the grain in the name of their country. People who reveal the truths in lies and refuse to be silenced by their oppressors.
I implore you to watch the video below and see what I'm talking about. And I hope you buy a movie ticket and head to the theaters when the film is made available in your city in support of Ai Weiwei's movement and struggle for freedom of speech.
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Website: http://www.aiweiweineversorry.com/index.html
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Twitter: @AWWNeverSorry
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Facebook fan page:https://www.facebook.com/awwneversorry
Ai Weiwei's Twitter: @aiww