straightbar 直八大人
想亲吻这个姑娘,只是在脸上,只一下。"@Manyingqi: so beautfiul^^@agaguk 不知道這MM叫啥 RT @agaguk #分享照片# 上海美女裡弄裡玩兒瓜子頂未未 @aiww ."
Samuel_Wang Samuel_Wang
MM好惹淫爱啊 RT @agaguk 不知道這MM叫啥 RT @agaguk #分享照片# Oh I see Red!: "Wei Wei Who?" 上海美女裡弄裡玩兒瓜子頂未未
kunshou 困兽
还有才。 RT: @lihlii: 超可爱的上海姑娘呀!"@kunshou: 更多图请看作者博客 Oh I see Red!: "Wei Wei Who?" -… RT @nothing_r: @aiww 这姑娘真美.

Nov 16, 2011
"Wei Wei Who?"
If you've been following the news lately, or are working in a creative industry, you cannot NOT know who Ai Weiwei is! He's a total headline grabber - on some days I'd walk into the office and my colleagues come up to me even before they say good morning and report to me that Ai Weiwei's in the news. Again. And that the Chinese authorities are after him. Again.
Weiwei was recently named Artview's most powerful person in the art world, and is also in TIME magazine's Top 100 people of 2011, which is why I was really surprised when friends back in Australia only gave a 'huh?' response when I rambled on about his recent issues with the Communist Party of China. And when I accused them for living under a rock, the response was, "'re becoming too Chinese...who knows what's going on there?!" SIGH! That seems to be what everyone's been telling me when I go on about stuff going on around here!
Now, if you're clueless about who he is, I'll be nice and tell you a bit about him. :)
Weiwei is an artist, photographer and curator, best known for designing the Beijing Olympics Bird's Nest Stadium, a collaboration with Swiss starchitects Herzog and DeMeuron. In the art world, he is highly respected but to the Chinese authorities, he means trouble. Through his works, Weiwei has spoken out about rights issues in China and criticized elitism and authority in the CPC.
One of his most controversial works, "Dropping the Urn", shows photos of Weiwei nonchalantly dropping a priceless Han Dynasty urn. I'm not sure how you'd intepret it, but when asked, Weiwei said he did this on a whim, 'to show how gravity works'. Whoa. An apple would've been cheaper. I can't help but wonder how he was like as a kid. His poor mother!

At first glance it doesn't look like much - but take a closer look and you might notice that these are not actual seeds; they are hand-painted replicas made of porcelain. Weiwei gathered 1,600 people to to individually hand-make one hundred million seeds, to speak about the mass-production, 'Made in China' phenomenon taking place today.
I was inspired last weekend to do a portrait of Weiwei. Initially the idea was to just do a small A4 sized portrait of him, but then I thought I'd bring my materials out to the little lanes of my longtang and do a portrait of him in public...what an attention-seeker, huh? But Ai Weiwei does that too! Oh, guess what medium I used? No, not paint - that's so BOH-RING! - I collected 100,000/7kgs of sunflower seeds, and this is what I did:

My curious neighbours came over to check out what I was up to!

...and more curious people gathered around! Eventually, someone said, 'Hey! That's that Beijing artist...Ai Weiwei!' WHEW! At least someone could tell!

Da Popo: "Hmm...he looks cross-eyed. I think you need to move that eyeball to the right."

"Yes, much better!"

Weiwei was recently named Artview's most powerful person in the art world, and is also in TIME magazine's Top 100 people of 2011, which is why I was really surprised when friends back in Australia only gave a 'huh?' response when I rambled on about his recent issues with the Communist Party of China. And when I accused them for living under a rock, the response was, "'re becoming too Chinese...who knows what's going on there?!" SIGH! That seems to be what everyone's been telling me when I go on about stuff going on around here!
Now, if you're clueless about who he is, I'll be nice and tell you a bit about him. :)
Weiwei is an artist, photographer and curator, best known for designing the Beijing Olympics Bird's Nest Stadium, a collaboration with Swiss starchitects Herzog and DeMeuron. In the art world, he is highly respected but to the Chinese authorities, he means trouble. Through his works, Weiwei has spoken out about rights issues in China and criticized elitism and authority in the CPC.

One of his most controversial works, "Dropping the Urn", shows photos of Weiwei nonchalantly dropping a priceless Han Dynasty urn. I'm not sure how you'd intepret it, but when asked, Weiwei said he did this on a whim, 'to show how gravity works'. Whoa. An apple would've been cheaper. I can't help but wonder how he was like as a kid. His poor mother!
Another famous piece by Weiwei was his installation in the Tate Museum in London in 2010, 'Sunflower Seeds'.

At first glance it doesn't look like much - but take a closer look and you might notice that these are not actual seeds; they are hand-painted replicas made of porcelain. Weiwei gathered 1,600 people to to individually hand-make one hundred million seeds, to speak about the mass-production, 'Made in China' phenomenon taking place today.
While I admire and applaud Weiwei's amazing talent, wit and courage to speak out against issues he is passionate about, my friends who have met and worked with him said that he's arrogant.

...and more curious people gathered around! Eventually, someone said, 'Hey! That's that Beijing artist...Ai Weiwei!' WHEW! At least someone could tell!

Da Popo: "Hmm...he looks cross-eyed. I think you need to move that eyeball to the right."

"Yes, much better!"

Mark my words, this dude's gonna be a Chinese icon in due time... I bet you'll see his face printed on mugs and t-shirts soon!
Meitzeu said...
I can't stop to say this!
You are freaking awesome with those talent within u!
November 16, 2011 11:41 PM
goingkookies said...
Seriously... you have a gift.. a talent and I can see you going places.
It would be awesome to see you taking your talent to a whole new level!!
Can't wait for your next project!
November 17, 2011 2:17 AM
Jason said...
wow ... just WOW.
November 17, 2011 11:47 AM
terri@adailyobsession said...
This post has been removed by the author.
November 17, 2011 11:47 AM
terri@adailyobsession said...
don't you think destroying a rare priceless vase is a terrible crime? but i guess tt's how he got attention
November 17, 2011 11:53 AM
Aaron said...
this is awesome :)
November 17, 2011 2:48 PM
Winston said...
BLOWN AWAY, Hong Yi!! All the photos in the post are absolutely stunning, seriously.........!
November 17, 2011 2:56 PM
Laura said...
Hi Yi! You're really talented!!
I like this art works you do, a lot!!
I like your thoughts!
November 17, 2011 6:15 PM
Agnes Y. said...
This is so creative! :D
November 18, 2011 8:23 AM
feijoa said...
Awesome! i admired your talent! - i am a Msian just relocated to Shanghai as well. Perhaps we can catch up one day :)
November 18, 2011 11:32 AM
Wow Hong Yi. That was amazing. Who care if it grabs attention. ha ha ha. Gifts should be shared with the world and I like your attitude of appreciating others with your little notes around town. really cool!!!!
November 18, 2011 1:35 PM
Pitot said...
speechlesss...- its amazing.. u are very very talented...
i admired you a lot Hong Yi...!!
November 18, 2011 2:28 PM
Gwenda said...
talented and gorgeous!!!
November 19, 2011 2:20 AM
emseck said...
great work hongyi! love your work! more of this pls!! :P
November 19, 2011 7:30 PM
Elaine Chung said...
It's an awesome piece of artwork you did over there. Great inspiration, brilliant ideas by Weiwei, he did the extreme to prove a point.
November 19, 2011 10:54 PM
Stephanie @ The Travelling Tastebuds said...
Hm... this fella hasn't made is WEI to the U.S. yet :)
November 20, 2011 5:09 AM
Nate @ House of Annie said...
(Came over from Terri's blog)
Very well done! I am impressed. Did you feed him to the birds later?
November 22, 2011 4:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Dropping by just to say how talented you are (very pretty too) and how I much I enjoy reading your blog. Two thumbs up!
November 23, 2011 12:18 AM